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Wish it was different, but this way it might stay more interesting.

These are excerpts from Kersten commentary.

Katherine can be found here at the Star Tribune:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

KK implies conservatives do no wrong


One week ago, a 22-year-old loner named Jared Loughner gunned down six people and wounded 14 more at U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' "meet-and-greet" in Tucson.

Before the victims' blood was dry, the chattering classes and many in the news media had placed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party in the dock -- accusing them, in essence, of being accomplices to this heinous mass murder.

The charges ranged from allegations that Palin had "targeted" Giffords on a preelection map to claims that Arizona had encouraged Loughner's rampage by enforcing immigration laws.

The claims came to this: Conservatives had created a rhetorical "climate of hate" that somehow induced this madman's rampage.

It wasn't just MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and other inflammatory left-wing commentators who advanced this accusation, which was unsupported by a shred of evidence.

It was pillars of the media establishment, including the New York Times and CNN, whose speculations were dutifully repeated by regional media outlets.

Unfortunately for the theory's purveyors, it quickly became clear that Loughner is both apolitical and mentally deranged.

Apparently, he's a fan of both Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, fears mind control through "grammar," and terrified his classmates before being kicked out of college. Psychologically, he appears to resemble the Virginia Tech shooter or workplace mass murderers, not a politically motivated assassin.

Yet I've seen no apologies from the Times or the liberal establishment for the slanders they so glibly leveled against their conservative adversaries. In fact, one of this tragedy's most instructive aspects is what it has revealed about our chattering classes.

Byron York of the Washington Examiner pointed this out the day after the shootings. He contrasted the liberal establishment's rush to judgment in Tucson with its cautionary reaction to the slaying of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009.

Within hours of that crime, it was known that the suspect, Nidal Hasan, had written Internet postings lauding Muslim suicide bombings and had reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he fired.

Yet media and political figures repeatedly urged Americans not to "jump to conclusions" that Hasan's attack had any connection to Islam. Their reaction to mass murder, it seems, is closely tied to the identity of its perpetrators and victims.

In pushing its "right-wing climate of fear" narrative, the mainstream media turned a blind eye to the left's rhetorical excesses. No need to mention that left-wing blogger Markos Moulitsas had "bulls-eyed" Giffords in 2008 because she wasn't sufficiently liberal. No need to repeat President Obama's 2008 remark about Republicans: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." There was silence about the left's "Bush hatred"; about "Bush lied, people died"; about a Toronto film award for a movie envisioning the president's assassination. Where the left was concerned, instead of admonishing about a "climate of hate," liberal pundits assured us that dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

Most ironically, the liberal establishment used the Tucson shootings to issue sanctimonious calls for "civility" while simultaneously accusing their ideological opponents of complicity in murder. It's hard to imagine a graver slander.

What explains this?

I suspect our opinionmaking elite was tempted by what appeared an opportunity to put conservatives on the defensive after liberals' humiliating defeat at the polls in November.

The shootings seemed to offer a chance to raise Obama in the polls, to hobble Republicans' campaign to repeal Obamacare and to control political content on the airwaves.

More fundamentally, I suggest, the reaction flows from something deeper -- from the very DNA of "progressivism." It's the tendency to ascribe the worst of intentions and motives to those who disagree with liberal views.

One of liberalism's fundamental tenets is the assumption (rarely articulated) that human beings -- when led by the best and brightest -- have the capacity to shape the world to their liking.

If the world remains imperfect, in this view, it's not because a perfect society is beyond us -- as conservatism and the American founders have held. It's because someone is standing in the way -- someone who doesn't "care," or who has evil intentions.

From this perspective, people who disagree with liberal positions are not just mistaken, they are wicked.

This explains the liberal tendency to view those who disagree as motivated by animus or "hate" -- as racist, sexist or homophobic. We see a reflexive insistence on a "climate of hate," not only with regard to the Tucson murders, but also with opposition to illegal immigration and attempts to redefine marriage.

The Tucson tragedy rips the veil away from the opinionmaking class, and from much of the mainstream media. In an unguarded moment, they revealed that ideology trumps facts in their quest for power. They put their biases on display for all to see."


  1. "In an unguarded moment, they revealed that ideology trumps facts in their quest for power"

    Ugh. So what the author is attempting to say, is that the vitriolic statements thrown around the political landscape in the last 3 or more decades belong solely to 'liberals'? I don't think so.

    Here's just one example of the craziness that's floating around .... Michelle Bachmann. And lets face it, Olbermann isn't a poster child for telling the whole story either. The polarizing and vitriol BELONG to these kinds of people. No, it didn't 'make' this delusional person start shooting, but the environment it's created certainly did not help.

    No 'person' is responsible for what happened however, in my opinion, the environment created by the political discourse.

    As the old saying goes ...

    "point one finger and there's three more pointing at yourself"

  2. From the previous post:

    "I'm not opposed to that. But in the meantime, we need to beef up border security, end the anchor baby loophole, and stop the liberal policies which attract illegals here such as unlawful sanctuary city and welfare handouts. "

    Border security is being 'beefed-up'. Remember that legislation was pushed through in the last year to increase the amount of surveilance capabilities. Sometimes more feet on the ground isn't the way to go, especially when you consider the cost.

    I don't like the 'anchor baby' loophole, but on a compassionate side, I'd rather they have a safe place to be born and spend their lives. It's a burden, but it's one I'm in favor of maintaining. I know I'm not alone on this thought and know it breeches the political spectrum.

  3. "Border security is being 'beefed-up'."
    President cuts border security budget:

  4. "I don't like the 'anchor baby' loophole, but on a compassionate side, I'd rather they have a safe place to be born and spend their lives."

    That doesn't mean we have to grant babies of illegal aliens citizenship. The 14th. Amendment was meant to help the slaves, not illegal aliens.

    We also can't keep up our practice of importing poverty from around the globe, especially when taxes and unemployement are so high already. Let's help people out in their own countries instead.

  5. "I don't like the 'anchor baby' loophole, but on a compassionate side......

    holey butt whole, batman.

    com·pas·sion (km-pshn)
    Deep Liberal awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it by denying financial benefits for citizens to give to those whose first act in this country is to break the law by entering the country illegaly. Thus overwhelming our school, medical, social assistance and judicial systems to the point of bancrupting this country as they mail their ill gotten gains home to prop up the corrupt systems of governance of thier countries of origin.

    so there, neener neener neener

  6. "The 14th. Amendment was meant to help the slaves,"

    freed slaves?

  7. "Deep Liberal awareness"

    I like that GO!

  8. "President cuts border security budget:"

    Your article was from early 2010 ..

    Look at this instead:

    "That doesn't mean we have to grant babies of illegal aliens citizenship. The 14th. Amendment was meant to help the slaves, not illegal aliens.

    We also can't keep up our practice of importing poverty from around the globe, especially when taxes and unemployement are so high already. Let's help people out in their own countries instead. "

    Try thinking ROI. If we put money and resources in other areas of the world, what do we get? IF we have those in need in our country, the outcome is more in our control vs. the potential of just wasting money trying to help in countries we have no control over.

  9. "holey butt whole, batman. "

    Don't you mean butt hole?

  10. "IF we have those in need in our country, the outcome is more in our control"

    We can't afford to keep importing poverty here Greg. Maybe if we explain to them that having manu kids when they can't afford it is a bad idea.

