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Wish it was different, but this way it might stay more interesting.

These are excerpts from Kersten commentary.

Katherine can be found here at the Star Tribune:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

KK Takes on gay rights ... again

If it becomes the law of the land, expect wide-ranging consequences.

Here's some of the article:

"Is same-sex marriage just over the horizon in Minnesota? Many say yes. A suit to legalize it has been filed in Hennepin County, and a slew of bills on the subject were introduced in the last legislative session. All the Democratic candidates for governor -- along with Independent Tom Horner -- endorse gay marriage.

At the national level, a federal judge in Massachusetts recently ruled unconstitutional the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Any day now, a federal judge in California is expected to strike down Proposition 8, which was endorsed in 2008 by California voters and defined marriage as a male-female institution in the state's constitution.

Same-sex marriage supporters assure us that redefining marriage is no big deal. "How will my same-sex marriage hurt you?" they ask, expecting the answer to be "it doesn't."

Don't believe it.

Same-sex marriage would transform American law and social life. That's because it's grounded in a radical idea: that male-female marriage, an institution rooted in human biology and intended to create the best setting to beget and raise children, is just irrational bigotry.

The implications of this revolutionary notion are far-reaching, and many are unforeseeable. But one thing is certain: If adopted, it will put government on a collision course with religious institutions and believers, and it's a sure bet government will win.

Male-female marriage is a foundational tenet of all the major world religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. If gay marriage becomes government policy, people who believe that kids need both a mother and a father will be treated with the contempt formerly reserved for racial bigots.

If you think I'm exaggerating, listen to Mark Dayton, who may be Minnesota's next governor. In 2004, he told a crowd of gay-rights activists that people who support a constitutional amendment to protect male-female marriage are "the forces of bigotry and hatred" who "spew hatred and inhumanity," according to the Star Tribune.

Today, we're already seeing the implications of this view play out:

•If gay marriage becomes law, churches and religiously affiliated organizations may be denied tax exemption, on grounds that their beliefs are "contrary to public policy." The threat is "credible" and "palpable," according to Robin Wilson, a law professor at Washington and Lee University. In New Jersey, for example, a Methodist ministry had to fight government officials to defend its tax exemption for a facility after declining to allow two lesbian couples to use it for civil union ceremonies.

•Some faith-based charities may have to stop providing social services. Catholic Charities in Boston -- which specialized in adoptions involving hard-to-place kids -- had to give up adoption after gay marriage began in Massachusetts. Religiously affiliated hospitals, rehabilitation centers and homeless shelters that get government contracts or deal with Medicaid and Medicare may be similarly threatened.

•Public employees may be disciplined or dismissed if they refuse to approve of homosexual acts. Recently, for example, a professor who taught Catholic theology at the University of Illinois was fired after a student accused him of hate speech. The professor had written in an e-mail that Catholic theology teaches that "sexual acts are only appropriate for people who are complementary, not the same," and had said he agrees with this view.

•In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Christian Legal Society at the University of California, Hastings, College of the Law could be denied status as a registered student group because it holds that the only rightful form of sex is between a man and woman within marriage -- a view that violates the school's nondiscrimination policy on sexual orientation. The ruling may sound the death-knell for orthodox Christian, Jewish and Muslim campus groups.

•Small-business owners could be liable under discrimination laws if they decline to provide goods or services in contexts that violate their beliefs -- providing wedding photography at a same-sex marriage, for example. Boards that license professionals, including psychologists and social workers, may require approval of same-sex marriage for licensure or admission to professional schools.

In California in 2008, we saw what's in store for traditional-marriage supporters who stand up for their beliefs. Same-sex marriage activists there vandalized property, targeted jobs and defaced houses of worship. Here in the Twin Cities, leaders of the recent Gay Pride celebration also refused to tolerate dissent. They went to court in an unsuccessful attempt to bar a lone Christian evangelist from handing out Bibles in the public park where their event took place.

In its early years, the gay-rights movement ...."

Katherine Kersten is a Twin Cities writer and speaker. Reach her at


  1. Very little proof the sky will fall however, there is plenty of accusations. Is making charitable, non-profits responsible to ALL folks so terrible? The example of the Boston charity just hanging it up is crazy. Children need to be in safe environments with loving parents which should not be mistaken for ONLY a man and a woman .. hell, we've all seen some pretty messed up traditional marriages where children should NOT be in the scene.


  3. The Strib doesn't allow comments on this latest Gay Marriage missive from Katherine.

    So I went to the comments for their articel on the invasive Asian Carp and commented that Katherine probably thinks carp will fall from the sky if gay marriage is legalized.

  4. Don't you mean gay carp will fall?

  5. No, the carp wouldn't have to be gay to be an effective God's-retribution-type plague. There would just have to be a lot of them, falling from the sky. I'm frankly surprised that Katherine didn't throw in the possibility of a biblical plague in her latest piece. There's some assertions in there that are nearly as demented.

