"Minneapolis lawyer Sam Kaplan -- a DFL fundraiser extraordinaire -- was a member of Barack Obama's national campaign-finance committee. In 2009, Obama rewarded him by naming him ambassador to Morocco.
The exotic posting must have seemed a plum job. Morocco has been known as an oasis among Arab nations -- largely free of the repression that mars so many other Muslim countries. It's "the opportunity of a lifetime for a guy from Minnesota," Kaplan enthused to the Star Tribune in April.
But since Kaplan's arrival, Morocco has turned from a diplomatic dream job to a depressing despotic reality. Since March, it has expelled about 100 foreigners, including 50 U.S. citizens. Among the deportees were foster parents at an orphanage, businesspeople and aid workers who taught the poor to grow their own food.
Their crime? Christian "proselytizing" -- against the law in this Muslim monarchy.
On June 17, some deportees told their heart-wrenching stories at a hearing convened by Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va, cochairman of Congress's Human Rights Commission.
Witnesses included Eddie and Lynn Padilla, foster parents at Village of Hope orphanage. The orphanage -- which has both Christian and Muslim staff -- cared for 33 abandoned children and had operated for 10 years with official approval. But in March, the police moved in and swept through children's bedrooms while they slept, searching for Christian literature.
After three days of grilling, the Padillas and others were given two hours to clear out, as their children sobbed in anguish. Though no evidence was presented, their assets were seized and their bank accounts frozen. Since their departure, there is evidence that some children have been beaten or drugged.
Witness Michael Cloud, also a Christian, founded 12 centers that treat Moroccan children with cerebral palsy. Cloud testified that authorities barred his reentry as he tried to return from Egypt (where his wife was being treated for cancer). He was held for 13 hours and deported with no explanation. The "hard work" of 14 years was lost, he stated.
So how's our man Sam Kaplan doing defending American citizens from these egregious human-rights violations?
The Padillas testified that the U.S. Embassy had no time for them during their ordeal: "They just told us, "Do what they are telling you to do.' They offered no help ... [or] any kind of counsel, just pack and go." Cloud testified that when he sought help, the embassy just gave him a list of lawyers.
At the hearing, international-law expert Sandra Bunn-Livingstone stated that despite victims' pleas, Kaplan refused to release a Moroccan government diplomatic note with a list of deportees, citing protocol. As a result, "Americans who would like to appeal under Moroccan law ... have been refused that right" since they lack written proof of expulsion, she said. The British and Canadian governments did hand over such notes, she added.
Perhaps Kaplan had other priorities. "A few weeks ago," Cloud testified, "the American embassy in Rabat brought Moroccans to Washington, D.C., and fed them and housed them to help them brainstorm on how to build businesses in the Muslim world."
That would make sense. According to the embassy website, Kaplan's goal as ambassador is "to help fulfill President Obama's vision of a new beginning for U.S. relations with the Muslim world based on mutual respect and ... mutual interest."
In April, Kaplan responded to critics. He told the Star Tribune he had released a statement saying that the embassy was "distressed" by the expulsions. "We hope to see meaningful improvements in the application of due process," he wrote.
What's Kaplan doing to alleviate distress and promote due process?
A top priority seems to be to impress the Moroccan media, which complained that his statement had "stepped over the diplomatic line," according to the Star Tribune. "When your press has been almost unanimously positive for 5 1/2 months, the change is something that is different," Kaplan explained.
Cozy relations with the Moroccan monarchy are another priority. According to the Star Tribune, "Kaplan noted that King Mohammed has spoken about judicial reform in the past."
"We're not speaking out in contrast to what the government has said," Kaplan told the paper. "We're simply joining with His Majesty and saying if we can be helpful, we'd like to do that."
Wolf rejects this. "An American embassy should be an island of freedom" in the country where it's located, vigorously advocating for its citizens, he says. "Every ambassador has to decide whether to represent Americans' interests in the country they're in or whether to represent the country they're in to America.""
The entire article is posted here:
Katherine Kersten is a Twin Cities writer and speaker. Reach her at kakersten@gmail.com.
Morroco is NOT the US - plain and simple. If they don't like what these people were doing, then they have the option to remove them.
ReplyDeleteIf you continue to run Star Tribune content, you will be contacted by our legal department.
ReplyDeleteTerry Sauer
Assistant Managing Editor/Digital
Star Tribune
Terry Sauer,
ReplyDeleteWhat's the problem? You guys killed Katherine's blog, so Greg is simply trying to allow some of her blog followers to stay in contact and continue to comment on her work.
