"Did you know that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are bigots? Ditto for the justices of New York's, Maryland's and Washington's highest state courts. And there are at least 7 million bigots in California alone, along with legions more across the country.
Their strange and aberrant delusion? They believe -- or say it's reasonable to believe -- that traditional marriage is a social good that serves our nation well.
So says federal Judge Vaughn Walker, who recently overturned Proposition 8 -- passed by California voters in 2008 to enshrine one man/one woman marriage in their state's constitution. Walker ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional under the U.S. constitution. Only "prejudice," "fear" and "misinformation," he said, can explain Californians' support for it.
Anyone who wonders why Americans are up in arms over the arrogance of our quasi-totalitarians in black robes -- activist judges who want to rule your life -- should flip through Walker's opinion.
Arrogance and disdain for those who dare to disagree drip from every page:
So what if male/female marriage has been the core institution in virtually every human society? Walker dictates that male/female differences shall henceforth be eradicated from marriage. "Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage," he ruled, rejecting other views as "antiquated" and "discredited."
And the universal belief that kids do best with both a mom and a dad? That one goes in the garbage can, too. It's "beyond any doubt" that "parents' genders are irrelevant to children's developmental outcomes," he instructs us.
Walker's 136-page opinion is rife with contempt for American citizens, who are too ignorant and easily led to have a voice in defining marriage. As a result, the issue of marriage is "beyond the constitutional reach of the voters or their representatives," Walker tells us. In other words, get in line and shut up.
Walker's central finding is that there is no conceivable rational argument for defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Only "a fear or unarticulated dislike of same-sex couples" can account for it, he says.
Yet marriage is rooted in biology -- a fact that Walker can't wish away. Marriage is a male/female institution because only sex between men and women produces children. To survive and flourish, a society must channel male/female erotic desires into responsible procreation. Marriage binds parents -- especially fathers -- to their offspring, assuring that children will have both parents' love, guidance and economic support.
The two sexes also bring different and complementary strengths to parenting. Mothers, for example, are more attuned than fathers to the cries, gestures and language of babies, toddlers and teens -- and so are better at nurturing children physically and emotionally. (The hormone oxytocin may play an important role here.) Fathers, on the other hand, are particularly good at ensuring safety and encouraging children to shoulder challenging tasks. Men's size and strength provide an advantage in discipline, particularly with boys.
Judge Walker assures us that radically redefining marriage would have no adverse social consequences. Yet it would likely erode vital social norms, including the expectation that men should take responsibility for children they beget. America already has a 40 percent out-of-wedlock birth rate, and can ill afford this. Another norm at risk is marital fidelity. A recent groundbreaking study found that "about 50 percent" of gay male couples in the San Francisco Bay Area "have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners," according to the New York Times. "With straight people, it's called affairs or cheating, but with gay people it does not have such negative connotations," researcher Colleen Hoff told the Times.
Despite such facts, Walker insists that benighted, private "moral and religious views form the only basis for a belief that same-sex couples are different from opposite-sex couples."
Morality and religion are deeply intertwined with our ideas of justice. Is Walker suggesting that because the modern civil-rights movement was religiously motivated, we should reject the laws that it inspired?
In fact, Walker may have his own private reasons for overturning Prop 8. He is "openly gay" and "attends bar functions with a companion, a physician," the Los Angeles Times reported last month. If Walker is in a stable gay relationship, he has a personal interest in gay marriage that may legally disqualify him from ruling on Prop 8.
Walker's failure to disclose his relationship requires that his opinion be vacated and a new trial be held before a different judge, Chapman University law professor John Eastman wrote last week.
Walker's attempt to smuggle in his own, self-interested version of morality may be the real reason for his arrogant..."
"Arrogance and disdain for those who dare to disagree drip from every page:"
"Despite such facts..."
Which ones? Why no reference to the source?
KK, you make it very difficult to believe any of your writings ...
you're starting to sound more and more like D2.
Are you ok KK?
The liberal activist judge who overturned the will off the people is vey typical of today's modern liberal. Obama and his socialist accomplises in Washington are cramming ObamaCare, Amnesty, Cap & Tax, Expansion of Government, and Tax Increases down our throughts against our are just like that leftist San Fransicko judge.