  11. Nice commuter .. .

  12. "We can't afford to keep importing poverty here Greg. Maybe if we explain to them that having manu kids when they can't afford it is a bad idea. "

    The real question is whether we can afford not to. Think of it like this ...

    you put some kid in a terrible environment, they're most likely to turn into less than a model citizen. If you get them out of the environment, you have a greater opportunity of the kid actually contributing. Now, if the money goes overseas, do you think it's going to go where it needs to? Do you think the outcome is better for us as a country?

    Most of the countries we're seeing immigration from are so ravaged in war and corruption the money doesn't get where it should and instead we end up with potential enemies being brought up.

  13. "If you get them out of the environment, you have a greater opportunity of the kid actually contributing."

    Like the Somali's in Minnesota who go off to Jihad, or the ones who join dangerous Somali gangs? Despite all the taxpayer funded handouts we give them, a good percentage of these kids turn out to be troublemakers.

    Again, importing thousands of hard to assimilate third world refugees here doesn't put a dent in the world's problems, but it's a high cost to us both financially and socially.

  14. "Most of the countries we're seeing immigration from are so ravaged in war and corruption the money doesn't get where it should and instead we end up with potential enemies being brought up."

    OK then, don't send taxpayer funded handouts to these areas if they end up in the wrong hands.

  15. Excellent commentary by Katherine again!

    The liberal Star Tribune rag needs more writers like her instead of one token conservative allowed to write about twice a month.

  16. "Like the Somali's in Minnesota who go off to Jihad, or the ones who join dangerous Somali gangs? Despite all the taxpayer funded handouts we give them, a good percentage of these kids turn out to be troublemakers."

    You're attempting to make it sound as though ALL Somali's are bad people. You know this isn't true.

    Instead of attempting to have discourse which strives for solutions, you seem to be more interested in condemning an entire culture. Why is that D2?

    NOT providing any kind of relief or looking for a solution makes a problem worse ... never better.

  17. "Excellent commentary by Katherine again! "

    Why is it excellent? What point was she attempting to make? How did this article provide answers to issues surrounding discourse in this country? Did it provide an example of how politicians and pundits should behave?

    What about lying? Did the article discourage lying?

  18. "You're attempting to make it sound as though ALL Somali's are bad people"

    No I'm not. There is a serious problem with Somali gangs though, while gangs and terror are virtually non-existent in other cultures.

    "NOT providing any kind of relief or looking for a solution makes a problem worse ... never better."

    Fine, but we need to stop importing problems and poverty here, esprecially while so many Americans are hurting during this recession.

  19. We also need to protect our borders from illegal immigration Greg. Here are a few reasons why:
    240,000: the number of illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States, a "conservative" estimate according to a study by the Violent Crime Institute. Over the 88-month study, illegal aliens were responsible for an estimated 960,000 violent sex crimes in the U.S.

    4-10,000,000: the number of illegal aliens who crossed into the United States in 2005, bringing with them 5.6 to 11.2 million pounds of cocaine and 34.3 to 68.6 million pounds of marijuana. As many as 19,500 aliens originated in countries identified as state sponsors of terror, according to the Department of Homeland Security. This figure includes members of Hezbollah who have already entered the United States across the southwest border; and agents of Venezuela, which is providing falsified documentation for entry into the U.S. illegally.

    $2,200,000,000: the amount spent on food assistance programs for illegal aliens including food stamps, WIC, free school lunches, etc. each year.

    $2,500,000,000: the amount spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens annually.

    $3,000,000,000: the approximate annual federal spending to house non-U.S. citizens in federal prisons, which represents roughly 30% of the prison population according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Most of non-citizen prison population is comprised of illegal aliens.

    $12,000,000,000: the amount spent each year on primary and secondary public education for children in the U.S. illegally, many of whom cannot speak English.

    $17,000,000,000: the amount spent each year on primary and secondary public education for American-born children of illegal aliens, known as 'anchor babies'.

    $11-22,000,000,000: the amount spent on welfare for illegal aliens by state governments each year.

    $50,000,000,000: the amount spent annually on providing welfare and social services to illegal aliens by federal taxpayers.

    $200,000,000,000: the amount of "suppressed American wages" caused by illegal immigration and lax policies such as H-1B programs.

    What are the true costs of illegal immigration to American citizens? In hard dollar terms, it's hundreds of billions -- all of which could be better used elsewhere, especially in these tough economic times.

  20. "Don't you mean butt hole?"

    well, yeah.....but I didn't want to call you by your christian name.......

  21. "There is a serious problem with Somali gangs though, while gangs and terror are virtually non-existent in other cultures."

    Can you name the cultures where terror and gangs are 'virtually non-existent'?

  22. "Can you name the cultures where terror and gangs are 'virtually non-existent'?"

    I can't think of many Minnesota honkies in gangs, can you?

  23. "I can't think of many Minnesota honkies in gangs, can you? "

    Sure ..

    Outlaws MC, Bandidos MC, SOS MC, you want more?

  24. Your 'numbers' comment doesn't have a single verifiable reference attached to it D2.

  25. "Outlaws MC, Bandidos MC, SOS MC, you want more?"

    Are these biker clubs violent Greg? What crimes are they well known for?

  26. Your 'numbers' comment doesn't have a single verifiable reference attached to it D2.
    Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

  27. Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

    Ya think they might be biased D2? That's where the numbers came from and if you take just a moment to consider ...

    how in the heck can you verify something like that if there's no way to document something that's undocumented?

  28. "Are these biker clubs violent Greg? What crimes are they well known for? "

    What do you think D2? Do you think they're violent?

  29. "Ya think they might be biased D2"

    Sure that are Greg, and their facts are correct. I'm glad we have groups like that around to educate us on things the liberal media likes to cover up.

  30. Most guys in biker clubs that I've met have been pretty decent people. A friend of mine is in a Christian biker club.

    Why are you comparing these people to dangerous gang members?

  31. "Sure that are Greg, and their facts are correct. "

    They are? And what is the source of their 'facts'?

  32. Again D2, how can you document something that is undocumented?

  33. "Why are you comparing these people to dangerous gang members? "

    I'd be pretty willing to bet that my experience with clubs is probably far more than yours.....

    and they aren't 'Christian' bike clubs D2.

  34. Greg, how many facts do you need before you catch on? Illegal imigration is costing taxpayers billions and it's very obvious if you pay attention to places like California which is broke.

  35. D2, the point is this. You cannot document something with no documentation. Undocumented workers/aliens are something we cannot ascertain real numbers from. It can ONLY be estimates at best.

    Furthermore, whenever a country faces an issue, they're most likely to look for blame. In this instance part of the blame is being taken on illegal and/or legal immigrants. That's just human nature. But we need to cool it down. The rhetoric will just incite violence and we'll end up with vigilantes doing some nasty, nasty shit.

    Regardless of what you want to think, I don't like illegal immigration .. not a bit. However, there's too many off the cuff remarks and 'solutions' without much thought towards the outcomes of any of them.

  36. We can argue over exactly how much uncontrolled illegal immigration is costing us, but I think we can all agree that it's doing far more harm than good.

  37. "We can argue over exactly how much uncontrolled illegal immigration"

    'uncontrolled'? You sure there's nothing being done about it D2?

    "but I think we can all agree that it's doing far more harm than good. "

    That depends on how you view it. Sure, it costs US money. But, is it harmful for those that cross the border? Most are now much better off than they were.

    Harmful is all in the eyes of the beholder ...

    or beholden?

  38. "'uncontrolled'? You sure there's nothing being done about it D2?"

    Not nearly enough is being done to protect our borders. Haven't you sen the countess pictures of illegals sneaking across freely? There is no was we should be allowing millions to illegally enter if we were doing enough.