Hi everyone! I see the war continues...
ReplyDeleteGreg, why not just post a link to KK columns and forego copying the text? People can still debate here; the Strib can't prevent that. Post the link to your blog on the Strib comment boards; readers will get the message.
Loathe as I am to agree with d2, I do in this case. The Strib shouldn't have pulled Think Again, Terry Sour notwithstanding.
Censorship on the Strib comment boards has gotten very bad. They arbitrarily yank comments that don't violate their terms of use, but allow insulting and inflammatory comments to remain. Sometimes they turn off commenting altogether. It seems that sometimes they decide they don't like a particular poster and just yank that person's comments randomly. Their censorship is inconsistent, which makes it very unfair. I can only conclude that they want to drive away even more readers.
Great to hear from you Evil!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the rediculous Strib filtering of comments. I got permanently banned for saying "Banking Queen Barney Frank" while liberals get away much more offensive comments about Michele Bachmann. They definately have a liberal bias in their filtering.
EBF .. good to see you! DAR shows up sometimes too and GO keeps getting a virus but I think it's from porn or something (polar bear cannibal porn?)
ReplyDeleteI think I fixed the "issue" by only using excerpts.
D2, you get banned everywhere so it's not just the strib ...
"D2, you get banned everywhere so it's not just the strib ..."
ReplyDeleteI've only been banned from Dump Bachmann and the Strib, both extremely liberal blogs. Go figure....
Hey Greg, did you read the Strib editorial section today? Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL) explains how she she will create jobs in Minnesota by raising taxes even higher. What an idiot! She doesn't realize that her tax and spend policies are driving private sector jobs OUT of Minnesota.
"Hey Greg, did you read the Strib editorial section today? Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL) explains how she she will create jobs in Minnesota by raising taxes even higher. What an idiot! She doesn't realize that her tax and spend policies are driving private sector jobs OUT of Minnesota. "
ReplyDeleteI like tax and payoff for awhile. The other guy (Emmert) just wants to stop any money coming in and take away money from poor folks like waiters.
I wish we'd have another Ventura running without the foot in mouth issue.
Greg, government isn't the solution to our problems, government IS the problem.
ReplyDelete"The other guy (Emmert)"
ReplyDeleteGreg, his name is EMMER, not Emmert! You really should get informed on the issues such as the candidates names if you expect people to take a liberal like you seriously.
Yesterday some of the "Stribbers" (people who comment on the letters to the editor) had lunch with Tom Horner, the IP candidate for governor. Hubby and I were there. I like much of what Tom Horner had to say. He's very centrist, although he leans left on social issues (he's pro-SSM, a must for any candidate to get my vote, obviously).
ReplyDeleteThe two things I like most about Horner are 1) he wants to hear all sides of an issue and then decide what the best option is for Minnesota, and 2) he talks a lot about his ability to bring opposing sides together since he is in the middle.
Tom Horner is definitely worth everyone's consideration. I can't say I'm with him on all issues, but I don't know that there's any candidate who would be. Come election day, if I think Horner will best be able to get things working, he'll get my vote.
Sorry d2, but Emmer doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning. He appeals to the right-wing fringe and no one else. I don't think he's electable, and I don't understand why the rethuglitards want to run such an extreme candidate. I know you think that Anderson-Kelliher is extreme left, but she's much closer to the average Minnesotan than Emmer is.
I'm just going to refer to him as DA .. that will be sufficient.
ReplyDeleteThe country is in debt. We're not going to reduce that debt unless we pay it off. Block loopholes, get rid of ridiculous deductions, and start collecting the right amounts. If you're making 100mm/year you shouldn't be taxed 17% while the guy making 50k is getting taxed 35% ...no way, no how.
If we need to increase our federal taxes by 1% then so be it, but we need to work on getting the deficit down NOW. Giving tax breaks to the incredibly wealthy is NOT going to solve a thing .. they aren't producing anything anyway.
I agree with you, Greg. Why is it lost on so many people that if you make 90% of the money, you should be paying 90% of the taxes? The wealth inequities in this country are becoming so great that the middle class may not exist soon; just read an article on Yahoo! news yesterday about that very topic.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that everyone should begin paying a little more (1% is a good figure) starting now. That will help us climb out of the hole over time and make it less painful in the short term.