    You know what, though, my plague of carp post was only up on that Strib article for like half an hour before someone deleted it. Them strib comment mediators have some sort of phobia about the gay marriage debate. or no sense of humor. or both.

  6. Maybe kk is getting her feelings hurt too much ... or maybe more people are just figuring out how much crap disguised as carp threats are really out there.

    I fear television is going to be overrun by not very honest advertisements for political candidates very soon...

    and most of it won't be the whole truth.


  8. I suppose it is important to expose how the left is hijacking Christianity to advance the gay agenda, but we really need to be talking about how the modern day democrat socialist party is destroying America.

  9. "...but we really need to be talking about how the modern day democrat socialist party is destroying America. "


    ....but we really need to be talking about the how the rhetoric/lies of extremists like Michelle Bachmann, Palin, Beck, and Olbermann to name a few, will destroy democracy.

  10. Greg,

    Europe is now realizing that socialism doesn't work, and they are moving away from it. Why is comrade Obama and his leftist/socialist accomplices moving so rapidly in that failed path? It pretty clear that Obama is out to screw things up so bad that total government control will be in order.

  11. D2, do you even know what socialism is? Because as far as I can tell that's not what our government is.

  12. Obama rips U.S. Constitution:

    Greg, Comrade Obama has much more in common with Karl Marx than our Founding Fathers, but I guess you liberals don't have a problem with that.


    " The best way to get yourself a reputation of as a dangerous citizen is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in our struggle for independence." Charles Austin Beard


    "Sye thought the figure may have come from a twisted interpretation of a Guttmacher Institute report. Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota had cited Guttmacher in March, claiming that "if there is taxpayer funding of abortion, there will be 30 percent more abortions." Thirty percent of the 1.2 million abortions performed in 2005 would be 360,000. But Bachmann was referring to a report on what Medicaid recipients would do if that program provided coverage for all abortions. Medicaid rules on abortion funding aren’t going to change under the new health care law, so Bachmann’s claim is irrelevant to the current debate. But even her 30 percent figure in relation to Medicaid is incorrect."


    Schieffer’s second guest, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, claimed that "now we have the federal government … taking over ownership or control of 51 percent of the American economy." That’s 18 percent of the economy from health care, and the rest from "direct ownership or control of banks, the largest insurance company in the United States, AIG, Freddie and Fannie," plus direct student loans, Chrysler and GM.

    Bachmann may not be too far off in saying health care is 18 percent of the economy. The World Health Organization put U.S. health spending at 15.3 percent of GDP in 2006, and a 2008 article in the journal Health Affairs projected it would reach 16.3 percent in 2007 and 19.5 percent by 2017.

    But according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, total government expenditures haven’t been near half of GDP since 1944. In 2009, they were 20.6 percent. Bachmann spokesman Dave Dziok told CBS News that the lawmaker based her figures on an estimate from an Arizona State University professor, William Boyes, who said that the government controls a third of the economy by loaning to or regulating companies like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, General Motors and Chrysler. Dziok reasons this has become 51 percent after the passage of health care legislation.

    But as we’ve said time and again, the government isn’t "taking ownership" of health care. Insurance will still be provided by private companies, and care will still be provided by private doctors.

    Bachmann also said that "President Obama’s own numbers, his own economic advisor, Christina Romer, said that Obamacare could cost the economy five and a half million jobs lost." Romer never said that. The figure is likely related to a misrepresentation of Romer’s work from the Republican staff of the House Ways and Means Committee — one that had to do with a provision in an early version of the House bill, not the modified Senate bill that was passed. Using a methodology Romer developed, the Ways and Means GOP said that the bill would kill 4.7 million jobs. Our colleagues at Politifact found the claim to be false, and took issue with the GOP’s math. We asked Bachmann’s office to explain the discrepancy between the 4.7 million claim we’ve seen before and the 5.5 million she cited, but we haven’t received a response."

    It's incredibly easy to find out that Bachmann is spreading misinformation (lying).

    Isn't she one of the largest mouths saying Obama is a socialist?

    Hmmmm .. proven liar makes claim .. should you believe it since the source is known to lie?

  15. Greg, 55% of Americans now realize that Obama is a radical socialist.

  16. D2, 100% of Americans are being lied to ...

    just look at all the VALID examples I provided.

    Like yourself D2, many Americans don't know what Socialism is... they just listen to others who use it to try and make someone else look bad.

    Bachmann is a perfect example of the misinformation flooding our media.

  17. "D2, 100% of Americans are being lied to ..."

    Wrong. People are seeing this with their own eyes Greg, despite the fact that the liberal media does it's best to try to make the socialist Obama regime look better than the disaster it really is. Obama doesn't want to make the economy better, his main goal is wealth redistribution.

  18. "Wrong. People are seeing this with their own eyes Greg,"

    How so D2?

    "..despite the fact that the liberal media does it's best to try to make the socialist Obama regime look better than the disaster it really is"

    If this is a 'Fact' you should have ample valid proof of it. Can you show me the proof?