    Not only that, but we need to end the liberal policies which attract them here like the Amchor Baby loophole, sanctuary cities, free handouts, etc. It also doesn't help that the liberal Obama regime is suing states for trying to enforce existing immigrations laws and do the work the federal government refuses to do.

    "But, is it harmful for those that cross the border? Most are now much better off than they were."

    Why is that our responsibility. By allowing poverty to flow into this country like that it means that there are fewer dollars to help needy Americans, and they should come first.

  39. "Not nearly enough is being done .."

    In other words, it's not 'uncontrolled' but in your opinion much, much more needs to be done.

    Would you concede that maybe you're exaggerating a bit and that the plans moving forward will ultimately help the issue?

    "but we need to end the liberal policies which attract them here like the Amchor Baby loophole"

    Is the Catholic church 'liberal' D2?

    "sanctuary cities, free handouts, etc."

    Is the Catholic church 'liberal' D2?;

    "It also doesn't help that the liberal Obama regime is suing states for trying to enforce existing immigrations laws and do the work the federal government refuses to do."

    Are they suing because of existing immigration laws or are they suing because certain amendments are being ignored or abused?

    Furthermore, what is being done about employers that attract people from crossing the border ... bees to honey. I notice you don't place much weight on that factor .. why?

    "Why is that our responsibility. By allowing poverty to flow into this country like that it means that there are fewer dollars to help needy Americans, and they should come first. "

    I don't like it either ... however,

    there's another side to this coin. Mexico and other parts of South America are in far worse shape than this country. As it gets worse the separation between the wealthy and the poor grows ... in fact, there's hardly a middle class. This makes a very large opportunity for revolution/war... or , the entire country just turns to illegal activities. Do we want that?

  40. "In other words, it's not 'uncontrolled' but in your opinion much, much more needs to be done."

    We do have border patrol, etc. but it's not working since we still have millions coming across. We really need a fence, but liberals put a stop to it's construction.

    "Is the Catholic church 'liberal' D2?;"

    At time they are. So is Lutheran Social Services which is responsible for importing thousands of Somali's to Minnesota for our welfare system.

    "Furthermore, what is being done about employers that attract people from crossing the border ... bees to honey."

    Put them in prison!

    "or , the entire country just turns to illegal activities. Do we want that?"

    Wee can't keep importing all of the world's problems, that's not the answer.

  41. "but liberals put a stop to it's construction. "

    I don't think it was 'liberals'. I think it was many people deciding it may not be the best resolve.... conservatives might have even played a role.

    Fences break. On the other hand, other forms of survielance are far more likely to stop the activity along with RRF's.

    "At time they are. So is Lutheran Social Services which is responsible for importing thousands of Somali's to Minnesota for our welfare system."

    Why do you think they do that D2?

  42. "Put them in prison!"

    Nah, that won't do squat. Make them pay, pay, pay, pay ..

    These guys need to feel it in their pocketbooks D2 and putting them in prison just costs us.

  43. "Why do you think they do that D2?"

    The Catholic Church is in favor of illegal immigration so they can boost their membership. LSS is a leftwing organization.

    "Fences break."

    You don't think we are capable of building either a wall or fence that would be very hard to penetrate? The problem is we won't do it. I think it's the only good solution.

    "Nah, that won't do squat. Make them pay, pay, pay, pay ."

    The threat of doing time would be more affective than fines, but let's fine them as well.

    "conservatives might have even played a role."

    Maybe liberal RINO republicans. True conservatives are trying to fix the problem.

  44. "The Catholic Church is in favor of illegal immigration so they can boost their membership."

    Or they're Christian in the strictest sense?

    "LSS is a leftwing organization. "

    Or they're Christian in the strictest sense?

    I think we need to consider the 'Do unto others' part of Christianity D2.

    If you recall, the Catholics (although not all), were highly instrumental in helping Jews escape Germany during WWII...

    I wouldn't call that a means of boosting numbers would you?

    "You don't think we are capable of building either a wall or fence that would be very hard to penetrate?"

    Nope. I do think we can put up electronic means that would be far more effective (seismic, video, voice). I had some experience with this a long time ago and fences aren't a good answer .. there's no detection capability so you don't know your real threat.

    "The threat of doing time would be more affective than fines, but let's fine them as well."

    I think we imprison them in poverty .. take it all away and make them live like the people they hire. You don't think that would make them feel like they're in a prison? Then we don't have to pay for it .... those people would whine and come up with so much shit it would cost us up the yahoo.

    "Maybe liberal RINO republicans. True conservatives are trying to fix the problem. "

    D2, people are looking at this long term. That's all there is too it. There's NO simple solution and throwing money at it needlessly won't help at all ... in fact it just makes it worse.

  45. "If you recall, the Catholics (although not all), were highly instrumental in helping Jews escape Germany during WWII..."

    They were helping them escape from the gas chambers, that's different.

    That will just tell us when they cross the border which we already know they are doing, then we need to send agents out to round them up which could be dangerous. Let's just make it very hard for them to enter with a big wall with razor wire on top of (electrified).

    "D2, people are looking at this long term. That's all there is too it. There's NO simple solution and throwing money at it needlessly won't help at all ... in fact it just makes it worse."

    The only ones willing to do anything about it are conservatives. Liberals with their lawsuits and sanctuary cities are the ones making things worse.

  46. "They were helping them escape from the gas chambers, that's different."

    You don't think some of the people coming across are in life threatening situations?

    "That will just tell us when they cross the border which we already know they are doing, then we need to send agents out to round them up which could be dangerous"

    It is dangerous ... but that's the job D2.

    "Let's just make it very hard for them to enter with a big wall with razor wire on top of (electrified)."

    Do you know how easy that is to circumvent? It costs more to maintain than it's worth.

    "The only ones willing to do anything about it are conservatives."

    I don't think that's a true staement at all ... and I don't think you believe it either. You'd be hard pressed to find more than 2% of our population that is not in favor of securing our borders, it's just the difference in how it's accomplished.

    "Liberals with their lawsuits and sanctuary cities are the ones making things worse. "

    Again, I doubt it's just liberals. There's many people that do NOT want to tread on our freedoms. One day it's Mexican's and the next it's Scandinavians accused of having tainted lutefisk!

  47. "I can't think of many Minnesota honkies in gangs, can you? "


  48. 3 times deported, killer still here:

    "Mario Montalban-Ramirez, 61, was convicted of manslaughter in Illinois in 1982, convicted of murder in Texas in 1984 and sent back to his native Mexico three times -- in 1996, 1997 and 2003 -- for being in the United States illegally. He also has been a frequent customer in local jails, locked up for such offenses as DWI, theft, assault and being a fugitive from justice.

    So how is it that Montalban-Ramirez, who often goes by the name of Oscar Yturria, has been able to spend much of the past two decades in Minnesota -- including several visits to jail since his last deportation?"

    "One way to patch the cracks in the system may be the Department of Homeland Security's Secure Communities program. Jailers automatically run the fingerprints of suspects who are arrested against immigration records and a national crime database. Minnesota, however, does not participate in the program, and civil rights and immigrant groups have voiced concerns that the program could be used to profile people."

    Greg, this illegal alien murderer and career criminal is exactly why we need to get rid of liberal "Sanctuary City" and other policies which allows guys like this to thrive here, and a good fence/wall to keep them from wandering back whenever they feel like it once they are deported.

    The illegal alien killer of those kids on the school bus in Cottonwood Minnesota should have been deported after commiting crimes here as well but, but instead she was turned loose on society. Those kids would be alive today if she was sent home and kept there.