Hubby and I have worked very, very hard at reducing our debt. It hasn't always been easy, but we're in an excellent financial position because of it. It's so incredibly frustrating that our government doesn't work as hard as Hubby and I do to create (and keep) a sound financial house.
Here's a link to the "Middle Class is Shrinking" article. http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/the-u.s.-middle-class-is-being-wiped-out-here%27s-the-stats-to-prove-it-520657.html?tickers=^DJI,^GSPC,SPY,MCD,WMT,XRT,DIA
ReplyDelete"Sorry d2, but Emmer doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning"
ReplyDeleteDon't be so sure Evil, I don't think Minnesotan's will waste their vote on an IP candidate, and the liberal democrats running for governor are all nuts. I just shake my head when I watch their stupid commercials, and I would guess most Minnesotan's see through their lies and socialist idiology as well.
Evil, the top 1% of wage earners pay over ONE THIRD of the total income taxes in America, while the bottom 50% pay virtually nothing and even come ahead. What the hell are you whining about?
ReplyDeleted2, what percentage of wages do those top 1% earn? If it's more than one third, they're not paying their fair share. If they earn 90% of the wages, they need to pay 90% of the taxes. It's really that simple.
ReplyDeleted2, as for Emmer, he's too extreme. You think most Minnesotans won't see Emmer as the right-wing kook that he is? Puh-leeze!
ReplyDeleteMany Minnesota voters, like me, aren't happy with ideological extremists like Emmer, and although I wouldn't say that Anderson-Kelliher is a left-wing extremist, she is too far to the left for many voters. So that leaves a candidate like Horner. If he can get his message out, Horner has a very good chance of winning.
"d2, as for Emmer, he's too extreme"
ReplyDeleteHe's not much different than Pawlenty who is pretty moderate for a Republican. The extremists are Mark Dayton, Anderson-Kelliher, and Matt Entenza. They are all too radical to be Governor.
I don't know much about Horner, but it sounds like he would be a much better choice than the DFL'ers. We need someone who will keep Tax and Spend democrats in line like Pawlenty did.
"d2, what percentage of wages do those top 1% earn? If it's more than one third, they're not paying their fair share. If they earn 90% of the wages, they need to pay 90% of the taxes. It's really that simple."
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they do. That's why the top 1% of wage earners pay over 1/3 while the bottom earners pay nothing. Everyone needs to have some skin in the game.
I like Horner as well and really wish he could get the word out. This state is NOT happy with Pawlenty and certainly is starting to see DA is in the same camp as Bachmann and Palin. The 6th district only got the nutcase in by maybe 50% so that's a very, very small population to consider.
ReplyDeleteThe D's have some extremists no doubt, but if I'd have to pick the worse of those evils it might be Dayton .. for this reason:
He has NO need to worry about money so he won't sell out ... and he doesn't seem power hungry .. kinda like HHH was.
"We need someone who will keep Tax and Spend democrats in line like Pawlenty did."
ReplyDeleteSure, we'll just keep borrowing and spending instead right? That plan cost us our credit rating.
Besides, his no taxes gig was a scam .. did your property taxes happen to go up D2? Notice how much more it cost to register a vehicle or get a fishing license? Pawlenty is a scamming whiner.
"I'm sure they do. That's why the top 1% of wage earners pay over 1/3 while the bottom earners pay nothing. Everyone needs to have some skin in the game."
ReplyDeleteJust me, but some folks don't have skin to put in the game.
Maybe you'd rather tax someone making less than 20k/year so they can't pay their heating bill and then end up on the dole because they get ill and can't work or maybe not pay car insurance? or perhaps can't afford rent?
People should be worried about the demise of the middle class .. very worried.
ReplyDelete"That's why the top 1% of wage earners pay over 1/3"
ReplyDeleted2, answer the question. What percentage of the WAGES does the top 1% earn?
"d2, answer the question. What percentage of the WAGES does the top 1% earn? "
ReplyDeleteHA! I can't wait to hear this answer.
Schwan's ice cream rules.
ReplyDeleteHey, Greg,
ReplyDeleteHopefully the Strib will be smarter than to persescute you for quoting their content in order to provide a debate forum on it. Espeically not since it can refer traffic back to their little locked-down site.
If they do decide to mess with you, for sure I'd contact that guy at MinnPost who reported on them deleting Think Again. That's be a pretty good sequel for him to cover.
Why are they so eager not only to obliterate Think Again but squelch any discussion of Katherine's scribblings that they can't edit/moderate? hmmm....
I was really peeved that the Strib removed "Think Again." And in a way, it's all my fault. Here's what happened.
ReplyDeleteI was going to Kersten's blog as I often did, and when I got there I noted that the ad at the top of the page -- yellow background with black letters -- was asking me, "How many fags does it take to change a light bulb?" To the side were four answers from which to choose.
I took a screen shot and complained to the Strib. It turns out that the ad was placed by the Gay-Lesbian-Straight Education Network; when you clicked one of the answers, the ad changed to inform you that such jokes are hurtful, etc. It was part of GLSEN's anti-bullying campaign.
Someone at the Strib actually called me, and we agreed that the GLSEN ad was inappropriate. We agreed that the message was a good one, but the way GLSEN went about spreading that message was, in this case, an exercise in poor judgment. The Strib purchased the ad from an online ad service, a service with which it has mostly been happy, but in this case they were unaware of the GLSEN ad until I brought it to their attention.
They told me they would remove the ad, which they promptly did.
What they didn't tell me is that they were going to pull "Think Again." Because my screen shot clearly showed where I was on the Strib site -- and because, in my explanation to them of what happened, I stated that I was visiting "Think Again" -- I alerted the previously clueless Strib staff to the fact that "Think Again" was still running.
If only their censors were so clueless....
I guess this goes into the "let no good deed go unpunished" category.
EBF ..
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't let it bug you at all. I think they planned on dumping it awhile ago.
Personally, they could've shared it someplace just for the humor value and made some bucks .. heck, if they would've charged me a couple bucks a month to post there with no rules I'd do it, as would most of us.
I'd like to see more folks come here that were on the old site ..
maybe even post some other stuff.
"Why are they so eager not only to obliterate Think Again but squelch any discussion of Katherine's scribblings that they can't edit/moderate? hmmm.... "
ReplyDeleteControl issues?
Greg, I can get in touch with Blissmeister and direct him here. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteGo for it .. I for one like hearing different angles/opinions even if I don't agree with them ..
ReplyDeleteI mean, D2's here right?
"I mean, D2's here right?"
ReplyDeleteIndeed he is, LOL! I'll e-mail Bliss, and we'll see if he shows up.
What's up Dickheads
ReplyDeleteA chickens butt when it's eating butt muncher.
ReplyDeleteThis whole election season is going to be nutso.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering how many idiotic statements are going to be made .....
I'm going to bet the most in the country come from the Bachmann/Clark campaigns and Bachmanns going to make more of them.
And who the heck is this Bradley Dean guy?
Greg, why again do you hate Conservative Christian Women?
ReplyDeleteWhere or when did I say I 'hate' conservative christian women D2?
ReplyDeleteWhere or when did I say I 'hate' conservative christian women D2?
ReplyDeleteIn his mind, at approximately 2:20 pm this blog time. (I see you brought KK's clock along)
Some things never change.
"d2, answer the question. What percentage of the WAGES does the top 1% earn? "
ReplyDeleteHe won't because he's too ignorant.
Roughly, the top 1% earn 20% of the wages, and pay 40% of the taxes.
Fair trade?
"Where or when did I say I 'hate' conservative christian women D2?"
ReplyDeleteI'll answer it for you Greg. You liberals hate conservative Christian women like Michele Bachmann because they make too much sense and threaten your agenda.
"Roughly, the top 1% earn 20% of the wages, and pay 40% of the taxes"
Thanks for looking into this tluck. I would have guessed that the achievers pay more than that, but at least now the liberals will have to change their argument to "They need to pay more than double their fair share".
"Roughly, the top 1% earn 20% of the wages, and pay 40% of the taxes.
ReplyDeleteFair trade?"
There are a couple ways to look at this ..
1. it 'looks' like they are paying more ..
2. there is a great disparity between that top percent and the rest of the country.
Think of it like this, there's one pie and 70% of that pie is consumed by only 10% of a population. Now consider that pie all the potential wages or earnings in this country.
Now, if considering that 70% of our wages are controlled by only 25% of the population doesn't make you a bit fidgety, it should.
Here are some numbers from the economist:
Top 1% earn 19% and pay 37% of the taxes
Top 5% earn 33% and pay 57% of the taxes
Top 10% earn 44% and pay 68% of the taxes
Top 25% earn 66% and pay 85% of the taxes
Bottom 50% earn 13% and pay 3% of the taxes
Again, there are two ways to look at this as disproportionate and NO I'm not suggesting a 'redistribution', more like wondering why there is such a great disparity?
