It's an open secret that American journalists lean to the left. For 40 years, surveys have found that self-described liberals in the media outnumber conservatives by as much as five to one.
President Obama's rise to power has supercharged journalists' liberal inclinations. Going into the 2008 election, Slate -- an online, Washington Post-owned news magazine -- was the only media organization that actually polled its staff, to my knowledge. Obama won by a landslide: 96 percent. At the Post itself, omsbudsman Deborah Howell acknowledged after the election that she had voted for Obama, along with "most Post journalists." In August 2008, she reported that the Post had given Obama front-page coverage three times more often than McCain -- a "disparity ... so wide," she admitted, "that it doesn't look good."
During the 2008 campaign, the American people sensed that the media were in Obama's corner. In July 2008, a Rasmussen survey found that more than three times as many likely voters "believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage" rather than McCain. A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll found that almost 70 percent of Americans believed "most members of the media" wanted Obama to win.
Now we have new revelations of media bias -- perhaps the most dramatic yet -- with the release of e-mails from Journolist, an invitation-only listserv founded in 2007 by Washington Post staffer Ezra Klein. Journolist members included about 400 journalists, editors, bloggers, magazine writers, academics and policy wonks -- among them dozens of straight-news reporters from organizations such as Time, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, Reuters, the Economist, Politico, PBS and a large NPR affiliateRecently, a website called the Daily Caller obtained Journolist's e-mail archives. The e-mails resoundingly confirm the public's image of liberal journalists as cheerleaders for the Democratic Party, and especially for Obama. At Journolist, news reporters collaborated with open partisans to craft talking points to champion Obama and his agenda.
In September 2008, for example, when McCain named Sarah Palin as his running mate, Journolist participants strategized about how to poison Palin's candidacy.
Daniel Levy of the Century Foundation wrote that Obama's "non-official campaign" would need to mount a coordinated attack. "This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn't say -- very hard-hitting stuff ... scare people about having this ... right-wing Christian wing-nut a heartbeat away." He exhorted fellow J-listers to "bang away at McCain's age."
Time's Joe Klein linked to his own article on Palin -- partly drawn, he said, from Journolist brainstorming. "Here's my attempt to incorporate the accumulated wisdom of this august list-serve community," he wrote, calling Palin's ideology "militant."
In April 2008, when ABC News raised the issue of Obama's 20-year relationship with antiwhite radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, many J-listers immediately sensed a threat to an Obama victory. They urged their compatriots to bury the story and to attack any journalist who might consider covering it.
"What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left," exhorted Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent. He advocated racial smears: "Take one of them -- Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares -- and call them racists. ... This makes them 'sputter' with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction."
Many J-listers routinely flaunted their political biases. David Weigel -- a blogger who covered conservative politics for the Washington Post -- maligned conservatives as racists and "morons." After Rush Limbaugh was hospitalized, Weigel expressed a wish for his death. An NPR affiliate's news producer chimed in that Limbaugh's death would make her "laugh ... like a maniac."
Is Journolist a smoking gun that reveals a grand liberal media conspiracy? I don't think so. In my years as a journalist, I've concluded that bias is largely the product of the insular, cloistered world in which most media people move. When nearly everyone around you shares your worldview, groupthink is the inevitable result.
Media people, like the rest of us, also covet "insider" status -- they want to be part of the club. Often, that can mean snickering together at conservatives like Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin while treating a liberal icon like Keith Ellison with kid gloves."
I'm not falling for what she's trying to convey... nor do I fall for much of what is said on the tube. I don't like FOX and I don't like MSNBC. NPR on the other hand tends to provide some decent information.
ReplyDeleteI read this in the comments section of the strib... thought it was funny .. true and funny.
ReplyDelete"Bachmann and her supporters are anti American. Let's be honest, here is a congress person that rails against government paid health care but accepts it and uses it. She rails against government spending but accepts the $170,000+ per year in taxpayer funded salary and millions more for staff. This lunatic would actually have some credibility if she paid for her own healthcare and gave $120,000 of her wages back to the taxpayer. Bachmann has spent her entire life receiving taxpayer money to exist. First it was huge sums of money she received in using the foster care system for her kid farm, the kids were nothing more than slave labor for the farm, and she got hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government to do it. She also has accepted over $250,000 in farm crop subsidy payments on her farm from the government. Bachmann Spent five years as a lawyer for the U.S. Dept of revenue taking taxpaying citizens to court and prosecuting them for the IRS. Bachmann then sucked up state money as a state legislature for six years and now, now she is in the big money in another taxpayer funded job as a congressman where aside from her salary she gets millions in office support. Saying Bachmann is against big government is like saying Colonel Sanders is against chicken. She is a career politician and waster of taxpayer money. Just another big government spender."
On the other hand, I do hope that the congress person does get well.
From the Stillwater Gazette:
ReplyDelete"My family recently enjoyed the Stillwater Lumberjack Days Parade. As a former Air Force officer, I take pride in standing with my community as flags pass and wartime veterans are honored.
However, I was taken aback when U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann passed by riding atop a military vehicle with "U.S. Army" emblazoned on it. I think it was totally inappropriate, and it causes me to once again question her judgment. Furthermore, I question the authenticity of Representative Bachmann's care for military personnel and veterans.
In March 2007, Bachmann voted against a bill that increased veterans' health and mental health budgets while delivering funds to reduce the V.A. backlog. The bill passed despite her lack of support.
