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Wish it was different, but this way it might stay more interesting.

These are excerpts from Kersten commentary.

Katherine can be found here at the Star Tribune:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

KK Tells us what liberty and freedom really are


In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed a constitutional right to abortion in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. A heated national debate about the court's conclusion followed. But fewer Americans -- on both sides of the abortion divide -- took issue with the court's now-famous articulation of the meaning of liberty.

"At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life," wrote a three-justice plurality. Liberty, in other words, is first and foremost about personal autonomy. What's important is not so much the way we live and the ends we pursue, but the fact that these reflect our free choice, and authentically express "who we are."

Today, the idea of freedom as self-fulfillment is pervasive in American society. If you ask almost any parent what he or she wants most for a child, you'll hear it confirmed: "I just want her to be happy."

But though it may now seem self-evidently correct, this view of liberty is in fact of recent vintage. Its advent in American political life can be pinpointed to a particular leader -- no, not President Obama or his immediate predecessors. We have to go back to 1912, and Woodrow Wilson.

Lawyer and author Joshua D. Hawley tells the story in an essay entitled "America's Epicurean Liberalism" in the journal National Affairs. Hawley named what he calls America's "reigning creed" after Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher who taught that individual happiness is the goal of living, and that pleasure is the measure of happiness.

According to Hawley, "epicurean liberalism" came to the fore in 1912 -- the peak of the Progressive era, and the year when Woodrow Wilson successfully battled Theodore Roosevelt for the White House. Wilson believed that the American Founders' vision of democracy was outdated and had to be changed.

In the Founders' view, liberty meant being free from the arbitrary rule of others, so one could rule himself and order his own life to gain the fruits of his labor. But individual freedom was only possible, the Founders believed, in a political regime of ordered liberty, with the rule of law, checks and balances on power, and a widely shared vision of the common good. A free government of this kind requires citizens of a certain character -- self-reliant, self-disciplined and public-spirited.

Wilson rejected the Founders' idea of liberty, which he believed was based on the out-moded agrarian ideal of the yeoman farmer. In an urban, industrial age, he believed, the threat to individual freedom came from the impersonal forces of big business and big government.

In redefining freedom for the modern age, Wilson took a cue from the rise of psychology: The individual must decide for himself what the good life is, he said. Liberty was no longer to be conceived of as the freedom to govern yourself and all your passions, but the freedom to discover and develop yourself and follow your passions. Self-fulfillment became a right -- the highest right -- and the role of government became to encourage individual flourishing by removing constraints on individual choices.

Wilson's idea of liberty spread rapidly, well beyond politics. Hawley traces it through philosopher John Dewey and Franklin D. Roosevelt to the present day -- culminating in the Supreme Court's "mystery of human life" statement.

But in 2010, it's clear that Wilson's "progressive" vision -- with individual choice as the measure of freedom -- has brought both serious social dysfunction and much personal unhappiness. When we behave as if our own pleasure is the highest good, we ignore the fact that our personal choices have consequences for the larger society, and thus for the conditions in which our freedom is grounded. The consequences of "following our bliss" range from the breakdown of the family to social ills such as drug abuse and pornography to malfeasance on Wall Street. As civil society erodes, a large and increasingly intrusive government picks up the pieces.

If the trajectory of epicurean liberalism continues, our democracy will be undermined. But there is an alternative way to think about freedom, and it could yet win the day. Hawley calls it freedom conceived, not as "self-development," but as "self-determination."

Self-determination requires, first and foremost, that citizens think -- not only of their own desires -- but of their obligations to one another. It requires "not just freedom from coercion for the individual," but "personal discipline, planning and hard work from the individual," says Hawley. Only by exercising these virtues can a citizen begin to control his own life, and thus be fit to help rule the community.

Self-development "is a blind alley," Hawley concludes. "Whatever judges may say, none of us can define our own universe. And a public philosophy that fails to help us live well ... is not a means to liberty -- it is a delusion.""


  1. Freedom described as the personal preference of one person. Hmmm .. forget the masses just do it this way.

    Sounds selfish to me.

  2. Katherine hits the nail on the head once again!

  3. So KK hit the nail in D2's head again ...

    this must mean the Big Lake cops are on high alert.