To EBF's point, the middle class is comprising maybe 25% of our nation ... that's scary.
Oops .. here's where I got the numbers from.
"I'll answer it for you Greg. You liberals hate conservative Christian women like Michele Bachmann because they make too much sense and threaten your agenda. "
ReplyDeleteFirst, lets define what a 'liberal' is in D2 land ..
anyone who recognizes D2 is fond of misinformation.
And again, where or when did I write that I hate christian conservative women?
The answer is that I didn't. One thing I do know is that Bachmann is not very honest, and tends to be an extremist.
EBF posted a link ealier regarding the middle class erosion ..
ReplyDeletehere's part of it ..
"So why are we witnessing such fundamental changes? Well, the globalism and "free trade" that our politicians and business leaders insisted would be so good for us have had some rather nasty side effects. It turns out that they didn't tell us that the "global economy" would mean that middle class American workers would eventually have to directly compete for jobs with people on the other side of the world where there is no minimum wage and very few regulations. The big global corporations have greatly benefited by exploiting third world labor pools over the last several decades, but middle class American workers have increasingly found things to be very tough.
Here are the statistics to prove it:
• 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.
• 61 percent of Americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
• 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.
• 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.
• A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.
• 24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.
• Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.
• Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.
• For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.
• In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.
• As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.
• The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.
• Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.
• In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector.
• The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.
• In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
• More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.
• or the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.
• This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour.
• Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.
• Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.
• The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income. "
Again, this is scary.
"I would have guessed that the achievers pay more than that, but at least now the liberals will have to change their argument to "They need to pay more than double their fair share". "
ReplyDeleteA new buzz word for nutcases ..
Now I wonder how they define that?
I wonder if D2 has any idea how many of these 'achievers' have gotten their wealth?
"I wonder if D2 has any idea how many of these 'achievers' have gotten their wealth?"
ReplyDeleteI know that multi-millionaire liberal democrats like Mark Dayton and John Kerry didn't earn it, in fact, Mark Dayton is in the process of trying to buy an office for the second time. Hopefully this liberal lunatic will fail his time around.
Somali Immigrant Ayaan Hirsi Ali: whole refugee program needs to be revamped
ReplyDeleteShe said refugee claims should be rigorously assessed on the applicant’s ability to make a contribution to the host nation and to accept its values and culture.
Good for Ayaan! Even a Somali immigrant understands what a suicidal immigration policy we have. Minnesota suffers the most because non-assimiating Muslim immigrants flock here for our taxpayer funded welfare and other benefits.
I'll bite .. how did Dayton buy an election D2.
ReplyDeleteNow D2, how much of the top 1% of wealth in this country is from 'old' money?
ReplyDelete"Muslim immigrants flock here for our taxpayer funded welfare and other benefits."
ReplyDeleteSo why are our befefits better than lets say ...
New York?
Multi-multimillionaire liberal democrat Sen. Kerry Snaps Over Yacht Tax Scandal:
ReplyDeleteBy: Jim Meyers
Liberal Democrat Sen. John Kerry on Monday snapped at reporters and tried to dodge questions about his new $7 million, huge 76-foot yacht.
On Friday, the Boston Herald reported that the Massachusetts Liberal Democrat had berthed his massive yacht Isabel in Rhode Island and suggested he was seeking to avoid paying about $437,000 in sales tax and an annual excise tax of around $70,000 that would be levied if he berthed the vessel in Massachusetts.
Rhode Island has no sales tax on yachts.
Following his first public appearance since the story broke, Kerry tried to dash off to his SUV but was intercepted by reporters who asked about the yacht controversy.
What a hypocrite, just like liberal socialist democrats Algore and Nancy Pelosi.
"So why are our befefits better than lets say ..."
ReplyDeleteMinnesota liberals/socialists want welfare recipients to flood to Minnesota for benefits in order to keep a large block of democrat/socialist voters coming in, so they always push for massive welfare spending. It's a simple as that Greg.
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
The modern day democrat socialist party is pushing us very hard in that direction Greg.
Goodnight all!
"I'll bite .. how did Dayton buy an election D2."
ReplyDeleteDayton never would have become Senator without spending TONS of his own personal inherited fortune on his last race. He has probably never worked an honest days work in his life and doesn't understand what it's like in the real world, yet this socialist want's to control us.
Refugee Resettlement Watch?
ReplyDeleteSeems they focus on muslim folks ..
and are affiliated with ..
And D2, here's the richest person in congress ..
he buys alot of bonds .. CA bonds.
