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Wish it was different, but this way it might stay more interesting.

These are excerpts from Kersten commentary.

Katherine can be found here at the Star Tribune:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

KK takes on who gets more political contributions

Here's a part of this article:


Few American political stereotypes are as durable as the myth that Republicans are the party of fat cats. You know -- the corporate tycoons and investment bankers who puff cigars in dark, paneled rooms as they bankroll elections for Big Business. Democrats, in the myth's telling, are Ordinary Joes -- lunch-bucket types who fight a lopsided, uphill battle against entrenched big-money interests.

Welcome to the real world, Minnesotans.

In the 2010 governor's race, it's Republican Tom Emmer -- an Ordinary Joe with seven kids to feed -- who's pounding the pavement for every $1,000 check he brings in. He and his team spend lots of time focusing on small donors -- the source, despite the myth, of a disproportionate amount of the Republican Party's cash.

But isn't Big Business pulling the strings for Emmer behind the scenes? Hardly. We saw that recently, when Target Corp. gave $150,000 to MN Forward -- a business-friendly PAC that supports Emmer against his three Democratic rivals, who have all vowed to raise taxes. Liberals and the media went berserk. As they tarred and feathered Target, their message was clear: Companies that support Republican efforts risk paying a big public-relations price.

Meanwhile, the three DFL candidates for governor have raised a cool $9 million for their campaigns -- a sum that dwarfs Emmer's $910,000. Two of those candidates, gazillionaires Matt Entenza and Mark Dayton, are financing their races from their own capacious pockets. Unlike Emmer, they don't have to eat rubber-chicken dinners at rinky-dink fundraisers. They just write gold-plated checks to themselves.

Entenza has loaned his campaign $4.7 million heading into Tuesday's DFL primary. The money comes courtesy of his wife's fortune, made in the health care industry.

But the 800-pound gorilla in the governor's race is Mark Dayton, department store heir and current front-runner. Dayton's wealth has enabled him to make running for public office a hobby for 30 years.

In 1982 he dropped $6.7 million on a failed U.S. Senate campaign. In 1998, the figure was $2.1 million for an unsuccessful governor's bid. In 2000, he spent a whopping $12 million to become a U.S. senator. In the current campaign, so far, the sum is $3.3 million. All told, that's a jaw-dropping $24 million of Dayton dough.

Dayton's own resources are augmented by donations to DFL interests from his megarich family. In this election cycle, the family -- his son, aunt, cousin and ex-wife-- have poured $851,000 into two DFL political action committees: Win Minnesota and the 2010 Fund. That's almost as much as Emmer has raised in his entire campaign.

The biggest family donor is Alida Messinger, Dayton's ex-wife. (Must have been a friendly breakup!) She's contributed an eye-popping $550,000 to the two PACS.

The source of Messinger's money? She's the great-granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller -- founder of Standard Oil -- who nearly monopolized the American oil business in the late 1800s and died with a fortune valued at $670 billion in current dollars.

Wait. Isn't it Republicans who are supposed to be in the pocket of Big Oil?

The DFL's bottomless well of cash has another source: Big Labor. Since 2009, Minnesota's three largest public-employee labor unions have spent $750,000 on the DFL agenda -- five times as much as the Target gift to MN Forward that so incensed liberals.

What does this flood of money make possible? Among other things, an endless barrage of anti-Emmer TV ads. They're being underwritten -- to the tune of $685,000 so far -- by a PAC called Alliance for a Better Minnesota. Where does its money come from? Win Minnesota and the 2010 Fund -- the Dayton family piggybanks -- are major sources, having funneled it $1.6 million in this election cycle.

This clever arrangement is handy for Mark Dayton. It means his own campaign can claim the high ground, with feel-good TV ads about Dayton's concern for little folks. Meanwhile, Dayton's family helps fund a second-track, below-the-radar blitz of anti-Emmer attack ads.

For years, liberals and the media have fulminated about "too much money" in politics, and have called loudly for campaign finance reform. This year, however, they're happy to watch as superrich DFLers bulldoze their way through Minnesota's political landscape. If the situation were reversed -- if Emmer were the free-spending millionaire -- I suspect we'd see indignant headlines every week.

The Democratic money machine may succeed in buying the governor's mansion for Dayton -- whom Time magazine named as one of the five worst senators in 2005.

Then again, maybe not. In 2009, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey -- a fiscal conservative and scourge of public-employee unions -- surged to victory after being outspent three to one by his multimillionaire Democratic opponent."