    "Obama doesn't want to make the economy better, his main goal is wealth redistribution. "

    No. The goal is to maintain a middle class.

    Have you bothered to even consider what our middle class looks like right now?

  19. D2, people ARE being lied to. Look at the examples of Bachmann lying. Are you denying her lies for her?

  20. And Greg, not only is Obama doing everything wrong on economic issues, he's doing it on purpose in order to create more government beurocracies to fix the problems he created. I hope America can survive his radical leftist policies. Obama is killing the private sector and rapidly growing government.

  21. "No. The goal is to maintain a middle class."

    By destroying the private sector and growing government? Government creates ZERO wealth and drives up the tax burden. That's a recipe for a major depression.

  22. Greg, you guys on the left sure like to attack conservative Christian women, but we need Michele Bachmann to represent us in the 6th. district. Liberal democrat Terrell Clark would simply be a rubber stamp for Obama's economy killing radical socialist policies.

  23. "Greg, you guys on the left sure like to attack conservative Christian women, but we need Michele Bachmann to represent us in the 6th. district"

    So you want a confirmed liar to represent you?

    I guess it's a two birds of a feather thing for you huh D2?

  24. "By destroying the private sector and growing government? "

    Can you provide valid proof that our private sector is being destroyed and also show how the government is growing?

  25. "Can you provide valid proof that our private sector is being destroyed and also show how the government is growing?"

    You should really try getting your news from someplace other than PMSNBC and CNN (Communist News Network)

    "So you want a confirmed liar to represent you?"

    So you want a socialist to represent you?

    Clark would be a rubber stamp for Obama's socialist agenda, we all know that.

  26. So you'd prefer liar and you have no valid proof of your statements.

    Sounds to me like you don't care about our country ...

  27. "So you'd prefer liar and you have no valid proof of your statements."

    If Michele Bachmann called Obama a socialist, she's telling the truth.

    Again, the worst thing the voters of the 6th district could do would be to put a supporter of Obama's damaging socialist policies in Congress. We in the 6th care about our country and won't allow radicals to destroy it.

  28. "If Michele Bachmann called Obama a socialist, she's telling the truth."

    She has said that with absolutely no proof and many other things that were proven to be lies as I've shown you.

    So electing a known liar to public office is a good thing in your opinion D2? What kind of values do you pass on to your own children?

    "Again, the worst thing the voters of the 6th district could do would be to put a supporter of Obama's damaging socialist policies in Congress"

    Why do you call his policies socialist?

    "We in the 6th care about our country and won't allow radicals to destroy it. "

    So you're speaking on behalf of ALL persons in the 6th? Did ALL the voters in the 6th vote the same as yourself in the last election D2?

  29. "So electing a known liar to public office is a good thing in your opinion D2?"

    I haven't heard any lies out of Michele, besides, it didn't bother you liberals when Bill Clinton lied under oath.

    "Why do you call his policies socialist?"

    Again, 55% (and growing) of Americans see through this radical and know he's a socialist who has no respect for our Constitution. Obamunism needs to be stopped!

    "So you're speaking on behalf of ALL persons in the 6th? Did ALL the voters in the 6th vote the same as yourself in the last election D2?"

    We have liberals in the conservative 6th district as well, but most of us are better informed than the rest of the state and realize the damage done when democrats control everything. I wish more people could remember the terrible recession cause by liberal democrat Jimmy Carter and his democrat Congress. Thank God Ronald Reagan was able to turn things around for the better with common sense conservative policies.

  30. "I haven't heard any lies out of Michele, besides, it didn't bother you liberals when Bill Clinton lied under oath. "

    I posted a few for you alredy .. just read the posts.

    Also, you just proved to yourself I'm not a liberal with the Bill C. comment.

    Why is Nixon your avatar? Is it because he was about on the same level of honesty as you are?

    "Again, 55% (and growing) of Americans see through this radical and know he's a socialist who has no respect for our Constitution. Obamunism needs to be stopped!

    Again, WHY do you call him a socialist?

    "We have liberals in the conservative 6th district as well, but most of us are better informed than the rest of the state and realize the damage done when democrats control everything."

    So you're admitting that you lied when you said that every person in the 6th voted like you. This is good to know, you've once again admitted to being a liar and distorting the truth to promote an ideology ....

    that's very, very unpatriotic not to mention not the intent of this countries democracy.

  31. "So you're admitting that you lied when you said that every person in the 6th voted like you."

    When did I say that Greg? Looks like you're lying again.

    "Again, WHY do you call him a socialist?"

    There is no doubt that Obama is a socialist Greg, the question now is whether or not he's a closet communist. His choice of admitted communist Van Jones as one of his many Czars makes one wonder.

  32. "When did I say that Greg? Looks like you're lying again. "

    No. But you're posts regarding the 6th proves that you have not given up your lying days.

    "There is no doubt that Obama is a socialist Greg, the question,,,,,"

    Again, Why do YOU call him a socialist?


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