"The modern day democrat socialist party is pushing us very hard in that direction Greg."
ReplyDeleteAnd your proof of this is ...?
ReplyDeleteNow D2, if Bachmann said and did the same thing would you believe her?
"Dayton never would have become Senator without spending TONS of his own personal inherited fortune on his last race. He has probably never worked an honest days work in his life and doesn't understand what it's like in the real world, yet this socialist want's to control us. "
ReplyDeleteAh, so you're speculating.
"Refugee Resettlement Watch?
ReplyDeleteSeems they focus on muslim folks .."
As they should.
"As they should. "
ReplyDeleteWhy is that?
"Why is that?"
Check out the picture (from New York) of the moron at the top of the page Greg. Why do you liberals think it's such a great idea to import guys like that here? Didn't you learn anything from 9-11?
Maybe if someone you knew or loved was murdered by these bastards you would think differently.
"Maybe if someone you knew or loved was murdered by these bastards you would think differently. "
ReplyDeleteWould that entitle me to think and promote that all Muslims are bad?
"Would that entitle me to think and promote that all Muslims are bad?"
ReplyDeleteI never said that Greg.
You didn't?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you explain how you didn't imply that all Muslims are bad people....
can you do that?
can you do that?
ReplyDeleteNow that's funny!!!
Greg, a high enough percentage of Muslim immigrants are bad enough to rethink whether or not any of them should be allowed to move here. Look at the high percent of young Muslim immigrants in America who were happy about 9-11 for example. It's suical to invite our enemies here in the name of "multiculteralism".
"Now that's funny!!! "
"Greg, a high enough percentage of Muslim immigrants are bad enough to rethink whether or not any of them should be allowed to move here."
ReplyDeleteAnd that percentage is? And how do you determine which are 'bad'?
Maybe we need to come up with a test of all bad people in this country D2?
Did you know that people also thought the Irish were bad people too D2?
ReplyDeleteMuslims like the non-assimilating Somalis have been a severe tax drain on the people of Minnesota, not to mention their known strong link to Islamic terror.
Illegal aliens and the liberals who support their massive influx are causing great damage as well.
We need more people like this guy speaking out what Americans are feeling:
"Muslims like the non-assimilating Somalis have been a severe tax drain on the people of Minnesota,..."
ReplyDeleteSo explain to me how many of the Somali immigrants are not assimilating and how they are not...
and then explain to me in verifiable numbers how much of a 'tax drain' they are.
"not to mention their known strong link to Islamic terror. "
And how many Somali immigrants does this include? Is it 5? More than 5? Less than 7?
"Illegal aliens and the liberals who support their massive influx are causing great damage as well."
Can you explain to me the damage that is being done in accurate and verifiable data?
How are 'liberals' supporting them?
ReplyDeleteHe said .. "Just like the Nazi's rounded up the Jews" ..
He's trying to act like some tough goombah .. what a joke.
"He said .. "Just like the Nazi's rounded up the Jews" .."
ReplyDeleteIf you qoute him, you really should use his entire sentence Liberal Greg.
In any case, this guy reflects the fed up views Americans have of the liberals in charge of this country going against our will. We don't want ObamaCare, Cap & Tax, Massive Tax Increases, or Amnesty for Millions of Criminal Illegal Aliens.
Your Democrat Socialist Party will loose BIG TIME this November Liberal Greg.
"If you qoute him, you really should use his entire sentence Liberal Greg."
"In any case, this guy reflects the fed up views Americans have of the liberals in charge of this country going against our will."
Ah, so you're speaking for everyone now? Sounds like a massive influx of MPD.
Just me, but people spreading part of the story and not being honest seems to be the issue ... and you D2, are a part of that very issue.
Not once did that goombah pass on a FACT, it was just more rhetoric supplied by the likes of liars like Michelle Bachmann ...
"Your Democrat Socialist Party will loose BIG TIME this November Liberal Greg. "
That's not my party ...
my party is the one that doesn't listen to the lies spewed out by the goombah in your video or on your website ..
I'm part of the American party D2 ...
and that party is sick of lying idiots.
Don't worry Greg. Help is on the way for the mental disorder of liberalism.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight all!
ReplyDelete"Don't worry Greg. Help is on the way for the mental disorder of liberalism. "
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Now all we need is to get help for the fascist conservative liars like you D2!
Then everyone will get the truth!
Greetings earthlings, and you too, dtroll. Glad to see you put something together here, Greg.