Here's some of what KK writes:
"On July 4, we celebrate the great day that our Founders proclaimed Americans' "unalienable rights" to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
This Independence Day, however, many Americans are expressing concern that the system of limited government bequeathed by our Founders is under attack. If the policy course being set in Washington, D.C., continues, the viability of the Founders' vision -- and the American Dream it spawned -- may be in doubt.
In a new book, Arthur Brooks -- president of the American Enterprise Institute -- explains that we're witnessing a clash of visions that will determine America's future for decades. In "The Battle: How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future," he describes the relentless expansion of government that is constricting our liberty and limiting our ability to pursue happiness.
In an April 2009 survey, for example, 69 percent of voters preferred "a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes" to a "larger government with more services and higher taxes." Only 21 percent favored larger government.
The 30 percent coalition's celebration of big government and the welfare state is based on a misunderstanding of the human heart, writes Brooks. Our political class thinks that "money buys happiness, as long as it is distributed fairly." But the secret of human flourishing -- no matter your status -- is not money but "earned success" in life, he says.
Earned success is the creation of value in our own lives or the lives of others. People who believe they are creating value -- whether through their job, as parents or as volunteers -- are generally happier than people who don't believe they've earned their success. That's why a person receiving welfare is much less happy, on average, than an equally poor person who isn't, according to many studies. Lottery winners too often become less happy.
A vibrant free-enterprise system is vital for the pursuit of happiness, because it makes earned success possible for the greatest number of people. It does so in three ways, says Brooks. First, it creates optimism by giving people the opportunity to better themselves through hard work and perseverance -- to "reinvent themselves." We know this as the American Dream.
Second, a free-enterprise system helps people to create meaning by enabling them to find work that matches their skills and passions. Americans are 46 percent likelier than the heavily taxed and regulated French, 52 percent likelier than Germans and 190 percent likelier than the Spanish to say they are "completely satisfied" with their jobs, according to Brooks.
Finally, the free-enterprise system creates happiness by giving people control over their daily lives. Flourishing, happy people believe they can determine their own destinies through hard work, while people who feel powerless are the most miserable.
Business owners have the highest overall well-being and job satisfaction in America -- though they work longer hours and earn less on average than executives who work for large organizations, according to Brooks. The group that scores lowest in well-being is low-control union jobs in manufacturing.
The free-market system is a moral imperative, because it allows people of all economic conditions to pursue happiness. But today, government policies from bailouts to heavy-handed regulation are putting that system at risk.
This July 4, we should heed Patrick Henry's warning: "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel." And Benjamin Franklin's counsel: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Brooks dubs the two contending forces in this battle the "30 percent coalition" and the "70 percent coalition."
The 30 percent coalition -- led by President Obama, Democrats in Congress, and their allies in academia, the media and Big Labor -- holds the levers of power in Washington. They gained control in 2008, in part, by successfully hijacking the language of "fairness."
The 30 percent coalition rejects our Founders' belief that the role of government is to ensure the rule of law so individual Americans can pursue happiness. Instead, its members want government itself to dispense happiness -- by regulating more and more sectors of American life and by redistributing income, goods and services.
The 70 percent coalition -- the rest of America -- says..."
This is a test. Ass Fuck Shit Asshole moron dumbass idiot socialist fascist bunghole GO anal
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of a liberal blog is this?
ReplyDeleteIt's not liberal or you'd already be banned.
ReplyDelete"It's not liberal or you'd already be banned"
ReplyDeleteI recently got banned at the Dump Bachmann blog, not for offensive comments, but for conservative ones. A moderator named Avidork can't stand conservatives and kicked me off twice now.
So Greg, how are things going? Hope you're doing well.
ReplyDeleteSo D2, what conservative comments did you make to be banned.
ReplyDeleteThey were trying to portray Conservatives as a bunch of racists, and I just brought up Robert "KKK" Byrd and the fact that Lincoln and his Republican party fought to free the slaves. I also linked to a piece on my website called the "Racist History of the Democrat Party".
ReplyDeleteThat was too much reality for comrade Avidork in his desperate attempt to have Michele Bachmann defeated by socialist Terrell Clark(DFL), and he banned me for the second time.
Eva is another moderator there who is great. She favors free speech as long as it's not profane, and she actually allowed me back on after Avidork banned me the first time.
You should visit their blog and invite them over here if you want. They screen all the comments so it might take a while to get posted:
Tell them I said hello!
Favoring free speech is great however, speech that is inaccurate or blatant lies does absolutely no good for the reader or more importantly our country. Did you have validation of your links and content?