ReplyDeleteFortunately liberals will lose BIG TIME in November!
Anyway, gay marriage is bad for society and even homosexuals like this guy realize this:
Speaking of liars Greg, you are the biggest one I've ever known for continually denying you're a liberal while supporting every leftist/socialist cause out there. I dare you to name even one liberal cause out there such as Man on Man marriage that you don't support.
ReplyDelete"The liberal activist judge who overturned the will off the people...."
ReplyDeleteSome rights are not the will of the people D2 ..
like .. religion.
Nowhere is there proof of KK's or your claims except for fringe results with no reference or test programs available .. just rhetoric.
"Speaking of liars Greg, you are the biggest one I've ever known for continually denying you're a liberal while supporting every leftist/socialist cause out there. I dare you to name even one liberal cause out there such as Man on Man marriage that you don't support. "
ReplyDeleteGuns. Some tax equations. Some waelfare programs ...
there's quite a few more.
Reading about Buckley interests me very much. He is no longer considered conservative by todays standards (extremists), but he's probably one of the most common sense conservatives we've seen or will see for some time.
So no, I'm not a liar and sane people consider me a moderate ...
note 'sane people D2. You wouldn't be included in that group.
On the other hand, you D2 are quite adept at lying just like MB.
"Some rights are not the will of the people D2 .."
ReplyDeleteNo, let's save that for liberal activist judges to decide instead. Right Greg?
"No, let's save that for liberal activist judges to decide instead. Right Greg? "
ReplyDeleteAh, the activist judge rhetoric ..
Is this because you have no clue how our laws were derived D2? The same action taken by this judge is what protects you from being locked up for simply being a habitual liar or putting up a website filled with misconceptions.
"Ah, the activist judge rhetoric .."
ReplyDeleteIf liberals can't push their agenda with the ballot box, they resort to using liberal activist jugdes. Notice where this particluar judge is from, liberal San Fransicko, the land of Fruits and Nuts.
As liberal as California is, the people there still voted against Man on Man marriage because they realize the problems that would come along with that. I not against civil unions, but let's not redefine marriage. I respect homosexuals like Elton John who spaek out against gay marriage, putting the good of society before their own personal desires.
Greg, I suppose you support Obama and that radial Imam leading the effort in their attempts to build a victory Mosque at Ground Zero? Do you know that the vast majority of New Yorker's are against this awful plan?
ReplyDelete"If liberals can't push their agenda with the ballot box, they resort to using liberal activist jugdes. Notice where this particluar judge is from, liberal San Fransicko, the land of Fruits and Nuts. "
ReplyDeleteSo you really don't understand how our constitution works.
As for land of fruits and nuts .. well, I believe a great many folks think that of people who keep voting MB into office. Why in the world would anyone want a documented liar representing them?
"Greg, I suppose you support Obama and that radial Imam leading the effort in their attempts to build a victory Mosque at Ground Zero? Do you know that the vast majority of New Yorker's are against this awful plan? "
ReplyDeleteI don't have to like it, but it makes a strong statement to the rest of the world that no matter what anyone tries to do to this country we will stand by our principles ...
and that's a good thing.
"As liberal as California is, the people there still voted against Man on Man marriage because they realize the problems that would come along with that."
ReplyDeleteWhat are those problems?
Gay Marriage: Even Liberals Know It's Bad (except for insane Liberal Democrat Trust Fund Baby Mark Dayton)
"but it makes a strong statement to the rest of the world"
ReplyDeleteYes, that we are idiots for letting Islamic terrorists slap us in the face like that by putting up a Victory Mosque. Don't you care about the people who lost loved one in the Towers who are disgusted by this? I guess not.
Once again, Obama is going against the will of the American people, and the democrat party will pay big time for it in a couple of months.
More rhetoric and absolutely NO proof.
ReplyDeleteFear mongering .....
is that the only way fascist extremists like you know how to get your way D2?