  49. "Greg, this illegal alien murderer and career criminal is exactly why we need to get rid of liberal "Sanctuary City" and other policies which allows guys like this to thrive here, and a good fence/wall to keep them from wandering back whenever they feel like it once they are deported."

    D2, you seemed to have ignored the part about how the communications between ICE and other LE's is not functioning properly. That's where the problem is.

  50. "Because of liberal pressure groups worried about "profiling". That's why liberal Minnesota refuses to cooperate. "

    Read it again and/or at least tell the truth. Yes, it's deleted.

  51. "...illegal alien gang shooting that left a little Mexican girl paralyzed in the sanctuary city of Minneapolis."

    Again, the whole post was deleted since you have no idea or proof that the gang members were illegal aliens.

  52. "the whole post was deleted since you have no idea or proof that the gang members were illegal aliens."

    I know for a fact that the driver, Casey Walters, was not an illegal immigrant.

  53. Thanks T.

    With all the issues that we all face in this country, the last thing we need is more lying and exaggerating.

  54. The only two things Dtroll does.

  55. "True. She is a unattractive white American girl, but if you read the story, it sounds like she was driving around a bunch of Mexican males"

    Nowhere in that article did it mention if the lady was unattractive or not. Could you tell me why you decided that adjective was necessary when making that comment D2?

    "Sound like she's got a thing for Latino gang members."


    Pointless comments with only one intention D2 so yes, they're gone.

  56. "The only two things Dtroll does. "

    Unfortunate, but it appears to be the case.

  57. "Nowhere in that article did it mention if the lady was unattractive or not."

    You should actually look at the links I provide Greg, there was a photo of her with the story.

  58. "You should actually look at the links I provide Greg, there was a photo of her with the story. "

    And what difference does it make if she's attractive or unattractive D2? Are you trying to imply that people from Mexico are only attractive to unattractive women?

    I ban your comments because they're outright lies and exaggerations. If you had any sense of honor you'd just own up and admit it when you lie and exaggerate when proven wrong but you don't seem to know how to do that.... or do you?

  59. "And again Greg, you are banning my comments containing quotes from the liberal Star Tribune. You are REALLY getting carried away with your thought filtering Liberal Greg. "

    No, I delete the comments you provide with links that happen to have those links or quotes in them.

    If you'd learn to stop lying and exaggerating in your posts they wouldn't get deleted. Provide factual, real examples and stop trying to exaggerate and/or lie.

  60. "No, I delete the comments you provide with links that happen to have those links or quotes in them."

    I said that she appears like like Latino gang members because of her Seranos 7 gang tattoo and her known ties to this latino gang. The shooter she was driving around yelled out in Spanish before shooting Guadalupe Galeno Hernandez and this was all confirmed in the Star Tribune link I posted.

    What the hell is wrong with you Greg?

  61. "And what difference does it make if she's attractive or unattractive D2? Are you trying to imply that people from Mexico are only attractive to unattractive women?"

    I would think that an unattractive white girl would be more willing to be taken advantage of by a gang than a pretty one.

  62. "I said that she appears like like Latino gang members because of her Seranos 7 gang tattoo and her known ties to this latino gang."

    That's not what you said. But you're starting to sound a bit more credible in this sentence.

    "I would think that an unattractive white girl would be more willing to be taken advantage of by a gang than a pretty one. "

    If you knew squat about gang mentality, you'd understand that it really doesn't matter what they look like ..

  63. SKorea storms Somali pirates to rescue ship crew

    Too bad more countries don't stand up to these morons like this.

  64. More comment deletions Liberal Greg?

  65. An Anoka man is charged with felony prostitution for allegedly using the Internet to sell sex from an underage girl to as many as 600 men.

    Zaiye Bhyarruwah Dehkee, Jr., 20, faces one count of prostitution with a victim under 18 and if he's convicted faces up to 20 years in prison for allegedly pimping out the girl on the website when she was 16.

    Looks like Anoka really want down hill since they got on board with expensive liberal public transportion to Moneyapolis.

  66. "I'm impressed Liberal Greg! "

    Well that's nice.

    On another note, it seems like MB is moving to divide or seperate from the Republican party. If that's the case, the next 14-16 months could be interesting and end up with 3 major candidates on the ticket for POTUS.

    Just a guess, but most likely the next POTUS is going to be more moderate but will be a wee bit to the left on social issues ...

    People are going to tire of extremists and partisans rather quickly.

  67. "WTF! Liberals in power in Minnesota are giving drivers licenses to ILLEGAL ALIENS?"

    Actually, the DMV is giving them out ...

  68. "On another note, it seems like MB is moving to divide or seperate from the Republican party"

    I don't think she wants to do that. She probably wants the liberal RINO's to quit causing problems though.

  69. "And Greg, comments are COMMENTARY! Meaning personal views you Jackass. "

    I like personal views .. but I don't like lying. Stop lying and exaggerating and your shit won't get deleted.

  70. "I don't think she wants to do that."

    I disagree. She seems to be a narcissist ... she wants the notoriety and the probable wealth to go along with it and will do anything to get there. Dividing the party gives her HUGE amounts of attention as-well-as filling personal coffers.

    "She probably wants the liberal RINO's to quit causing problems though."

    Just a guess, but because she's so extreme she'll most likely garner 20-30% of the R's ... and that's generous.

  71. "Stop lying and exaggerating and your shit won't get deleted."

    Coming from someone who regularly lies and exagerates about our Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

  72. "Only liberal would guide the DMV to hand out Minnesota drivers licenses to illegal aliens."

    Or people needing cheap labor ....

    that ever happen here D2?

  73. Why did you just delete another commentary? Did I say fuck you or something offensive in it?

  74. "Coming from someone who regularly lies and exagerates about our Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. "

    Really? How so D2? Can you prove ANY of this wrong?

  75. "Or people needing cheap labor ...."

    Sounds like Chipotle easy filled the positions of fired illegal aliens with needy AMERICAN workers. Don't you think any available work should go to layed off Americans who have already paid into the system, before giving jobs to ILLEGAL ALIENS Greg?

  76. "Why did you just delete another commentary? Did I say fuck you or something offensive in it? "

    You lied .. again.

  77. "Really? How so D2? Can you prove ANY of this wrong?"

    You reject my links saying they're right wing. How do you expect me to buy into your leftist sites?

  78. "Sounds like Chipotle easy filled the positions of fired illegal aliens with needy AMERICAN workers."

    They did?

    "Don't you think any available work should go to layed off Americans who have already paid into the system, before giving jobs to ILLEGAL ALIENS Greg? "

    Sure, but do you think someone that was making 100k/year and their job was shipped off to Mexico is going to make ends meet working at Chipolte?

  79. "You reject my links saying they're right wing. How do you expect me to buy into your leftist sites?"

    No, I reject your lies that are part of your comments along with a link.

    Don't lie and exaggerate.

    Why do you refer to the links I posted as leftist? Are you saying that MB doesn't lie?

  80. "Sure, but do you think someone that was making 100k/year and their job was shipped off to Mexico is going to make ends meet working at Chipolte?"

    What are you talking about?

    We have people sitting on welfare because they "can't find work", but illegal aliens are taking the low skilled work that welfare recipients should be doing. Part of the reason the job the guy making 100K left was to avoid paying high taxes keeping the welfare recipient on welfare.

    Put welfare recipients to work and kick the illegals out, that would be a good start.

  81. "Are you saying that MB doesn't lie?"

    Are you saying that liberals never lie?