ReplyDeleteAs an example, Bachmann has made comments that have been found to not be true on several occasions not to mention a propensity to suggest a far different meaning (i.e., questioning folks on patriotism).
As for Clark, I believe she is running as a democrat and has never been part of the socialist party. Your comment suggests she's a socialist.
I believe in free speech but also promote honesty with actual facts. If you have an opinion, let it be an opinion. If you want to make a statement regarding a candidates stand or ideology, have the information (real, validated, and accurate) to back it up.
"Did you have validation of your links and content?"
ReplyDeleteIt's a well known fact that democrat Robert Byrd was not only a KKK member, but a recruiter.
As for Clark and the modern day democrat party, the only thing not socialist about them is their name. Clark would be a rubber stamp for Obama's radical socialist agenda and we in the 6th district won't elect someone who will further harm our economy like that. Her ad's are lies as well. Bachmann isn't siding with BP, she's just against the democrats using the issue for political gain.
"It's a well known fact that democrat Robert Byrd was not only a KKK member, but a recruiter."
ReplyDeleteIt's also a well known fact that he considered that a horrible mistake. Is there a reason you left that out?
"As for Clark and the modern day democrat party, the only thing not socialist about them is their name. "
How so? Can you provide a valid example of socialism vs. democrats?
"Clark would be a rubber stamp for Obama's radical socialist agenda and we in the 6th district won't elect ...."
And MB is just a rubber stamp for whatever the Republican leaders say ..
and who is 'we'? Do you recall the percentages from the previous congressional 6th election?
Byrd's racist past should not be downplayed.
ReplyDelete"The late senator's anti-black views were deep and long-lasting, not simply a youthful indiscretion"
"How so?"
I'll bet many people who voted for Obama not realizing he was a socialist now do and have buyers remorse. Many of his Czars are radical leftists or communists which should tell you something about Obama's idiology.
Clark is very liberal herself being the deciding vote in Minnesota's recent huge tax increase which will hurt business growth here, and there is little doubt that she would support Obama's destructive policies.
"And MB is just a rubber stamp for whatever the Republican leaders say .."
I don't think so. She's more conservative than the Republican leaders and she speaks her mind on the issues.
"and who is 'we'? Do you recall the percentages from the previous congressional 6th election?"
Obama's approval rating continues to tank and most people disapprove of his agenda of amnesty and open borders for illegal aliens, cap & tax, tax increases and redistribution of wealth, ObamaCare, etc. He has only a 38% approval rating among independents. People are starting to realize that Obama is not only the worst President in history, but he's dangerous. There is no way the people of the 6th district will elect a rubber stamp for the Obama regime.
D2, you should try answering the questions asked instead of diverting to something else. Do you remember being told to stay on task?
ReplyDelete"Do you remember being told to stay on task?"
-Liberal Greg
ReplyDeleteSo you CAN'T answer the questions then right?
Are you referring to the made up as you go rules at Dump Bachmann? Eva had no problem with my comments and even allowed me back on after Avidork's first ban, but he was calling for my removal from day one. His problem is that he hates conservatives and can't tolerate their comments. Liberals get away with exactly what he was accusing me off. Anyway, it's boring there now with only leftist points of view.
ReplyDeleteSOCIALIST! I love not having to type soci@list!
No, I'm laughing because you're trying to weasel out of answering the questions directly. As an example, you won't just come out and say that Byrd realized he fucked up.
ReplyDeleteThat along with not addressing the point between Clark and Bachmann .. instead you come back with some goofy remark about Obama.
It removes and hint of credibility in any of your statements.
Sticking to an ideology is one thing, but ignoring the downfalls and distorting the truth is another. Like this statement:
I'll bet many people who voted for Obama not realizing he was a socialist now do and have buyers remorse. Many of his Czars are radical leftists or communists which should tell you something about Obama's idiology."
There is nothing to prove that Obama is a socialist or anything whatsoever to prove his "czars" are communists but you continue to say it
"As an example, you won't just come out and say that Byrd realized he fucked up."
ReplyDeleteByrd was a racist for the vast majority of his democrat career, and only changed his tune very late after his son died and he thought "maybe niggers love their kids too". He gets a pass from the left because he's a democrat, Republicans wouldn't get the same treatment.
Do you think that Robert "KKK" Byrd should be should be held on such a pedistle when the vast majority of his efforts were to keep the black man down?
ReplyDeleteAgain why don't you invite the Dump Bachmann folks over to your new blog? Looks like you are short of commenters and some of them there miss my comments. I would invite them myself but am banned.