And when the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2010 came up for a vote, Bachmann was the only Minnesota representative who didn't show up to vote. Once again, the bill passed despite her indifference.
Bachmann also voted against an amendment to the G.I. Bill expansion, which designated payments to be made to fund the higher education of those who have served on active duty in the Armed Forces beginning on or after Sept. 11, 2001. This amendment, which greatly benefits our service members who have given so much, also passed without a vote from Bachmann.
She does not represent my best interests as a veteran. Nor do I believe that she represents the best interests of my husband, who is a current Air Force Reservist. It takes more than flag waving and photo ops on a military rig to prove that you stand up for military service members and veterans.
Anita C. Davis, Stillwater"
Some patriot that congress woman is huh?
what a stupid fuckajewea set up this hole is
ReplyDeletelonely at the bottom mullet boyeee
ReplyDeleteoh for christ sake do I have to type that ignorant code verification every time I post
ReplyDeleteawwwwwwww damit, i do.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea why you have to do that.
ReplyDeletebutt rammer shit shover
ReplyDeleteYou are far too impressed with being able to write whatever you want ...
ReplyDeleteI love it, the liberal media is exposed!.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised the Star Democrat Tribune allowed this to run.
how's it D2
ReplyDelete"I love it, the liberal media is exposed!."
ReplyDeleteMore like one more twisted slant on media favoring one side or the other ..
that only a lunatic would believe.
Watching this Favre saga is like watching D2 trying to decide if he's a male or female ...
ReplyDelete...of course the biggest difference is the D2 gig is continuous.
ReplyDeleteIn yet another blow to the reality in which d2 (but no one else) participates, today Judge Vaughn Walker found unconstitutional California's Proposition 8 (aka "Prop Hate"), the voter-approved referendum that overturned legalized same-sex marriage in California.
ReplyDeleteThe good judge found that Prop 8 violated both the equal protection and due process clauses of the federal constitution. The 136-page opinion can be read at
Meanwhile, Brian Brown (aka "Brainless Brian Brownsuit"), president of the anti-gay, curiously-named National Organization for Marriage; Maggie Gallagher (aka "Saggie," "Haggie," "Gaggie," "Slaggie" and "The Maggot," among others), president of the board of directors of NOM; and Lewis "Humpty Dumpty" Marinelli, a NOM website moderator, are all having cows and conniptions over Judge Walker's decision, which was announced during NOM's "Summer of Marriage 2010" tour. Read more about the dismal failure of NOM's tour at
Oh, and d2: Nyah nyah!!
Congratulations EBF ... or maybe this is a congrats to everyone whether they're hetero or homosexual.
ReplyDeleteI might be wrong, but this country was designed not only to follow the will of the people, but to insure the minority is also protected.
This is (more) very good news for America!!
ReplyDeleteWhere are you moving to D2?
d2 is moving? That's the best news yet for America!!
ReplyDeleteI figure it's only a year or two max before Gay marriage is legal nationwide. D2 will have to find somewhere he can live in peace with his prejudices.
ReplyDeleteSomalia comes to mind.
I'm thinking this will just force D2 to come to terms ..
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking this will just force D2 to come to terms ..
ReplyDeleteI see you're still not fully recovered from the stroke.
Or did hell freeze over?
ReplyDeleteI see you're still not fully recovered from the stroke. "
This is true .. and I'm probably too optimistic .. about everything.
What to give D2's wife for her birthday ..
Greetings earthlings, and you too, dtroll. Glad to see you put this together here, Greg.
ReplyDeleteHi Monnty!
ReplyDeleteEvil, say it ain't so! You will really vote for an economy killing liberal democrat socialist for governor simply because they support gay marriage, is this true?
And I agree, thank you Greg for doing this.
Nice to be back! I was up north on vacation last week, not much access to the web.
"Evil, say it ain't so! You will really vote for an economy killing liberal democrat socialist for governor simply because they support gay marriage, is this true?"
ReplyDeleteThis guy isn't a democrat or a liberal or a conservative or a republican ..
"Nice to be back! I was up north on vacation last week, not much access to the web. "
During which time the number of lies on the web decreased ...
Liberal Greg,
ReplyDeleteLet fellow liberals answer on thier own.
We caught lots of fish just north of Grand Rapids.
ReplyDeleteFascist D2..
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't an answer it was a comment.
You should look closely at that candidates platform .. it's very common sense. You might understand it.
"You should look closely at that candidates platform "
ReplyDeleteYes. the the democrat socialists want to kill the economy by raising taxes. It has failed every time it's been tried.
You either didn't read it or you didn't understand it ..
ReplyDeleteD2, do you know what 'Independant' means?
Monty .. good to see you!
ReplyDelete"an economy killing liberal democrat socialist"
ReplyDeleteYou mean like Obama, d2? And just how are US businesses doing under someone you have many times described using the same terms quoted above?
"According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, corporate profits hit $1.37 trillion in the first quarter -- an all-time high. Businesses are sitting on about $2 trillion in cash reserves. And the Obama administration has cut taxes for small businesses and big ones alike.
Gee, highest quarterly corporate profits EVER. So I guess what this country needs is more "economy killing liberal democrat socialists" in office if we're ever to climb out of the neocon economic crater, eh d2?
Hey Monty .. we're on a new one. Look in August.