ReplyDeleteVictory Mosque planner Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf who is traveling the Middle East on our dime as Obama's guest is a radical Islamist who thinks we deserved 9-11. He also refuses to admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Obama should be impeached for this alone.
I'm sure you have all sorts of valid proof of your claims too ..
ReplyDeletebut you won't provide them will you D2.
And D2, emails don't count.
ReplyDelete"I'm sure you have all sorts of valid proof of your claims too .."
ReplyDeleteGreg, if you open up you news sources to something other than the Star Democrat Tribune and PMSNBC, you would find things out for yourself and not need to depend on conservatives to inform you.
In other words, you have no proof other than an email correct? Come on D2, show the proof ..
ReplyDeleteOK Liberal Greg, I'll help you out one more time. Next time I expect you to find out information like this on your own:
Ground Zero Mosque: A Lesson In Self-Preservation From Germany
Once again there is absolutely no proof .. just more rhetoric and fear mongering.
ReplyDeleteAnalysis: Mosque talk another hurdle for Dems
It's almost like the democrat party is trying to loose the House and Senate this November. American's are against Obama in his plan to allow a radical Imam who blames America for 9-11 to build his Victory Mosque at Ground Zero.
"American's are against Obama in his plan to allow a radical Imam who blames America for 9-11 to build his Victory Mosque at Ground Zero. "
ReplyDeleteSo it's Obamas plan to do this? I'd like to see you prove this D2...
"So it's Obamas plan to do this? I'd like to see you prove this D2..."
ReplyDeleteIt's Obama's plan to allow a radical Islamist Imam to slap the face of the relatives of 9-11 murder victims by putting a Victory Mosque om that site. Why do you want to hurt these people even more liberal Greg?
Do you know that most Americans disagree with you, Obama, and the radical Imam on this?
So, we should just ignore our laws so people get their way ..
ReplyDeleteYou still haven't shown me how this is Obama's plan. As far as I can tell, he's just allowing our own laws and freedoms to run their course ... which is also what he commented.
You're twisting this into something it's not D2 .. you're lying .. again.
So much irony ..
ReplyDeletehere we have a group who constantly reminds us of our rights provided by the constitution .. yet, when someone they don't like exercises those same rights then it shouldn't be allowed.
D2, not only have you lied about this sitution, but you're showing just how much of a childish hypocrite you really are ..
I'm waiting for the 'they don't do it so why should we argument' .. perhaps that debate should be held in a pre-school classroom to match the intellectual level.
And please show me where I want this mosque to be built there D2 .. can you?
ReplyDeleteWell, do you think the Islamist Victory Mosque should be built at Ground Zero or not? You seem to be defending the unpopular liberal position on this.
ReplyDeleteIt's not an 'islamist' mosque .. it's a Mosque.
ReplyDeleteNext, I don't like it being built there but because of the rights guaranteed in this country we don't have a choice.
Do you get that?
It cracks me up how the new fascist conservatives scream so loudly about the (actually 'their') meaning of our constitution but really don't want it around unless it's to there advantage ..
"It's not an 'islamist' mosque .. it's a Mosque."
ReplyDeleteThe leading Imam pushing for this Mosque blames America for 9-11 and refuses to admit that Islamic Terror group Hamas is a terrorist organization. I would call his vision of this Victory Mosque Islamist.
"Next, I don't like it being built there but because of the rights guaranteed in this country we don't have a choice."
ReplyDeleteIslamists are a political organization much more than a religion Greg. There goal is to kill infidels and Jews and turn the world Islamic by any means necessary. I don't think our Founding Fathers would consider their dangerous actions "Freedom of Religion"
Hamas nod for Ground Zero mosque:
ReplyDeleteIslamic Terror group's leader: 'Have to build it'
"The leading Imam pushing for this Mosque blames America for 9-11 and refuses to admit that Islamic Terror group Hamas is a terrorist organization. I would call his vision of this Victory Mosque Islamist."
ReplyDeleteIs it really this difficult for you to understand there is no such thing as a islamist mosque?
"Islamists are a political organization much more than a religion Greg. There goal is to kill infidels and Jews and turn the world Islamic by any means necessary. I don't think our Founding Fathers would consider their dangerous actions "Freedom of Religion" "
Take your meds .. please.