"Byrd was a racist for the vast majority of his democrat career"
ReplyDeleteAnd Bachmann has been a liar and nutcase for ALL of her career.
"And Bachmann has been a liar and nutcase for ALL of her career."
ReplyDeleteThat's what Nancy Pelosi and her radical leftist ilk are trying to sell you anyway. Her opponent Terrell Clark (DFL) is NOT an option though, because we need to undo the damage done by Obama's failed policies, not build on them making things even worse.
Not interested in inviting the Dump Bachmann folks over for a visit? They probably would ban you as well for allowing me on your blog.
"That's what Nancy Pelosi and her radical leftist ilk are trying to sell you anyway"
ReplyDeleteNo, it's my very own opinion based upon her behavior as well as her non productive terms in office. She's repeatedly lied and spoke in ways that are not consistent with the values of this country. She's a scammer .. pure and simple.
"She's a scammer .. pure and simple."
ReplyDeleteI disagree. In any case, Bachmann is a much better choice than Terrell Clark (DFL) who would be a rubber stamp for the Obama regime's radical socialist agenda which is destroying this country.
Are you ready for the huge tax increases they have in store for us?
"I disagree. In any case, Bachmann is a much better choice than Terrell Clark (DFL) who would be a rubber stamp"
ReplyDeleteNo. Both are rubber stamps but Bachmann is a loon and is NOT going to go the route of the common man. Clark isn't a whole lot better, but there's not alot of centimeters to go to beat Bachmann.
Are you ready for the huge tax increases they have in store for us? "
So you're making over 1mm/yr?
"Bachmann is a loon and is NOT going to go the route of the common man."
ReplyDeleteBut the socialists are? 55% of Americans now realize that Obama is a socialist.
"So you're making over 1mm/yr?"
The libs will have no choice but to raise taxes on everyone to cover their irresponsible spending.
"But the socialists are? 55% of Americans now realize that Obama is a socialist."
ReplyDeleteWho is running as a socialist D? Where's your proof that 55% of Americans believe Obama is socilist?
"The libs will have no choice but to raise taxes on everyone to cover their irresponsible spending. "
The irresponsible spending started awhile ago and is on the backs of both parties and both conservative and liberal ideology. Obama had other choices but nobody knows which route it would take in the end.
"Who is running as a socialist D? Where's your proof that 55% of Americans believe Obama is socilist?"
ReplyDeleteObama is too sneaky and dishonest to admit that he's a socialist, but his radical policies are proof and Americans are now realizing the Ooops they made in putting him in the White House.
55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama:
You're pulling your stats from a hack site ..
ReplyDeletethis is why you get booted from other places.
"You're pulling your stats from a hack site .."
ReplyDeleteWrong Liberal Greg. This was a poll from Liberal Democrat James Carville, who loves to exploit the fact that it was a mistake for democrats to choose Obama over Hillary.
Great video Greg!
Again, it's quite clear that Obama has a hatred for America and is out to get even.
"Wrong Liberal Greg. This was a poll from Liberal Democrat James Carville, who loves to exploit the fact that it was a mistake for democrats to choose Obama over Hillary. "
ReplyDeleteDo you even bother to read what you wrote? Like I said, it's a hack site.
ReplyDeleteCommunists Sue Democrat Party For Stealing Platform:
ReplyDelete" The best way to get yourself a reputation of as a dangerous citizen is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in our struggle for independence." Charles Austin Beard
I read this in the comments section of the strib... thought it was funny .. true and funny.
ReplyDelete"Bachmann and her supporters are anti American. Let's be honest, here is a congress person that rails against government paid health care but accepts it and uses it. She rails against government spending but accepts the $170,000+ per year in taxpayer funded salary and millions more for staff. This lunatic would actually have some credibility if she paid for her own healthcare and gave $120,000 of her wages back to the taxpayer. Bachmann has spent her entire life receiving taxpayer money to exist. First it was huge sums of money she received in using the foster care system for her kid farm, the kids were nothing more than slave labor for the farm, and she got hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government to do it. She also has accepted over $250,000 in farm crop subsidy payments on her farm from the government. Bachmann Spent five years as a lawyer for the U.S. Dept of revenue taking taxpaying citizens to court and prosecuting them for the IRS. Bachmann then sucked up state money as a state legislature for six years and now, now she is in the big money in another taxpayer funded job as a congressman where aside from her salary she gets millions in office support. Saying Bachmann is against big government is like saying Colonel Sanders is against chicken. She is a career politician and waster of taxpayer money. Just another big government spender."