    I've met Michele Bachmann several times and actually had a fairly long conversation with her, and I can assure you that she is one of the most honest and down to earth people you could ever meet.

    You are buying into the liberal media's attacks on her Greg!

  82. "We have people sitting on welfare because they "can't find work", but illegal aliens are taking the low skilled work that welfare recipients should be doing. Part of the reason the job the guy making 100K left was to avoid paying high taxes keeping the welfare recipient on welfare.

    Put welfare recipients to work and kick the illegals out, that would be a good start. "

    D2, do you realize that it's not taxes that drives business away? It's labor costs.... and no, it's not because of unions, it's because the companies are greedy and don't give a shit about this country.

  83. "D2, do you realize that it's not taxes that drives business away? It's labor costs.... and no, it's not because of unions, it's because the companies are greedy and don't give a shit about this country."

    I disagree. High Minnesota taxes have been the reason why companies have either left Minnesota for lower taxed states or prevented them from coming here. No wonder since we pay for the most expensive welfare magnet in the world.

  84. "
    You are buying into the liberal media's attacks on her Greg! "

    No, I asked you if MB has ever lied?

    Can you simply answer the question?

    Here's some references for you to try and dispel if you'd like:

  85. "I disagree. High Minnesota taxes have been the reason why companies have either left Minnesota for lower taxed states or prevented them from coming here."

    So why did Polaris leave?

    "No wonder since we pay for the most expensive welfare magnet in the world"

    Really? Can you show me the proof of that?

  86. "No wonder since we pay for the most expensive welfare magnet in the world"

    Greg, I've seen the welfare influx personally. I used to live on 23rd and Lyndale when I was a kid in the 60's/70's, and the houses were mainly kept up and the neighborhood was safe unless you went south of Broadway. As kids we could rid our banana seat bikes all over and even visit the bums down by the river without any worries.

    Today, the entired area I grew up in is taken over by mainly blacks with origins in Chicago, etc. for our welfare system.

    Today, third world immigrants are doing the same thing.

  87. "Today, the entired area I grew up in is taken over by mainly blacks with origins in Chicago, etc. for our welfare system. "

    So you should be able to prove that by using statistics D2 .. will you?

    And D2, do you recall what Maple Grove looked like in the 70's? Look at it now ... do you realize that there was a migration to the burbs? The older homes in NE Mpls became neglected and the prices dropped. However, if you bother to look, it is being revitalized.

  88. I see you're not bothering to try and prove that MB wasn't lying in the links I posted....

    do you call those sites leftist because they expose lies of someone you admire?

  89. "do you realize that there was a migration to the burbs?"

    Yes, in part because my old Hawthorne neighborhood was gradually turning into a war zone due to welfare migration to Moneyapolis.

    You are extremely ignorant if you deny this Greg.
    Chicago welfare offices used to pay bus fair for thier recipients to Moneyapolis to get them out of their hair. Much cheaper on THEIR budget in the long run.

  90. "Yes, in part because my old Hawthorne neighborhood was gradually turning into a war zone due to welfare migration to Moneyapolis"

    Again, can you prove that was the cause?

    Or was it because people wanted more space and newer homes?

    "You are extremely ignorant if you deny this Greg.
    Chicago welfare offices used to pay bus fair for thier recipients to Moneyapolis to get them out of their hair. Much cheaper on THEIR budget in the long run. "

    No, just want to see something substantial to what you're saying. Do you really expect me to take you at your word?

    Now, back to the MB question .. why do you call those sites leftist and are you denying that MB lies?

  91. "Again, can you prove that was the cause?"

    Doesn't personal experience count for anything or would you only trust links from the liberal media Greg? I lived in the area and watched it go down the toilet do to welfare migration to Moneyapolis, later drove Yellow Cab in Mpls., then worked at the Hennepin Co. Government Center which REALLY turned me off to damaging liberal policy. I think I've been exposed enough to be entiled to point of view Greg.

  92. Stop lying, exaggerating, and misquoting in order to sway your opinion. Stick with the truth.

    As far as 'liberal' links D2, you just don't like it when I put up the facts regarding MB. She lies, exaggerates, and misquotes in order to get people to support her .... that's fact and the proof is there for all to see. ;

    I'd be far more willing to accept your 'personal' experience if you were able to acknowledge that you've exaggerated and lied when called on it.

  93. Full view||Back to messagesLA County Welfare Benefits For Illegals Top $600M:

    Learn more at:

  94. LA County Welfare Benefits For Illegals Top $600M:

    Learn more at:

  95. "LA County Welfare Benefits For Illegals Top $600M:"

    Then make them legal, collect taxes, collect fines, kick out the lifetime criminals.

  96. D2, are you going to answer the questions I posted previously?

    Here's one to answer:

    Now, back to the MB question .. why do you call those sites leftist and are you denying that MB lies?

  97. "I've met Michele Bachmann several times and actually had a fairly long conversation with her, and I can assure you that she is one of the most honest and down to earth people you could ever meet"

    If ever there was a statement affirming the old adage: "It takes on to know one", this is it.

    "Answer the questions"

    He never does, Greg. He's reality-adverse and truth challenged. Can't handle one and allergic to the other.

  98. Oooooops. Make that "It takes one to know one"

  99. "I think you just like hitting the delete button. Gives you a sense of power over others. "

    No, I don't like having to remind people to stop lying, exaggerating, and presenting misinformation. I also don't like reminding people to respond to questions.

  100. Hey Monty! Happy Saturday.

    Yes, it's unfortunate that some people just can't contribute without resorting to childish behavior ... much like some of our politicians.

  101. "Now, back to the MB question .. why do you call those sites leftist and are you denying that MB lies?"

    PolitiFact’s liberal bias, yet again (Arizona law; Climategate):

    And Michele Bachmann is an honest person.

  102. "And Michele Bachmann is an honest person. "

    No, she's not.

    I don't care one bit about what anyone is writing about politifacts other actions .. just MB's.

    So, are you going to deny that she's lied? Are you going to state that everything in politifact and factcheck are all dishonest about her?

    or ..

    are you going to once and for all admit that she lies and exaggerates to get her way?

  103. "So, are you going to deny that she's lied?"

    I'm sure she hasn't lied. If ever said something innacurate I'm sure she believed it to be true at the time which isn't a lie.

  104. And D2, your reference/link is questionable at best....

    try reading it again.

  105. "I'm sure she hasn't lied. If ever said something innacurate I'm sure she believed it to be true at the time which isn't a lie. "

    Sure ... and she ALWAYS makes sure to correct those inaccuracies right D2?

    No, she lies intentionally to get support D2. That's dishonest ...

    and NOT correcting your inaccurate statements is also dishonest.

  106. Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?

  107. From your article D2 ..

    "Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota."


    D2, I'm guessing every 20 cents that you put in your collection plate goes to bringing more Somali's here ...

  108. "IT'S THE LUTHERANS!!!!"

    It's probably the liberal branch which goes against the Bible's teachings and by supports Man on Man marriage that we split away from.

  109. "It's probably the liberal branch which goes against the Bible's teachings and by supports Man on Man marriage that we split away from."

    So your branch doesn't want to have anything to do with helping people build a better life. Free from religious persecution and poverty.

    Good to know.

  110. Tluck,

    I don't care what two gay guys do in private, just don't pretend that the Bible endorses what they do because it doesn't.

  111. "So your branch doesn't want to have anything to do with helping people build a better life. Free from religious persecution and poverty."

    I think they where special outfits too .. I think they're like robes with funny hats that cover their whole head ... except their eyes.

  112. "I don't care what two gay guys do in private,.."

    If you didn't you wouldn't care if they got married ....

    in private...

    away from you.

    "...just don't pretend that the Bible endorses what they do because it doesn't. "

    So, the bible is like our constitution then?

  113. "I think they're like robes with funny hats that cover their whole head ... except their eyes."

    Sure Greg. Going after Muslim women as well as Conservative women I see. How intolerant!

  114. "Sure Greg. Going after Muslim women as well as Conservative women I see. How intolerant! "

    Are you going to a Muslim church now D2? I thought you were a special brand of Lutheran?

    Hmm .. D2 is now a Muslim....and an extremist ... he must be practicing ...


  115. "If you didn't you wouldn't care if they got married ...."

    Marriage is between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. Let them call their relationship something else other than marriage instead of changing the definition.

    "I thought you were a special brand of Lutheran?"

    My former ELCA branch was fairly liberal, but the congregation didn't want any part of going against the Bible's teachings by endorsing Man on Man marriage. I don't understand how these "special" Lutherans as you call them can feel good about doing that. It seems to me that gay activist pressure groups infiltrated the ELCA to ruin it. The vote in our congregation was heavily in favor of leaving over the issue, and I think most Lutherans feel the same way.

  116. Finally ..

    it took him forever to admit to it, but Kantor finally admitted that Obama is a US citizen ... and ...

    that Obama truly has the best interest of this country in mind.

  117. "The vote in our congregation was heavily in favor of leaving over the issue, and I think most Lutherans feel the same way. "

    So you're the 'special' Lutherans that didn't agree with the majority of the Lutherans ...

    but because you're the 'special' Lutherans you're really Muslims as you stated before ..

    and because you're extreme ..

    you're really Islamists even though the robes and conehead coverings are all white with no other colors except some letters on it to make it more special ..

    like that cereal .. special ..


  118. AP: Hawaii Governor Suddenly Drops Obama Birth Certificate Quest:

    This democrat governor worked his ass off trying to find Obama's birth certificate to clear up the matter, but couldn't find it and gave up. He might have better luck in Kenya Greg.

  119. "So you're the 'special' Lutherans that didn't agree with the majority of the Lutherans ..."

    No the liberal leaders in charge of making the decisions for everyone went against the wishes of most Lutherans in general, thus causing many congregrations to break away.

    Kinda reminds me of getting ObamaCare crammed down our thoughts against our wishes.

  120. D2 ..

    Isn't this your Special Lutheran Church members meeting for Sunday night services? Which one are you?

  121. "This democrat governor worked his ass off trying to find Obama's birth certificate to clear up the matter, but couldn't find it and gave up. He might have better luck in Kenya Greg. "

    It's a privacy issue .... you're trying to misrepresent and put out more misinformation D2.

    "A privacy law that shields birth certificates has prompted Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie to abandon efforts to dispel claims that President Barack Obama was born outside Hawaii, his office says."

    Are you going to post your birth certificate online for all of us to see D2? Will you do that? Can we all see it please?

  122. "No the liberal leaders in charge of making the decisions for everyone went against the wishes of most Lutherans in general, thus causing many congregrations to break away."

    Why do you call them liberal? What made them decide the way they did D2?

    How many congregations broke away to form the Special Lutheran Klan that's really Muslims but is really, really, extreme Islamists?

  123. "It's a privacy issue .... you're trying to misrepresent and put out more misinformation D2."

    You don't think liberals would LOVE to dig up and show the world Obama's birth certificate if they could Greg? They would love to put this behind them and prove some people wrong.

    I suppose it's a good diversion to call it a "privacy issue" however not being able to find it anywhere.

    If Obama wasn't born here, he shouldn't be president.

  124. "Why do you call them liberal? What made them decide the way they did D2?"

    How the ELCA Left the Great Tradition for Liberal Protestantism:

  125. "I suppose it's a good diversion to call it a "privacy issue" however not being able to find it anywhere. "

    They know where it is, but they won't release it due to privacy issues D2.

    Why don't you post your birth certificate on your website D2? Put your money where your mouth is and put yours up so you have some meat to throw at the subject.

    Come on ..

  126. "They know where it is, but they won't release it due to privacy issues D2."


  127. Okay D2, you lead the way ..

    post your birth certificate online for all to see.

  128. "post your birth certificate online for all to see."

    If I had time I'd do it Greg. It wouldn't bother me a bit.

  129. "If I had time I'd do it Greg. It wouldn't bother me a bit. "

    That's a diversion. You don't want to post it because you're not an American Citizen D2 (this is using your logic).

    Lets see, today we've come to learn that you're part of a Special Lutehran Church that's really Muslim but really, really extreme Islamists .... AND ... you're not really an American Citizen because you won't post your birth certificate online.


  130. Almost forgot ..

    People should be outraged!

  131. You are fulll of it today Liberal Greg!

  132. D2, everything I wrote is straight from you. Every single bit of it.

  133. With a bizarre interpretation from you Greg.

  134. I had some help interpreting you.

  135. Sometimes people change thier tune ..

  136. Just what we need Greg, more foreigners telling us how we should run this country.

  137. "Just what we need Greg, more foreigners telling us how we should run this country. "

    And another one changes his tune.

  138. Why closed door? Why not let everyone hear what he and the rest have to say?

  139. "Caroline Fredrickson, executive director of the liberal-leaning ....."


  141. "Caroline Fredrickson, executive director of the liberal-leaning ....."

    I'm glad, indeed amazed, that you actually read the article Greg posted dtroll, but you somehow musta missed this:

    "One of the most outspoken critics is University of Minnesota law professor Richard Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush"

    Although they don't use the identifying "conservative" label, I think it's safe to say that if Professor Painter was the chief ethics lawyer for the W administration, he was at least a conservative, if not a neocon. Ya think?

  142. From Gregs link above:

    "Bachmann is among Republicans trying to repeal the health care law, and distributed materials claiming it will increase the federal deficit.

    But the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the opposite. That it cuts the deficit by $143 billion."

    Once again, Bachmann is shown to be, at least, woefully uninformed on the health care issue for a Congresswoman, if not an out and out liar. Also, she and her repeal pals in the House have the best health care package on the planet. If they truly care about the deficit and truly despise "government" health care, let them discard their personal programs and buy it from the private sector like the rest of us.

    I know, I know, Like that'll ever happen.....

  143. "Once again, Bachmann is shown to be, at least, woefully uninformed on the health care issue for a Congresswoman, if not an out and out liar"

    I think it's both. She has one goal in mind and that is simply to divide and during that division she wishes to conquer.

    I have no idea why people continue to believe that someone who would lie to them compulsively would have their best interests at heart ....

    she clearly doesn't.

  144. "I have no idea why people continue to believe that someone who would lie to them compulsively would have their best interests at heart ...."

    It's the Big Lie in action, Greg. Joseph Goebbels said if a lie is repeated enough times it would become widely accepted as truth. This is what disinformation campaigns are all about. Feed off of the crappier thoughts and feelings of a group of people in order to rule them.

    I really hope Bachmann runs for President. I'd love to see her in a series of televised debates against someone like O. But I don't think she - or Palin - will run. Once you start weaving that tangled web in front of 100 million or so people, things can turn ugly in a hurry. People generally don't vote for controversial types(Jesse Ventura being a notable exception, although he didn't get really controversial until he was already elected). Michelle and Sarah have said too many ridiculous things. They'd get their butts handed to 'em, and the RNC leadership is well aware of it.

  145. "I think it's safe to say that if Professor Painter was the chief ethics lawyer for the W administration, he was at least a conservative, if not a neocon. Ya think?"

    Bush was pretty liberal Monnty.

  146. "I really hope Bachmann runs for President"

    Me too Monnty. It would be great if the first woman President was a Republican.

  147. "Me too Monnty. It would be great if the first woman President was a Republican. "

    She's not a Republican ... and I highly doubt that if she does run she'd get the endorsement.

    She's a divider, and that's what she's attempting to do.

    'Come play at my house everyone - we have brownies!'

  148. "Bush was pretty liberal Monnty. "

    That pretty much explains your whole ideology D2.

    Everyone is a Liberal if they aren't an extremist.

  149. "It's the Big Lie in action, Greg. Joseph Goebbels said if a lie is repeated ..."

    You watched Stewart recently didn't you Monty! HA!

    The scary part is you're dead on.

  150. "She's a divider, and that's what she's attempting to do"

    No she's not, but liberals are with their class warfare.

    "That pretty much explains your whole ideology D2"

    Bush was too liberal on things like spending and controlling massive illegal immigration. Other than that he was a pretty good President. No Ronald Reagan, but pretty good.

  151. "No she's not, but liberals are with their class warfare."

    What do you mean by 'class warfare'?

    Bush AND his congress spent like drunken sailors ... everyone of them.

    Look now, illegal immigration is down since Obama became president D2 ...

  152. "Look now, illegal immigration is down since Obama became president D2 ..."

    If fewer illegals are entering, it's only because of the recession which stated after the democrats took over the House and Senate in 2006.

  153. "If fewer illegals are entering, it's only because of the recession which stated after the democrats took over the House and Senate in 2006. "

    Ah, so your trying to blame the economic downfall on democrats instead of the real cause which was a bill sponsored by Republicans, written by Republicans, and endorsed by Republicans which deregulated mortgage borkerages, investment houses, and banks to become singular entities.

    Then again, you probably ignore that.

  154. Or maybe it was a conservative president encouraging people to spend and borrow money during a time of war?

  155. "You watched Stewart recently didn't you Monty! HA!"

    Actually Greg, I havn't watched the Daily Show in quite a while. I don't watch much TV, it's bad for the brain(although, in my opinion, the Daily Show is one of the better shows out there). But I'm not surprised that they would poke fun at the political disinformation campaigns out there, in this case as exemplified by the Bachmanns and Palins. It's ESPECIALLY hilarious in the case of the neocons in that these proud, tough American patriots are using techniques developed by the Nazis and the Communists to gain power in the USA.

    They must be soooooo proud.......

  156. "Bush was too liberal on things like spending and controlling massive illegal immigration. Other than that he was a pretty good President. No Ronald Reagan, but pretty good"

    W did not authorize a single spending bill. He merely didn't stand in the way of the conservative majority in Congress who DID send him massive spending bills AND tax cuts, while, for the most part, at war - about as dumb a fiscal policy ever enacted by the US government. So if W was too liberal on spending, you would do well to remember it was Congress that sent the bills to him.

    And Ronnie was pretty "liberal" as far as taxes, spending and government growth was concerned, dtroll.

    "The great success of Reagan's 1980 campaign was that it united the disparate strands of the conservative movement: supply-siders, libertarians, religious conservatives, foreign policy hawks, and big business. The fact that Reagan's presidency didn't accomplish anything approaching its seismic promise--the size of government grew, abortion remained legal, and entitlements still abounded--is one that his partisan biographers elide by focusing on what Reagan believed and said rather than on what he actually did. The imaginary Reagan who inhabits these books embodies the ideas on which all these groups can agree. His shining example helps maintain the coalition while putting pressure on current GOP politicians to hew to the hard-right ideal.

    The real Reagan, on the other hand, would bring discord to the current conservative agenda. If you believe, as conservatives now do, that raising taxes is always wrong, then it's hard to admit that Reagan himself did so repeatedly. If you argue that the relative tax burden on low-income workers is too light, as the Bush administration does, then it does not pay to dwell on the fact that Reagan himself helped lighten that burden. If you insist, as many hardliners now do, that America is dangerously soft on communist China, then it is best to ignore Reagan's own softening toward the Soviet Union. As with other conservative media efforts--Rush Limbaugh, Fox News Channel, The Washington Times--the purpose of the Reagan legacy project is not to deliver accuracy, but enhance political leverage."

    Conservatives have a classic case of cognitive dissonance when it comes to Ronnie. What he actually did during his administrations would earn him a RINO label from the neocons of today.

  157. So I listened to MB's post SOTUA .... and of course, it wasn't especially honest at all.

    I listened/watched conservative commentator/former representative Joe Scarbourough who pretty much summed it up with:

    "Michele Bachmann is only about Michele Bachmann"

    He nailed it. I just wish people would figure out that she is looking for attention and does not have good intentions.

  158. "What he actually did during his administrations would earn him a RINO label from the neocons of today"

    I hope this doesn't make D2 jump.

    Then again, he's pretty much allergic to truth.

  159. This is good ..

  160. I heard this interview take place live on the KQ Morning show the other day but it must be popular all over.

    The person who sent me this link lives in Hawaii.

  161. You should make sure before you spread more lies D2 ...

  162. I suppose FOX is now going to be called liberal ...

  163. "You should make sure before you spread more lies D2 ..."

    I just posted Mike Evan's interview on KQ Greg, did you listen to it? He certainly didn't "mis-speak", maybe he was threatened by powerful Obama liberals to change his tune.

    Here it is again:

  164. Faced with facts, D2 again decides to follow the lie...

    such is the life of the modern day 'conservative'.

  165. D2, look at your link .. read the little box in the bottom of the view screen as it starts ....

    it says:

    "Fox news is now reporting that Mark Evans now claims he "misspoke", see the info box for details"

  166. I don't really call this a good resource, but the links and sources used give detailed sources and facts to back them. In all, it appears MB was telling many lies again ..

    She needs to be held accountable at some point.

  167. More lies ...

  168. I'm not fond of Matthews, but he's illustrating a very valid display of misdirection. I cannot stand watching a politician avoid the real question/issue with some scripted crap ... MB and many others of her ilk are doing this constantly.. ANSWER THE QUESTION OR ADMIT YOU DON'T KNOW!!!

  169. "Then again, he's pretty much allergic to truth"

    Dora on the old BQ had dtroll nailed. He's a bot. Whenever he paints himself into a corner with his canned misrepresentations and lies, he simply ignores rebuttal and blithely goes back to his default position. He's a droid, a robot or a 11 year old boy typing on his moms computer in his underwear in her basement. One of the three. Based on his rhetorical style, I personally vote for the 11 year old, but then again, a bot would be unable to reason like a human being also.

  170. "but then again, a bot would be unable to reason like a human being also."

    We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

  171. "Resistance is futile. "

    What the hell, did you grow a vagina?

    Or did you get some damn good hooch?

  172. Monty ..

    I think he's been Bachmanized.

    There'll most likely be a cure sometime in the next 18 months when she'll finally do something so outrageously stupid they'll lock her up.

    I for one hope in at least involves nudity, jello, and hallucinogens.

  173. "D2, look at your link .. read the little box in the bottom of the view screen as it starts ....

    it says:"

    Again Greg, I listened to this interview live on KQ and there is no way Mike Evans "misspoke". I'm sure the Obama regime goons forced him to change his tune a bit, those bastards.

  174. "Resistance is futile."

    I'd say set phasers to stun, but I think you already have been.

    "Again Greg, I listened to this interview live on KQ and there is no way Mike Evans "misspoke""

    Well, that's what Evans himself said, dtroll, but I think you're more right than you know. Evans didn't "misspeak", he "lied".

  175. "Evans didn't "misspeak", he "lied".

    Which is why some people believe him ... they want to believe lies.

  176. "Evans didn't "misspeak", he "lied".

    Do you have proof that he lied and wasn't pressured by powerful Obama goons? Can you back up your rediculous claim Monnty?

    I don't think comments like that without proof should be allowed on this liberal blog, right Greg.....


    This is going to slam the middle and lower classes. Wait for your property taxes to go up ... you'll see county, township and city fees go up ... and most likely schools needing levys affecting your property taxes even more. And lets not even think about tuition hikes ... just when we need more kids going to school.

    Remind me D2 when you whine about your property taxes going up why it happened ...

    and I'll remind you that you wanted this.

    And just think, it could've taken maybe a 2% hike in income taxes across the board to get this done cleanly, along with natural attrition rates.

  178. "I don't think comments like that without proof should be allowed on this liberal blog, right Greg."

    Considering FOX put it out that the dude lied, I'll leave it. Or don't you believe FOX D2 ...

  179. "Wait for your property taxes to go up ... you'll see county, township and city fees go up ... and most likely schools needing levys affecting your property taxes even more."

    Greg, local government and schools need to spend their tax dollars more wisely instead of just raising taxes all the time. An example would be the former Sheriff of Sherburne Co. This fairly young guy was allowed to "retire" from his position so he could collect 80% of his salery through his pension, while taking on a 50K/year part time county job and increase his total income.

    People should be outraged at this waste of taxpayer dollars!

  180. greetings former thunkers, good to see you all havin a lively debate on the issues of our times.

    personally , ive grown weary of the labels and inertia. i have a few core beliefs that have so called liberals calling me fascist and so called conservatives calling me a marxist. what i am is a citizen of the united states that would like to see the country strive to live up to its ideals. a citizen with , i hope, at least one eye open.

    to start, every dollar allocated for any reason, for any illegal alien, is a dollar stolen from me, my children and my fellow countrymen. the constitution grants the federal government the power to levy taxes to perform specific tasks, subsidizing foreign nationals is not one of them.

    sharia law and the western way of life, specifically the american constitution are irreconsolible. sharia's forced subservience of women is legally untenable with the bill of rights. its punishments for theft, adultery, blashphemy, to name just a few are clearly unconstitutional. its preponderance for honor killings and religious coersion make practicers of sharia unfit to help shape any free society. if "religious" islam can be divorced from the military and political islam, then i can accept it as any other religion. if it cannot, it needs to be outlawed for the well being of those who wish to remain free.

    i also believe in "all of the above". i believe in building more nuclear reactors, drilling for oil, using coal and natural gas. being dependant on undependable middle eastern allies is too dangerous. i also believe the federal government should subsidise research and development of renewable energy and make sure the funds go to organizations that wont simply patent, then shelve any breakthroughs in research.

    i believe patents on ideas and business methods should be outlawed. corporations take advantage of an overworked patent office to get ridiculously broad and obvious patents granted, threatening truly innovative inventors and raising the bar of entry to where only other large corporations can risk "innovation".

    i also believe anti-trust laws need to be greatly strenthened, especially when it comes to media outlets. having a very small number of mega-corporations owning the overwhelming majority of television and radio stations, while also owning the "last mile" of our internet connections is poison for a healthy democracy and informed populace. in a truly capitalistic society, companies have to be able to fail if they deserve to.

    we also have to revisit every trade aggreement we have signed. if american companies have to abide by osha and epa and minimum wage regulations, then any manufacturing job shipped oversea, every foreign factory sponsored by an american company, every call center serving the united stated must adhere to the same standards or have heavy tariffs placed on their goods and services. american workers should not be expected to directly compete with third world slave and peasant workers.

    and lastly, the great society entitlement programs need to be dismantled. almost 50 yrs after lbj proclaimed a war on poverty, the problems just get bigger.

    i would type more but my wife will divorce me if i dont get off of this computer ......


  181. It's nice to hear from you SteveK!

    Watch out, Liberal Greg like to delete comments of reason and common sense.

    Still down in Florida?

  182. Wow, stevek. You covered alotta ground there. Can't say as I agree with it all, but I love your opening paragraph. I too have grown weary of the labels and inertia. Come back when the wifey lets ya back on the computer.

  183. "Do you have proof that he lied and wasn't pressured by powerful Obama goons? Can you back up your rediculous claim Monnty?"

    I was just gonna ignore this one, but it's just too precious to leave sit. As Greg said, dtroll, Evans claims to have "misspoke". You heard what he said on the interview. Was anything taken out of context? Was he misquoted. No, he was talking out of the side of his neck, and when the national media got a hold of it, he bailed. Call what you want, I call it a lie.

    The only "rediculous" claim here is the one you made about O goons. I can give you link after link from credible media outlets of Evans backpedaling with all his might. What do you have to prove that O in any way pressured Evans to retract his statements?

  184. "i also believe in "all of the above". i believe in building more nuclear reactors,......."

    "i also believe anti-trust laws need to be..."

    I do believe in fairies, I do! I do!

  185. "The only "rediculous" claim here is...."

    ♪♫ is that you know how to spell "ridiculous" ♪♫

    ♪♫ La-De-Da ♪♫ Que Sera, Sera ♪♫ La-Dee-Da ♪♫

  186. "i would type more but my wife will divorce me if i dont get off of this computer ......"

    well we know who wears the dungarees in that house.

    Steveck, Hike up your skirt a little more
    and show the world to me
    Hike up your skirt a little more
    and show your world to me
    In a boys dream.. In a boys dream

  187. I would like to take this oppurtunity to issue my annual apology,


    I regret trifling with married women. I'm thoroughly ashamed at cheating at cards. I deplore my occasional departures from the truth. Forgive me for taking your name in vain, my Saturday drunkenness, my Sunday sloth. Above all, forgive me for the bloggers I've offended....

    ... and those I am about to.


  188. You know, blogging is not a Sunday school picnic. You got to figure you're dealing with the dumbest oneriest critters on God's green earth. The liberal is nothing but trouble tied up in a silk purse - and the conservative ain't much better.

  189. I don't expect to get to get you to believe with one single thing I post, but I'm cornered, so I'm taking ya on. Now this is the way it's gonna be: I'm a man and yer boys. Not men, not by a damn sight, nothing but boys just like the word says. And I'm gonna remind you of it every single minute of every day and night.

  190. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men.

  191. GO ..

    I see you're getting nostalgic for some old John Wayne movies ...

    that was a good scene.

  192. Stevek ...

    Good to see you fellow Lesbian!

  193. "Egyptian military deploys in Cairo under curfew"

    who is more democratic-

    egypt or iran

    you must pick one.

  194. More democrats visit Egypt so it must be Egypt. Iran must be in cahoots with the Tea Party.

  195. D2, still in florida, tryin to survive another brutal winter, where some days are barely reaching 60. but we're hardy folk here. ill make it.

    GO - i only wish i had trousers. but i do look pretty good in this pink dress.

    Monty - i have this pesky habit of having to work far too long and hard to have much time to spend online fleshing out my platitudes, but out of curiosity, which of my prior rant points got the thumbs up or down ??

    Hail fellow lesbian trapped in a mans body. you seem to be doing well.

  196. Great ... MB is suggesting cutting Vets benefits now ..

    some patriot huh D2? I think she needs a pay cut before she even attempts to go after vets.

    People really should be outraged about this one.


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