D2, regardless of how much rhetoric and lies you want to stuff in your melon, the vast majority of Muslim folks are very peaceful ... of course, that ruins your whole game plan doesn't it.
"Is it really this difficult for you to understand there is no such thing as a islamist mosque?"
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Islamist Mosques which have recruited people for Jihad and plotted Islamic terror attacks, including a Somali Mosque right here in Minnesota.
Pull your head out Liberal Greg!
Okay moron .. since you're that challenged go ahead and call it whatever you'd like ... you'll look like an idiot, but you're so used to that it just won't matter.
ReplyDeleteNow maybe we should discuss christian churches which have been meeting centers for fascist conservative attacks ..
Interesting how religion leads to violence and hatred ..
ReplyDeleteYes, I have you backed into a corner and you can no longer justify your behavior ..
ReplyDeleteyou've again admitted to being a liar and in addition have admitted the politicians you endorse are also liars and fascists.
Now all you need to do is change your website.
"Interesting how religion leads to violence and hatred .."
ReplyDeleteOnly with modern day Islam Greg:
Read the Ramadan 2010 Scorecard (if you dare).
ReplyDeleteSo when will that website be fixed?
You complain about my links Greg?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you find something that shows wrong doings from Christians in THIS CENTURY? Muslims in Afghanistan just stoned a young couple to death for alloping. Again, pull your head out Greg!
Imam Obama now blames democrat Congress for horrible economy:
Looks like he had to quit playing the worn out BLAME BUSH card for all his problems. Typical liberal though, it's always someone elses fault.
How long before Somali Islamic Terror groups attack America?
One of the nation's top intelligence officials was stunned by what he heard in that secret, underground facility.
Jack Tomarchio, the Department of Homeland Security's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis at the time, had flown from Washington to Ohio earlier that spring day for a briefing on the Buckeye State's latest efforts against terrorism. Now, as heavy winds battered the streets above, two Ohio Homeland Security officials told him how the capitals of Ohio and Minnesota had become havens for refugees of war-torn Somalia.
"Get out of town!" Tomarchio remembers saying in surprise. "Why did they go to Minnesota? It's freezing up there. Why don't they go to Arizona, where it's desert-like?"
Then the two briefers told Tomarchio they were becoming increasingly concerned about "radical mosques" in Columbus, Ohio, where imams "considered to be a little fiery" would come from Somalia and preach anti-Western messages to the growing Somali community, Tomarchio recalls about that day in 2006.
It marked one of the first times a U.S. counterterrorism official was warned that Islamic extremists in Somalia could pose a threat to the U.S. homeland -- not just a threat to the Horn of Africa or U.S. interests there.
"Looks like he had to quit playing the worn out BLAME BUSH card for all his problems. Typical liberal though, it's always someone elses fault. "
ReplyDeleteI'm not a liberal and understand our economy is hosed from actions taken in '98 by a democratic president and republican congress ... it continued it's spiral because of lax banking regulations, greed, and government mismanagement by a republican president and congress for the decade following '98. The steps taken thus far have not panned out as expected and because of childish behavior and numerous lies it's doubtful we'll see a full recovery in the next couple of years.
People like yourself D2 who spread lies to promote an ideology are not helping our country .. not one bit.
"Why don't you find something that shows wrong doings from Christians in THIS CENTURY?"
ReplyDeleteBlackwater .. Abu Garib ..
do you want more?
"Jack Tomarchio"
ReplyDeleteTool. The dude has zero credibility which is exactly why he's on a propoganda gig.
"Blackwater .. Abu Garib .."
ReplyDeleteSure great. Which branch of Christianity do those organizations represent?
"Sure great. Which branch of Christianity do those organizations represent? "
ReplyDeleteYou're pretty funny for a hardcore liberal Greg!
Republican vs. Democrat Women:
This video was blocked from youtube by liberals who hate freedom of speech, but you can still view it on this link.
So D2, is your wife a republican or a democrat?
ReplyDelete"So D2, is your wife a republican or a democrat?"