  1. KK fails to mention the real balance of public money in this state .. here's a look.

  2. I saw this comment ... it made me chuckle.

    "Huh? Rich republicans have never bankrolled their own campaigns? I read through Kersten's piece but have yet to find her point. In fact, there really isn't one, save for her rather "volkish" insinuation that Tom Emmer - an Ordinary Joe with seven kids to feed, pounding the pavement for every thousand dollar contribution check - is the true man of the people (at least compared to the rich democrats.) Ah yes, plucky little Tom, he'll show 'em! But who'd of guessed Emmer's campaign was the remake of a Mary Pickford movie?"

  3. You might not like Emmer personally Greg, but he's not anti-business like the three DFL clowns. Emmer won't chase businesses out of Minnesota like the Entenza/Kelliher/Dayton would.

  4. "You might not like Emmer personally Greg, but he's not anti-business like the three DFL clowns. Emmer won't chase businesses out of Minnesota like the Entenza/Kelliher/Dayton would. "

    He's worse than pawlenty ever dreamed of being and follows the same crap wagon swallwoing whole the rhetoric it tosses ....

    just like Bachmann.

    Did you bother to read the link about Horner?

  5. And D2, it's nothing personal with Emmer .. it's just that his message presents him as a tool.

  6. "Did you bother to read the link about Horner?"

    Even if Horner has some good ideas, I wouldn't waste my vote on him. It's very important that none of the three radical socialist democrats become Governor, and Emmer is the only logical choice.

  7. "Even if Horner has some good ideas, I wouldn't waste my vote on him."

    There's no such thing as a wasted vote.

    "...and Emmer is the only logical choice."

    Emmer is not logical at all. He's following the same crap wagon as Bachmann which is not the answer.

    We need to produce something and ensure those who work to produce have money to purchase. This is NOT just about 'business', it's about our economy which is not one-sided.

  8. "There's no such thing as a wasted vote."

    Hopefully Horner won't take votes from Emmer or we could end up with a socialist Governor. Luckily the democrats will lose big in November.

  9. Emmer will accomplish about as much as Bachmann .. nothing .. except making our state look like a bunch of idiots.

  10. It's hard for Bachmann to get any common sense legislation passed with radical socialist democrats controlling everything and taking this country down the toilet. The best she can do is vote against Obamunistic policies.

  11. "It's hard for Bachmann to get any common sense"

    If you'd stop right there you'd be exactly right. It's also the reason she will never get anything passed she authors. The woman presents herself as a nutcase and is constantly caught lying.

  12. This is funny ..

  13. Huh? Don't we all know someone from here?

  14. KK tried to get it right but she just couldn't get over her team affiliation.

    She's correct that the Dem's are not the party of the "ordinary Joe's" and are funded by "fat cat's"

    But it's no myth the Republican's are too.

    It will be really interesting if Dayton is the nominee. By his own plan he may not qualify as one of the rich that need to pay there fair share.

  15. Ya know .. this whole mosque thing by ground zero ..

    Has anyone realized that by denying the right to build it there .. they're actually admitting defeat to those who wish to harm us?

    Don't let them win.

  16. It's not about denying them the right to build.

    It's like this..

  17. Okay .. THAT was funny.

    On the other hand, remember being in the bar and there was always that one guy you did NOT want to be compared to ..

  18. If I go to a Bar, I usually don't remember anything!!!

  19. If that's the case, do not go to a bar with D2 ... he'd most likely do something you wouldn't like.

  20. Well that will never happen!

    Heard a good line on the Mosque issue today.

    That fact that they are allowed to build a Mosque 2 blocks from ground zero tells you all you need to know about America.

    The fact that their building it there tells you all you need to know about the people building it.

  21. That's a good point .. seriously.

    Did you see this also?

  22. That's great!

    Unfortunately D2lusional people are everywhere!!

  23. D2lusional ..


  24. More about the congressperson from the 6th ..



    FALSE ...

    Key words to remember about MB.

  25. Key words to remember about MB.

    Dude, it's not like her or her party have a monopoly on that kind of behavior.

  26. "More about the congressperson from the 6th .."

    Liberals go out of their way to attack women and minorities who have the balls to be conservative. Black consevative women are especially discriminated against by the liberal left unfortunately.

  27. "Dude, it's not like her or her party have a monopoly on that kind of behavior."

    I won't disagree .. but I will say MB is more advanced at misinformation campaigns then her colleagues.

  28. "Liberals go out of their way to attack women and minorities who have the balls to be conservative"

    D2, she's not a conservative, but she is a con.

    Now why is it that anyone who calls her on her shit is a liberal? Is it a bad thing when someone is called out on their rhetoric and shown to be providing misinformation in order to get elected to represent the people of our country?

    MB has been proven time and again to be an extremist who will outright lie to promote herself. If she can't get elected telling the truth, then why would you want to vote for her? Most politicians will stretch the truth D2, but MB gets caught lying quite often .... too often.

  29. The only thing I've heard about Michele Bachmann lying is liberals lying about her lying.

    In any case, she counters the radical socialist agenda of the lunatic left which most Americans are against such as ObamaCare, Open Borders and Amesty for Illegal Aliens, Economy Killing Cap & Tax, Bailouts, Tax Increases, and Expanded Government. We need more people like Michele Bachmann in Washington to help stop us from turning into a Third World Toilet.

  30. "The only thing I've heard about Michele Bachmann lying is liberals lying about her lying. "

    In other words, you'll ignore the lies in order to further more lies.

    Exactly what our country doesn't need.

    You may think her platform is worthy, but how can it be if her platform is built on lies?

  31. Greg,

    Michele Bachmann would have to be pretty bad for anyone to vote for the DFL alternative who would be a rubber stamp for Obama's failed socialist policies. There is NO WAY the conservative voters in the 6th will for for more radical Obamunism.

  32. People ARE getting fed up with her trying to get attention by lying and/or making idiotic comments on national television.

    There's still some hardcores like yourself D2, but folks are getting sick of it. A couple times was okay, maybe even funny. Now it's looking more and more like she's just looking for attention by saying stupid things...

    which turn out to be lies.

  33. I'm not aware of any lies by Michele Bachmann.

    Let's face it, liberals can't stand it when women or minorities are conservative, so they attack. Again, Michele would have to be pretty awful for the voters of the 6th to choose an Obama socialist over her, that's not going to happen.

  34. I gave you numerous links including this one showing some of her lies and misleading statements .. but here's one again.

  35. Greg,

    Why don't you post liberal viewpoints from the Star Democrat Tribune editoral page as well?

    Pat Kessler never called Michele a liar, he called her ads misleading, which liberal democrat politicians do more than anyone.

  36. "Pat Kessler never called Michele a liar, he called her ads misleading, which liberal democrat do more than anyone. "

    And he called it FALSE .. which is the opposite of true .. which means ..

    it's a lie D2.

    D2, time and time again you've been shown that MB lies and misleads people yet you continue to avoid that fact and try to misdirect.

    This is the problem with our politicians and more importantly their constituents ....

    we don't demand they tell us the truth.

  37. Greg,

    Kesler's liberal opinion is that the Porkulous Bill produced jobs, but government union jobs which produce no wealth but raise taxes shouldn't be included in that, so I side with Bachmann on her statement. The Porkulous spending did more to harm the economy than help it, and Backmann is right on this. She did NOT lie.

    It's funny how you attack liberals in their political ads who are the REAL liars.

  38. And Greg, no matter how desperate you liberals become in digging up dirt on Michele, the intelligent conservative voters of the 6th will NEVER vote for Tarryl Clark (DFL) who would be a rubber stamp for more of Obama's radical policies which are obviously hurting America. She has already stated that she would have voted YES on ObamaCare against the will of the American people.

    Give it up Greg!

  39. D2, she lied .. she said things that were NOT true. It's a lie plain and simple.

    It's funny how extremists will go to any length to justify lying ...

    when there is no justifying to it.

    Is that the kind of example this country needs?

  40. "...the intelligent conservative voters.."

    You mean republicans who will not vote for MB because they realize she's an extremist not interested in the truth?

  41. "D2, she lied .. she said things that were NOT true. It's a lie plain and simple."

    No she didn't Greg.

    Now the real liars are the democrats who keep blaming Bush for the problems they themselves created. Even Maxine Waters (LIB DEM-CA) is blaming Bush for being brought up on charges by a democrat controlled ethics committee. That woman is almost as insane as liberal democrat Mark Dayton!

  42. "Kesler's liberal opinion ..."

    But it's not an opinion D2, it's fact based on real numbers.

    MB is lying .. again.

    I'm not in the 6th, but I get this feeling that people aren't falling for her lies anymore. I know life-long republicans from that district that are fed up. She's done nothing but look like a nutcase.

  43. "You mean republicans who will not vote for MB because they realize she's an extremist not interested in the truth?"

    Common sense people from any party will vote for Michele Bachmann if they want this country to pull out of this severe Obama recession.


  45. "Common sense people from any party will vote for Michele Bachmann if they want this country to pull out of this severe Obama recession. "

    People with common sense ignore Bachmann since she's a known and proven liar.


  47. Greg, I'm not going to watch your liberally biased youtubes. I know for a fact however that democrat party candidates are doing the exact thing you are accusing Michele Bachmann of doing, only worse.

  48. So can you show me some of Clark or Andersons lies?

    Those you tube videos just display MB lying


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