  4. It's just the most randumb thing. I'm out tree trimming with my binford 5000 extendable chain saw. I have this asian plumb tree that has grown to stupendiss size and 6 years of maybe 5 plumbs total I decided to do it some major damage. Son of a butt hog it grows these 2-3 inch thorns along the length of the younger limbs. While piling the branches for a binford 10,000 burn one of these ahole thorns puncthers my binfords 2000 triple layer leather glove (pick up fire and not feel a thing) and out the back side of my manly man size hand. this is a children's show so I will watch my language, but5 the mother fucker broke off and severed, apparenlty, a nerva, I mean the nerve of this thorn, that sends pain to ones armpit.

    anyhow, I got antibiotics, vicodan, and hemorroids because vicodans make my poop hard. so vodka loosens the stool while parading around as vic-and-dans's best friend.

  5. Liberal greg,
    hows my barn? how are your horses. how's it hanging...............

  6. how is it I still have to do the secret code thing that any blind a-hole cane do and I;m not even blind

  7. Ya know what, this thorn has caused me more pain than anything else I have had to put up with except for the time I was shot , or should I say second hand shot, during that fricken 7/11 hold up.

    black people caser more pain

  8. GO .. sounds like you're V squared.

  9. I had this girlfriend a long time ago ..

    her nickname was thorn.

  10. Would that be thorn in the side or thorn in the arse.....pain in the arse?

  11. Top Ten Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women...

    And here we go...

    #10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.

    #9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.

    #8 - If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.

    #7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.

    #6 - Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.

    #5 - A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.

    #4 - Guns function normally every day of the month.

    #3 - A gun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make me look fat?"

    #2 - A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.

    And the Number One reason Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women.....

    #1 - You can buy a silencer for a gun!

  12. This is why we need to hear the TRUTH about healthcare and not the crap that gets spewed by politicians and pundits lying and/or throwing out that socialism shit. IT'S NOT about the illegal aliens, or any other excuse people like D2 like to throw out ..

  13. "This is why we need to hear the TRUTH about healthcare....."

    You'd think it would piss most people off if they knew we pay much more for a health care system that provides mediocre outcomes compared the rest of the civilized world, but neocons have figured out that a majority of Americans don't give a damn about anything unless it impacts them personally. I think you can sum up how alotta folks in the country operate with something like: "as long as I've got mine, it's cool". It's easy to blame the politicians, but all they are doing is governing according to the will of the majority. And pundits, all they are doing is marketing to a certain demographic in order to sell product. If there were no market for their garbage, they wouldn't be on the air or in print long.

    RIP John Lennon

  14. monty ..

    you hit the nail on the head. All I can see from this past election is a referendum that screamed selfishness. Granted, there does need to be some different approaches, but the message coming from the majority of the changemakers, was that of selfishness .. followed by an invoke of God or some kind of patriot or freedome lover.

    I guess people don't recognize hypocrisy any more, or they're just content with lying ...

    case in point .. D2.

  15. Good gun analogy GO... (I'll bet Liberal Greg likes that word.

    Monnty, the biggest thing we could have done for healthcare reform is stop these frivolous lawsuits which cause doctors and hospitals to practice defensive medicine which greatly drives the price of healthcare up for all of us. The lib's didn't even address that though because liberal ambulance chasing trial lawyers are where the democrat party gets it's bread and butter (well them and socialist unions).

  16. D2 ..

    why don't you show us proof about your premise regarding lawsuits and the cost of healthcare.

    Any numbers? I know you and proof aren't even in the same galaxy, but maybe you have something ....

    something RELEVENT.

  17. "Monnty, the biggest thing we could have done for healthcare reform is stop these frivolous lawsuits...."

    Dtroll, we've been through this before with you on the BQ and TA. The CBO blew the lawsuit myth up back in '05. It's a classic red herring. Get some new material, will ya? You're a bore.

  18. "this past election is a referendum that screamed selfishness"


  19. "you hit the nail on the head."

    I think you and monty both hit your thumb.

    Health care is too expensive because we've separated the payers from the providers. I love it (NOT) when we have our open enrollment and "Lauren" who negotiates our insurance rates drives up in her Mercedes.

    "this past election is a referendum that screamed selfishness"

    I disagree. It screamed LEAVE ME THE "F" ALONE!!!

    What we need is more people that say "as long as I've got mine, it's cool", and once, I do I'll chose who I give help too. Thank -you very much"

  20. "Dtroll, we've been through this before with you on the BQ and TA."

    So why do you bother responding to any thing he/she/it says?

  21. "Health care is too expensive because we've separated the payers from the providers"

    So remove negotiators between you and the actual insurance provider or the provider as in the doc and/or hospital?

    If the provider is insurance, wasn't ObamaCare in it's inception, supposed to remove the profit portion between the insurance company and the health provider?

    But if the provider was simply the healthcare provider (i.e., doc or hospital), do you think the costs would be contained quickly enough to actually make it affordable?

    "I disagree. It screamed LEAVE ME THE "F" ALONE!!!"

    Oh, I'm sure there are people that feel that way, in fact, I'd bet 100% of the population does at some point. However, I don't agree with that being the cause of a 'referendum'. If the scream heard round the country was 'LEAVE ME THE F ALONE", then was it based on truth or was it based on exaggerations and lies?

    Healthcare myths about 'death panels'? About Canada? The list of crap goes on and on ... just ask D2, he'll either tell you just about every lie associated with it or he's got it posted on his website.

    Just me, but when Bachmann is considered one of the standard bearers for the Leave me the F alone coalition, it's just not based on reality.

    So getting back to selfishness and Laren's mercedes ...

    maybe greed plays a primary role in selfishness?

  22. "wasn't ObamaCare in it's inception, supposed to remove the profit portion between the insurance company and the health provider?"

    No, ObamaCare was originally designed to remove the insurance company completely and let a huge failing government beurocracy dictate who gets what medical treatment.

    Socialist ObamaCare if not stopped will still end up like that by taxing and regulating current insurance providers out of existence.

    And guys, you're nuts if you can't understand how the threat of frivolous lawsuits is causing doctors and hospitals to over use expensive and unnecessary tests simply to cover their asses. I've provided may examples of doctors complaining about having to do this on Katherine's blog.

  23. "No, ObamaCare was originally designed to remove the insurance company completely and let a huge failing government beurocracy dictate who gets what medical treatment. "

    Of course you're missing the point which was to get insurance companies to adjust rates vs. getting rid of them. Capitalism? You know, if rib eye's are $4/lb at one store and $14/lb at another which do you buy from? Of course, with you D2, it probably has alot to do with the store since you're convinced everyone is out to get you.

  24. "And guys, you're nuts if you can't understand how the threat of frivolous lawsuits is causing doctors and hospitals to over use expensive and unnecessary tests ...."


  25. "Of course you're missing the point which was to get insurance companies to adjust rates vs. getting rid of them."

    Wrong. What do socialists need with insurance companies? Leftist beurocrats want them gone.

    And Greg, where is your proof that the threat of frivolous lawsuits has zero affect on a doctors decisions on how many and what type of tests to run on a patient?

  26. "And Greg, where is your proof that the threat of frivolous lawsuits has zero affect on a doctors decisions on how many and what type of tests to run on a patient? "

    ME .. Myself ... I.

    That's right. It took me more than six docs and finally had to reach out to an old college friend who told me straight out that the docs I had seen were NOT performing the correct tests.

    This has also happened to my wife, friends, and other family members.

    You're full of shit D2 and your fascist ideology is just pouring more shit down you.

    In addition, you have YET to provide anything regarding how much these 'frivalous' lawsuits are affecting healthcare cost ... can you?

  27. "It took me more than six docs...."

    Probably at the government run VA.

  28. "Probably at the government run VA. "

    Nope ..

    Abbot, HCMC, the North Memorial.

    The U of M is where it's at and a couple of docs from India, one from Pakistan, another from Turkey, two or three from the US, one from Iraq, and one from Spain.

    It might be hard for you to take D2, but more minds from different cultures make for a better outcome.

  29. "a couple of docs from India, one from Pakistan, another from Turkey, two or three from the US, one from Iraq, and one from Spain."

    Assimilation is a good thing Greg. Too bad not all immigrant groups such as the Muslim Somali's who come to Minnesota for our liberal welfare system attempt it and they demand that we adapt to their backward stone age ways.

  30. "this past election is a referendum that screamed selfishness"

    "I disagree. It screamed LEAVE ME THE "F" ALONE!!!"


  31. "Health care is too expensive because we've separated the payers from the providers. I love it (NOT) when we have our open enrollment and "Lauren" who negotiates our insurance rates drives up in her Mercedes."

    And why are the dems opposed to interstate commerce of healhcare? I don't get it. is there something i'm missing.......I mean besides a few brain cells....

  32. "Health care is too expensive because we've separated the payers from the providers"

    In a market based model, yeah, I think you have a point, tluck. However, if we look at ANY other developed country in the world, except Mexico, we find health care systems that are not market based, cheaper, more efficient and more effective. Why? Because they are driven by health care outcomes, not the profit motive. Pure capitalism is every bit as bad as pure communism, tluck, no matter how you slice it, but it's especially bad when applied as the overriding consideration to health care; in fact, in my view, it's immoral.

    "It screamed LEAVE ME THE "F" ALONE!!!"

    And you don't see any selfishness in that attitude?
    We're AT WAR!
    We have a MASSIVE DEFICIT!
    Our infrastructure is CRUMBLING!
    Etc., etc., etc.
    We have gone from the Greatest Generation to the Whiniest Generation, and I'm sorry to tell ya, mon, but Freedom ain't free. Some folks may not wish to be bothered with the challenges this country faces, but pulling an attitude isn't gonna make 'em go away. It's just gonna push dealing with 'em a little farther down the road.....

  33. "And why are the dems opposed to interstate commerce of healhcare?"

    Same here, GO. Both wondering WTF and the AWOL brain cells.

  34. "It's just gonna push dealing with 'em a little farther down the road....."

    farther down the road turns to dirt.
    I think they should let al the bush tax cuts expire. Hell it only netted me 20 bucks a month.

    I think Obama got a good deal all the way around but if he had said:

    screw it. we can't afford the tax cuts for anyone. it was irresponsible to pass the cuts at the time of 2 wars. now we must tighten our belts and get this over with......and quite your sniveling.......

    I think that would have been best.

  35. where are the stats that show tax cuts for the wealthy creates jobs. when bushes tax cuts went into effect my employer did'nt hire anyone. I suppose the resorts in cancun had an employment explosion to cater to those, like my former employer, that took extended vacations.

    it appears, sometimes, GOP employment goals are to get people jobs to serve them.

  36. "So why do you bother responding to any thing he/she/it says?"

    kind of like fishing. you've caught big fish before. yet you still can't resist when another big one swims by....

  37. "screw it. we can't afford the tax cuts for anyone. it was irresponsible to pass the cuts at the time of 2 wars. now we must tighten our belts and get this over with......and quite your sniveling......."

    "where are the stats that show tax cuts for the wealthy creates jobs"


    "So why do you bother responding to any thing he/she/it says?"

    Well, the good thing you can say about dtroll is that he participates. It gets old hearing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over....well, you get the idea....but at the very least, he does speak up.

  38. "...but at the very least, he does speak up."

    With the same lies and misinformation .. but he does participate.

    What strikes me as funny is this ..

    The term 'conservative' would imply that tax cuts during the times we are in right now would not be a good idea. Conversely, the party claiming to be conservative is adamant that we continue not paying for what we've spent.

    It makes no sense. It's hard for me to support a group calling itself one thing and doing something completely different.

  39. "where are the stats that show tax cuts for the wealthy creates jobs"

    There aren't any. Now, if you want to give a tax break for new hires .. THEN you might see some movement but nobody seems to get that people in this era seem to be greedy and as a result are making less people do more work.

  40. "The term 'conservative' would imply that tax cuts during the times we are in right now would not be a good idea. Conversely, the party claiming to be conservative is adamant that we continue not paying for what we've spent"

    That's why I call todays Republicans "neocons" all the time. The people currently running the show in the Republican party are not what our fathers would recognize as fiscal conservatives. "Borrow and Spend" is just another way to try and get a free lunch-and stick your kids with the tab.
    To be honest, I doubt that my dad would call neocons social conservatives either. Too many noses in other peoples personal affairs....

  41. "if you want to give a tax break for new hires"

    This would be a great idea, but few talk about it. It's starting to look like the second "jobless recovery" from a recession in a row for our economy. If tax cuts created jobs, how do you square the Bush cuts with the jobless recovery from the '00-'02 recession? It doesn't add up.

  42. "where are the stats that show tax cuts for the wealthy creates jobs"

    We do know that tax increases reduces revenue to the government because of the negative effect they have on the economy. Ask liberal democrat Jimmy Carter about that.

  43. "We do know that tax increases reduces revenue to the government because of the negative effect they have on the economy. Ask liberal democrat Jimmy Carter about that. "

    And show us all just exactly how that happened D2 ...

    can you?

    And while you're at it, show the proof that cuts are going to create jobs. Like Monty said, it hasn't done squat.

  44. Liberal Greg,

    Why don't you socialists just go after and confiscate wealth in general instead of taxing income from work? You could get a lot from liberal trust baby Mark Dayton and tax dodger liberal democrat John Kerry who parks his luxury yacht in Rhode Island to avoid the high Massecussetts taxes he imposes on the commoners?

    These bastards don't care if their income is taxed at 100%!

    The truth is that raising taxes on businesses at the 250K level would kill the economy.

  45. "Why don't you socialists just go after and confiscate wealth in general instead of taxing income from work"

    You mean like raising capital gains taxes? You surprise me, dtroll. Thought you were just another greedy neocon, but maybe you do have a soul after all.
    Sarcasm aside, I've always wondered why wages are taxed at higher rates than capital gains. My guess is because the people writing the tax laws havn't worked for a wage in eons, if ever.....but they do derive income from capital gains.
    How about you, dtroll?
    Do you get most of your income from wages or capital gains?
    And if you do get most(if not all) of your income from wages, why doesn't it bother you that your income is taxed differently than your brethren in the Millionaires Club?

  46. Monnty,

    All I'm saying is that Millionires/Billionaires really don't care about getting taxed on income, even liberal democrat Mark Dayton turned down his income as a U.S. Senator because he is so filthy rich and wanted to show off.

    You liberals/socialist wanting to raise taxes on people who actually are creating jobs is a different story whoever, and they are the vast majority who would be affected under democrat tax hikes.

  47. "We do know that tax increases reduces revenue to the government because of the negative effect they have on the economy. Ask liberal democrat Jimmy Carter about that"

    Poor troll. You should try reading history sometime. In 1980, Jimmy Caner's last year as president, the federal government spent a whopping 27.9% of "national income" (a term for the private wealth produced by the American people). Reagan assaulted the free-spending Carter administration throughout his campaign in 1980. So how did the Reagan administration do? At the end of the first quarter of 1988, federal spending accounted for 28.7% of "national income."
    If government cuts taxes, but not spending, it still gets the money from somewhere—either by borrowing or inflating. Either method robs the productive sector.
    Reagan came into office proposing to cut personal income and business taxes. The Economic Recovery Act was supposed to reduce revenues by $749 billion over five years. But this was quickly reversed with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. TEFRA—the largest tax increase in American history—was designed to raise $214.1 billion over five years, and took back many of the business tax savings enacted the year before. It also imposed withholding on interest and dividends, a provision later repealed over the president's objection.

    But this was just the beginning. In 1982 Reagan supported a five-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax and higher taxes on the trucking industry. Total increase: $5.5 billion a year. In 1983, on the recommendation of his Special Security Commission — chaired by the man he later made Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan — Reagan called for, and received, Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years. A year later came Reagan's Deficit Reduction Act to raise $50 billion.

    Even the heralded Tax Reform Act of 1986 is more deception than substance. It shifted $120 billion over five years from visible personal income taxes to hidden business taxes. It lowered the rates, but it also repealed or reduced many deductions.

    According to the Treasury Department, the 1981 tax cut reduced revenues by $1.48 trillion by the end of fiscal 1989. But tax increases since 1982 will equal $1.5 trillion by 1989. The increases include not only the formal legislation mentioned above but also bracket creep (which ended in 1985 when tax indexing took effect—a provision of the 1981 act despite Reagan's objection), $30 billion in various tax changes, and other increases. Taxes by the end of the Reagan era were be as large a chunk of GNP as when he took office, if not larger: 19.4%. The so-called historic average is 18.3%.
    In short, Ronnie cut incomes tax rates on one hand, but raised various other tax rates on the other, and he did this to a FAR larger degree than Carter ever even dreamed of doing.
    So, basically, what you're saying, dtroll, is Jimmy should have raised taxes like Ronnie.

  48. "All I'm saying is that Millionires/Billionaires really don't care about getting taxed on income"

    Very good, dtroll. Maybe you ain't always as dumb as you type.

    "You liberals/socialist wanting to raise taxes on people who actually are creating jobs is a different story whoever, and they are the vast majority who would be affected under democrat tax hikes"

    And then you come up with something like this. W lowered the tax rates(during a war, for Christ sake), but we had a jobless recovery from the '00 recession. The majority of those tax breaks were aimed like a laser beam at the top two tax brackets. What happened to the jobs, dtroll? THEY NEVER MATERIALIZED.

  49. Enough whack a troll for one night.
    Just one more question:
    Do you realize, you silly troll, that you are passionately defending the very people that have been, and still are, screwing you?

  50. Monnty,

    Our problems are caused by democrats who have controlled Congress since 2006

    Funny how the econony was good until they took over in 2006.

  51. "Funny how the econony was good until they took over in 2006."

    This might be hard for you to understand .. no, it is hard for you to understand, but the books were cooked d2. In 2004 there were warnings that what appeared to be okay was actually the makings of one big economic tsunami.

    Unfortunately you're so far from the truth and comfortable floating around in your soup of lies, you'll never get it.

  52. Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac:

    Liberal Greg, watch the video. Maybe you'll realize why the economy tanked after liberal democrats took over the House AND Senate in 2006 and got even worse after they controlled EVERYTHING in 2008.

  53. And Greg, liberal democrats in the House are still causing problems even though the American people rejected their socialist agenda and voted them out. These leftists are pushing for tax hikes and anmesty for illegal aliens.

  54. D2, the snow must increase you're inner moron.

    '98. It was then and there the impetus for the catastrophe that followed began. Why don't you go figure out what took place and who authored it.

  55. Didn't watch the video I see. Why not Greg?

  56. Greg, get much snow at your home in Liberal Lakes, MN?

  57. "Why not Greg? "

    Because like everything else you spew it's just a lie.

    You don't know what happened in '98 do you D2. Which means you don't know who authored it.

    You also don't realize what Monty said regarding tax cuts during a time of war do you ...

    nor do you understand that some folks thought it okay to not make note of the costs incurred during said war(s) and neglected to apply that to our mounting debt.

  58. 67 year old Vietnam Vet gets harrassed by a liberal punk on the bus‏:

    Gotta love it! We need more guys like this around.

    And Liberal Greg, I'm not surprise you didn't watch the video Greg. You getting educated is like work to a welfare bum.

  59. "You getting educated is like work to a welfare bum. "

    Getting 'educated'? What, go to D2 camp and get brainwashed with all the D2 lies?

    So what happened in '98 D2? Why was it significant to our current economic issues D2? Do you know who authored it D2?


  60. Liberal Greg,

    Republicans tried to correct the Fannie and Freddie crisis which led to the current Obama recession, but their efforts were blocked by controlling liberal democrats like Banking Queen Barney Frank. Why do you socialists always ignore this?

    I was listening to communist radio Scare America (AM 950) the other day, and former WCCO talk show host Jack Rice was on filling in. While at CCO he tried to portray himself as a neutral moderate, but it was clear he was a leftist in disguise, much like you Liberal Greg.

  61. Also, Air America idolizes and has as a frequent guest admitted socialist Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont.

    Their sponsors also include sex tox shops, homo-erotic magazines, and athiest groups by the way.

  62. So what happened in '98 D2? Why was it significant to our current economic issues D2? Do you know who authored it D2?

  63. "So what happened in '98 D2?"

    Clinton was in charge.

  64. In other words, you don't know shit about our economy except for what liars like Michelle Bachmann tell you.


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