ReplyDeleteShe's an attractive Republican gal from Conservative South Dakota.
From your gayspace page it looks like your lady friend is pretty as well. I wish she would tell you her true political feelings, but I'm sure she doesn't want to rock the boat living with a radical liberal.
My wife is very attractive and intelligent enough to see through the lies of politicians like MB and nutcase Palin. She's not a liberal or conservative .. she votes mostly for democrats since the republican party has been hijacked by idiots like yourself D2.
ReplyDeleteSo where's the picture of your wife? Cuz I don't believe you .. not for one millisecond.
"she votes mostly for democrats"
ReplyDeleteI'll bet she doesn't this year. She may have been fooled once but hopefully she won't be fooled twice.
D2, no picture huh? I'm gonna go with more lying from you.
ReplyDeleteMy wife refuses to vote for anyone even remotely aligned with the republican party which is being hijacked by lying morons.
"My wife refuses to vote for anyone even remotely aligned with the republican party which is being hijacked by lying morons."
ReplyDeleteYour leftist (non-moderate) views are showing Greg. I have a way of allowing those true feelings to be released by "moderates" I guess.
Did you tell your wife she feels that way yet?
"Did you tell your wife she feels that way yet? "
ReplyDeleteHa!!! I don't tell my wife to think a certain way D2, but I'm betting that's pretty much your idea of an ideal marriage.
And yes D2, I'm moderate and really bummed to see the parties being hijacked by extremists. Now all I can do is vote away from the party lying the most ... which happens to be the Republican party which has been hijacked by fscsist liars like yourself.
"Ha!!! I don't tell my wife to think a certain way D2"
ReplyDeleteI'm just mostly screwing with ya Liberal Greg. No personal insults intended.
Hope you come to your senses.
Going to the State Fair this year? Let me know and I'll buy you and your love wife a beer if we're there at the same time. You can see my wife in person.
I'm moderate and really bummed to see the parties being hijacked by extremists. Now all I can do is vote away from the party lying the most ...
ReplyDeleteGreg, have you considered that by spending so much of your time "conversing" with an extremest idiot, it might be affecting your perception of "most"?
If Greg was a moderate he wouldn't be taking the liberal side on every issue.
ReplyDelete"Greg, have you considered that by spending so much of your time "conversing" with an extremest idiot, it might be affecting your perception of "most"? "
ReplyDeleteHA!! For the most part, the people I know who have consistently stayed with the R's on the ballot, are feeling the same way. It's mostly because of a handful of politicians along with some media folks. Don't get me wrong thinking it's just one sided by any means, it's just that more of it seems to be coming from one side ... maybe because of elections?
Of course there is the idiot factor as well, but I think that might be evenly dispersed.
"Of course there is the idiot factor as well"
ReplyDeleteSure, keep bringing up Obama voters.
Ex-Bank of England Official: Dumping Bush Tax Cuts May Bring Depression:
ReplyDeleteMany economists are worried about the possibility of a double-dip recession, but former Bank of England official David Blanchflower thinks it could be much worse than that if the Bush tax cuts aren't extended.
"If we don't act fast, a plunge into Depression is a growing risk in . . . the U.S.," he writes in a column on Bloomberg.
"The so-called Bush tax cuts, which are scheduled to expire at the end of the year, should be extended as soon as possible."
Blanchflower notes that unemployment stands at 9.5 percent, jobless claims are rising, bank lending is weak, housing prices aren't rebounding despite mortgage rates at record lows, consumer confidence remains depressed and consumer spending is slowing.
"It's time for tax cuts, which have the added advantage that they work quickly," Blanchflower writes. "Firms respond to incentives."
Rather than being eliminated, the Bush tax cuts should be adjusted to maximize job creation, he says.
Martin Regalia, an economist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, also says erasing the Bush tax cuts would have dire consequences, killing the economy's chances for recovery.
"That's what you're suggesting, is a corporate bullet in the head," he said at a conference, The Hill reports.
"That is going to be a bullet in the head for an awful lot of people that are going to be laid off and an awful lot of people who are hoping to get their jobs back."
My question is: Are the democrat socialists who are steering us towards a depression doing this on purpose or are they just that stupid?
Hey d2, please make up your mind. Do we do something about the mounting deficit(let the Bush tax cuts expire), or do we just keep piling it up(extend them). You neocons are funny. First you whine about debt, then you whine about taxes. I think you just like to whine.
ReplyDeleteWe need to lower taxes in order to improve the ecomony so we can take care of the massive debt the democrat socialist party is building up.
President Barack Hussein Obama and Congressional Liberal Democrats are quietly rushing through legislation (H.R. 3017 & S. 1584) that would actually bring cross-dressing teachers into your child's classroom. Under the so-called, Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), your children will be trapped in classes taught by drag queens and transgender activists. Students will be indoctrinated that "alternative lifestyles" are no different than traditional lifestyles. Young children will be forced to learn about bizarre sexual fetishes - and you will have no say in the matter. It is already happening in some states and concerned parents can't do a thing about it - until now.
ReplyDeleteThis radical bill goes too far. That's why the Traditional Values Coalition is standing in strong opposition to ENDA. Sign our petition against ENDA today and send Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their liberal allies a clear message: cross-dressing teachers do not belong in our classrooms!
Greg, do you stand with liberals or conservatives on this issue. I'm sure I know the answer.
D2 ..
ReplyDeleteYou're wrong. So is that guy that doesn't even live here that you quoted.
Additionally, Bachmann is a psycho and will continue to promote a fascist lifestyle built upon her lies and the lies of those she supports and those who support her ..
people should learn how unpatriotic Michelle Bachmann is and call for her censure and subsequent expulsion from congress.
"Traditional Values Coalition"
ReplyDeleteSo now we have a group that is deciding what traditional values are ..
I suppose this means they'll be going after folks serving ham instead of turkey on Thanksgiving.
Sure, attack the messenger instead of sticking your neck out and answering a valid question. Typical liberal!
ReplyDelete"Sure, attack the messenger instead of sticking your neck out and answering a valid question."
ReplyDeleteNow that's funny.
Why don't you demonstrate how to answer questions D2.
Here's a few ..
Do you think it's a good idea to elect a politician like Michelle Bachmann who is a confirmed liar?
Do you think that Michelle Bachmann who is a known liar, is a good role model for children?
Now D2, these are yes or no answers ... the only answer to both questions is yes or no.
Can you answer them?
Hey Monty,
ReplyDeleteWe've got a few choices we can make.
1.Tax our way out of it.
2.Reduce spending (at a level that will force people to learn what the word "austerity" means.)
3.Inflate our way out of it. (buy ink stocks now!)
4.Grow our way out of it.
Unfortunately, it's going to take a very carefully orchestrated combination of #1 through #3 to get to the only acceptable option, #4.
I'm not Monty, but wouldn't 1,2 and 4 be reasonable?
ReplyDeleteThe tax our way out won't work on it's own, but making some kind of equitable tax equation might be something to consider. For businesses, maybe make some kind of REAL growth awards (like actually producing something AND providing adequate paying jobs).
Reducing spending is a no-brainer but there'll be a war getting to what it should be .. just me, but we should definately not get ourselves into another war.
Growth may come by the incentives in #1 but agaiin, those awards need to be exceptional.
3's more politically palatable.
ReplyDeleteBecause people don't see it coming until it's too late.
"I'm not Monty, but wouldn't 1,2 and 4 be reasonable?"
ReplyDeleteNo liberal Greg, you can't tax your way to prosperity, it's been proven time and time again.
"Because people don't see it coming until it's too late. "
ReplyDeleteNo shit!
The issue this time is nothing compareable to past history ... unfortunately, we're hearing the same shit from both sides about how to fix it.
Too bad they're too childish to get what most of us do ..
it's gonna take all choices in some measure to get back and people learning lessons our grandparents were very well aware of.
Hopefully people will stop listening to idiots ..
Greg, the democrat socialist party is making things much, much worse. Pull your head out Man!
ReplyDeleteD2, lying morons are making things worse ..
ReplyDeletehere's a great example: