Last summer, Money magazine named Eden Prairie as the "best small city" in America. It highlighted the Twin Cities suburb's "top-notch" schools as a primary reason the thriving community is "great for raising a family."
But the days of Eden Prairie's pride in its schools may be numbered. School officials have announced a plan to abandon the district's neighborhood-schools model and to bus hundreds of elementary students across town to balance schools on the basis of income. Parents are up in arms about the plan -- scheduled for a decision in December -- but officials insist the upheaval will be justified. The economic diversity that results, they promise, will improve the academic achievement of low-income, minority children.
Have we learned nothing? From the 1970s to the 1990s, America conducted a massive social-engineering experiment in race-based busing that was expected to improve the academic achievement of low-income, minority children. The experiment failed virtually everywhere it was tried -- from Boston to St. Louis, Kansas City to San Francisco. Busing for "desegregation" had little, if any, reliable effect on minority achievement. It did, however, wrench neighborhoods apart, create insurmountable obstacles to parental involvement, cost vast sums and send middle-class families fleeing to the suburbs.
Eden Prairie need look no farther than Minneapolis to see where forced busing can lead. The city bused students for racial balance for more than 20 years, but black achievement hardly budged. In 1996, a fed-up Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton called for an end to the practice.
Income-based busing is the new rage, because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled busing for racial balance unconstitutional in 2007. Wake County, N.C. -- which has bused for income balance for 10 years -- is often cited as glowing proof that this approach works. In 2007, Myron Orfield of the University of Minnesota's Institute on Race and Poverty, who has presented to the Eden Prairie school board on income-based school assignment, lauded Wake County's results in the Star Tribune.
Wake County citizens beg to differ. In 2009, they voted in a new school board, and today the program is being dismantled.
Income-based busing "sounds like a noble idea," says new board member John Tedesco. "But it was terrible for kids and for the community. We took our eye off the prize -- academic achievement for all kids -- and put it on trying to meet quotas in a balancing act."
In the last five years, Wake County test scores and graduation rates have dropped every year, and the racial achievement gap has widened, says Tedesco. Low-income students have suffered most. "We were classifying kids by group, and labeling low-income kids 'at risk' just because of the money in their parents' pockets," he says. "We've actually dumbed these kids down." A recent study found that 80 percent of high-performing low-income students, who should be in challenging classes, were in fact assigned to remedial classes, he adds.
Wake County's test scores and SAT scores are still better than those of most other North Carolina districts, according to Tedesco. But that's misleading. As home to the renowned "Research Triangle," the county has one of the most highly educated workforces in America. "The academic success we do have is attributable to our demographics, not our busing program," says Tedesco.
Income-based busing has provoked cultural division, not unity. "It started pitting us against one another, because it classified people in terms of groups and set school quotas," Tedesco explains. Ironically, racial segregation has actually increased in Wake County schools. While the county's overall poverty rate is about 10 percent, its schools are now at 30 percent because the affluent are fleeing to private schools, says Tedesco. The national average for opting out of public schools is about 8 1/2 percent, he says. "Our rate has doubled in 10 years to almost 18 percent. Guess who's left behind?"
Tedesco sums up Wake County's "nightmare" this way: "Income-based busing tore apart our schools. It tore apart our community. It got our parents fighting one another. It created an academic mess, an efficiency mess and a cultural mess."
Eden Prairie is one of a number of districts -- including Hopkins, Bloomington and Osseo -- where racial and income "balancing" is a growing issue. Orfield has proposed a "comprehensive strategy to integrate" the entire Twin Cities metro area.
Before Minnesota embarks on yet another grand experiment in wishful thinking and social engineering, we might listen to David Armor of George Mason University, who has studied busing and desegregation for 30 years. Districts that consider income-based busing plans "are undertaking policy shifts that bring great controversy and costs, with no solid evidence that this will improve education for anyone,"
Using a single source to promote your ideology is kinda rinky dink. Otherwise ..
ReplyDeleteOur schools are the basis of our future economic stability. If we were to look at this realistically and realize that the children of each generation are a resource to our country and fund it as such, folks wouldn't consider this type of proposal. PUBLIC schools should be equal and not have opportunity based upon the income and subsequent taxes collected. Same opportunities for ALL students regardless of the district. After all, in the end, it's the student who decides just how much success they'll achieve...give them all the same playing field.
When will liberals learn that their failed policies only make things worse. Busing doesn't help ANY student, but it decreases the time a student can be at home studying, increases fuel consumption, increases air pollution, increases congestion, increases taxes, etc.
ReplyDeleteTo get a handle on race disparity in school achievement, you need to address the culture of various groups. Look at teen birth rates for example which ties into test scores:
"But when you break it down by race and ethnicity, that's the real story in Minnesota. We have incredible disparities," she said.
The rate overall is 27 births per 1,000 15- to 19-year-olds. For white teens the rate is about 18 births per 1,000 teens, but among blacks the rate is 80.
The highest rate is for Hispanic teens at 108 births per 1,000 teens, but Minnesota's rate for Hispanic teens lands near the middle when compared to other states.
Learn more at Liberal Minnesota Public Radio.
This can easily be explained by our liberal welfare magnet system which attracts scum from across the globe and then rewards their irresponsible behavior.
"To get a handle on race disparity in school achievement, you need to address the culture of various groups. Look at teen birth rates for example which ties into test scores: .. "
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah ..
spoken like a true fascist goose stepper.
D2, why do you ALWAYS focus any of our countries ill wills on those who are not caucasian?
Sure Liberal Greg,
ReplyDeleteYou think you can just bus away poor performing minority test scores, but it doesn't quite work that way.
I'm pretty sure I didn't suggest that, but you're going to try one of your moron moves and misinform again ...
ReplyDeleteWe need to provide level playing fields which includes contracting with parents. Accountability across all spectrums.
The blame for our education system does NOT belong with a single entity, it belongs with all of us.
One school czar with representation from all states and districts.
"We need to provide level playing fields"
ReplyDeleteWhy should Eden Prairie have to suffer because of stupid decisions liberals make such as Illegal Alien Sanctuary City Policies and turning Moneyapolis into a welfare magnet? Liberals are flooding inner-city schools with poor performing, non-English speaking, and motivationally challenged students on purpose, and it's not fair to bring down good Eden Prairie schools just to make things "even" Liberal Greg.
Okay idiot ..
ReplyDeleteIf this country is going to succeed, we need to make sure we use all the resources (read: the next generation) to their greatest potential. This means that the same opportunities provided in EP be provided in NE Mpls. If you don't like that, you're also not very interested in this country being able to compete in the next decades ...
but then again, you're pretty much in that camp of 'as long as I get mine'.
Taking care of ALL this countries kids education benefits ALL America as opposed to just 'some' of it.
Think your idiot mind can grasp that without tossing in some idiotic ideology from the fascist boot camp?
ReplyDeleteThe people of Eden Prairie are against the failed stupid policies that liberals are trying to ram down their throats, and I support them.
Go figure that you are in favor of lower the quality of their schools.
And Greg, illegal alien Anchor Babies are putting a severe drain on public schools. Shouldn't we do more to control our borders?
ReplyDeleteOh that's right, illegals vote democrat, so you welcome them.
"Go figure that you are in favor of lower the quality of their schools. "
ReplyDeleteYou're lying again and trying to misdirect. Show me where I posted that or even considered it.
"You're lying again and trying to misdirect."
ReplyDeleteNo I'm not. You are against the parents of Eden Prairie School kids wishes who don't want their children bussed to dangerous failing inner-city schools, which already receive by far more funding per pupil than any other schools in the state.
More money and busing aren't the answers Liberal Greg, we need to look at the cultures of failing ethnic groups. With blacks for example, kids are looked down upon and called Uncle Tom's for trying to do well in school and succeed.
Again, why should the people of Eden Prairie suffer because of this?
D2, show me where I said ANYTHING about kids being bussed out of their communities. Stop being an idiot and READ!!!!
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, you're pointing your finger yet again at minorities ....
I suppose being the goose stepper that you are means you can't help yourself.
"On the other hand, you're pointing your finger yet again at minorities ...."
ReplyDeleteI'm not blaming them Greg, I'm blaming you liberals who's policies hurt minorities in the long run.
"D2, show me where I said ANYTHING..."
You are siding with the liberals who want to impose stupid failed liberal policies on Eden Prairie students.
"You are siding with the liberals who want to impose stupid failed liberal policies on Eden Prairie students. "
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm proposing that all public schools have the same standards and opportunities you idiot.
Also, if something doesn't come from one of the idiots liars you adore in congress or on the boob tube, it's immediately believed to be 'liberal'.
You need to consider some form of liberalism yourself ...
specifically, liberating your head from inside your ass so you can hear.
"No, I'm proposing that all public schools have the same standards and opportunities you idiot."
ReplyDeleteAgain, the worst performing schools in the state receive by far the most funding per student. These schools are failing because of the culture of it's students, and that needs to be addressed before kids are bussed for hours to dangerous areas. It's not right that hard working black kids are picked on by their peers and called Uncle Tom's for trying to do well in school and succeed. Don't you agree Liberal Greg?
"Don't you agree Liberal Greg? "
ReplyDeleteNo, because you're missing the points I wrote and aren't looking at it without putting on your Bachmann idiot translation glasses.
Here's a simple version:
Sound like Communism to me Greg with your Czar idea and all that.
ReplyDeleteIf it doesn't come from one of your radical fascist hero's or heroines you consider it communiist.
ReplyDeleteUse superintendent instead of Czar dumbass.
Do you realize how far behind we are compared to other countries? We need something and also to increase the amount of time kids are in school .. no more 3 month vacation.
Why can't you just let the people of Eden Prairie run the schools like they want Greg without allowing liberals to drag them down and lower the quality of education?
ReplyDeleteIt seems as though EP is at odds about how they want to run it D2 ... although, KK is trying to tell you only one side of the story and you're obviously not going to consider there may be more to it.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, did I say anything about changing EP? Maybe EP is a model of how to succeed? Or maybe it could get even better WITHOUT ANY KIND OF BUSSING OR INCREASE IN PROPERTY TAXES!!!
You're not looking at this as a big picture because you're too inclined to think of ONLY yourself and not the greater good (which is why you'd never make it in the military and most likely failed at any team sport you ever tried out for).
Our greatest resource is our kids. If we don't do our best to insure they ALL get quality educations and make sure the parents become accountable in the success of their own children, we're going to screw up this great experiment called America.
Stop thinking in the me,me,me and start thinking about us, us, us (just like U.S.).
Again Greg, the liberals among us are destroying our public schools. The conservative people of Eden Prairie want to the liberals to stay out of their affairs so they don't ruin their public schools as well. It's as simple as that Liberal Greg!
ReplyDeleteAnd Greg, the leftist teacher's union (Education Minnesota) is hurting our educational system as well. They need to be abolished.
ReplyDeleteOregon is among eight states that have agreed to follow the recommendation of a national blue-ribbon panel to turn their approach to educating teachers "upside down" by putting more emphasis on practical classroom experience.
ReplyDeleteTeacher education programs should shift their emphasis from academic coursework to putting student teachers in the classroom with "effective practitioners, coaches and clinical faculty," says a panel of educators commissioned by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education in a report released today.
The panel compares the new approach to doctors trained through clinical experience in teaching hospitals.
"Candidates will blend practitioner knowledge with academic knowledge as they learn by doing," says the report, called "Transforming Teacher Education Through Clinical Practice: A National Strategy to Prepare Effective Teachers."
now GO fuck yourselves
ReplyDeleteYou've got your head so far up your ideological ass, you can't think on your own or reason any longer.
ReplyDeleteDo you understand the US is so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world it will hurt us economically in the coming decades? Do you understand that if we don't do something to make sure our children are given opportunities to succeed we're going to screw ourselves?
This is the problem with your ideology D2; it's short term thinking. NOTHING promotes thinking ahead but instead promotes instant gratification.
"Do you understand the US is so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world it will hurt us economically in the coming decades?"
ReplyDeleteYes, and liberals have been in control of our failing public school system for decades. They always take the wrong approach and make problems worse.
"Yes, and liberals have been in control of our failing public school system for decades. "
ReplyDeleteOkay, you may want to rethink that statement. Lets go from 1980-2010. Care to guess the political affiliation of the president for those years? If you're going to try and lie your way out, it was 20 years of Republican leadership vs. 10 for Democrats or what you call liberals.
And, would you care to guess the majority of congress during the same time?
Stop being such an ideological moron and face an issue.
The way you state it now, you're perfectly fine seeing a class system applied and screw the rest who aren't that fortunate. Kids don't get a choice who that parents are D2 and shouldn't have to suffer in some instances because of it.
Are you against giving all kids a fair shot at a successful life D2?
Actuallty, the liberal Teacher's Union has been in charge of our failing public schools for decades. They even confiscate money from teachers against their will to give to the democrat party.
ReplyDelete"Actuallty, the liberal Teacher's Union has been in charge of our failing public schools for decades."
ReplyDeleteAh, so the union is running the schools and not the school boards or the state and federal government ...
you just can't help yourself can you.
So explain how a teachers union chooses the text books for a classroom D2. Can you do that? Then explain to me how a teachers union decides if a district is going to build a new school D2; can you do that? While you're at it, explain how a teachers union decides which classes will be taught in a school and which extracurricular activities are funded or dropped. Can you do that D2?
Liberal school boards and liberal government are also problems Greg, just like the liberal Teacher's Union.
ReplyDelete"Liberal school boards and liberal government are also problems Greg, just like the liberal Teacher's Union."
ReplyDeleteAh, so you think everything is going to magically get better in 2 years I suppose....
even though your hero MB isn't going to get a single leadership position?
The same crap was being spewed about 14 years ago by Newt the nuisance ..
what happened was what we're witnessing now D2 and that INCLUDES the issues with education.
Somewhere in all the crap you have in your head there may be one bit of common sense that is going to jump out and tell you that neither liberal or conservative ideology is going to get this fixed ..
instead, it's going to have to be cooperation and no more childish crap.
"Ah, so you think everything is going to magically get better in 2 years I suppose...."
ReplyDeleteNo. The Liberal Teachers Union still has it's filthy hands in control of public schools.
Face it Liberal Greg, whenever you liberals try to fix a problem, you end up making it worse. Look at the war on poverty for example. The liberal welfare system has made it worse and created a more dangerous group of people by rewarding irresponsible behavior. I lived in North Minneapolis for a while in the early 70's and it wasn't a bad place to live, but today it's a dangerous war zone because most of my old neighborhood has been taken over by welfare migrants from places like Chicago who have flocked to MONEYAPOLIS as they call it for decades.
ReplyDeleteGetting back to Eden Prairie, why should students there suffer a lower quality of education simply because liberals turned North Minneapolis in to an illiterate dangerous crap hole? We still spend far more per pupil on the "at risk" migrants than any other students in the state, but that's not good enough. Liberals still want to try failed ideas like bussing.
"Face it Liberal Greg, whenever you liberals try to fix a problem, ....."
ReplyDeleteSo, let me see, when Clinton became president we had a deficit ...
when he left .. no deficit.
Then Bush takes over ..
within 2 years we're in a deficit again .. and it gets worse and worse.
That pretty much blows that theory D2.
You're hanging on to an ideology which won't fix squat. You might feel comfortable because the ideology supports your racist tendencies, is built upon many lies (i.e., Bachmann), and quite frankly is just selfish. From everything I've seen, that pretty much defines you ... wait .. one other thing ..
a definition of the bible that excludes vs. inclusion. Gotta add that one.
"The liberal welfare system has made it worse and created a more dangerous group of people by rewarding irresponsible behavior"
And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the ;erosion of the middle class does it D2 ..
"Getting back to Eden Prairie, why should students there suffer a lower quality of education simply because liberals turned North Minneapolis in to an illiterate dangerous crap hole?"
ReplyDeleteExplain how 'liberals' did this?
Here's a hint ..
expansion of the suburbs.
This is who your heroine wants to teach members of congress about the constitution ..
ReplyDelete"But Barton, who has said the idea of separation of church and state is a myth, has garnered his fair share of controversy. He has suggested the federal government should regulate homosexuality, and his association with reported anti-Semitic groups prompted the Anti-Defamation League to condemn him earlier this year. In the 1990s, he spoke to the Christian Identity Movement, a group that “asserts that Jews are ‘the synagogue of Satan’; that Blacks and other people of color are subhuman; and that northern European whites and their American descendants are the ‘chosen people’ of scriptural prophesy.”"
Here's the article:
Bachmann is a danger to this country.
"So, let me see, when Clinton became president we had a deficit ...
ReplyDeletewhen he left .. no deficit.
Then Bush takes over ..
within 2 years we're in a deficit again .. and it gets worse and worse."
Look at who controlled Congress at those times Greg. Clinton had a Republican Congress which kept him in line, while things went well under Bush until the Democrat Party took over the House AND Senate in the last 2 years of his 8.
That pretty much blows that theory Liberal Greg.
"Look at who controlled Congress at those times Greg. Clinton had a Republican Congress...."
ReplyDeleteIF you knew anything about that time frame you'd realize what you're saying is beyond the proof that you know NOTHING about history. After 4 years in office he had already removed deficit spending, had brought the unemployment levels to those never seen, and had the country working. Then came the 'contract with America' which took what would have been a very large bounty to a so-so gain which began falling in '98. We're lucky there wasn't a deficit at the end since the Newt and crew had implemented borrow and spend (ala Ronnie R. legacy). Interestingly enough, it was in '98 that that same congress deregulated and took investment banking into a new realm and also established 'new' guidelines to get homes for Americans.
Yes D2, that's the truth. And you've decided that following that exact same methodology of economics is going to get our economy moving ..
sure, you betcha, it's been Sooooooooo good so far right?
P.S. To further blow away whatever goofy idiotic comeback you come too, the recession began before democrats came into congress .. it was .. the beginning of the end.
So, it looks like Alaska decided the Tea Party candidate wasn't a good idea ...
ReplyDeleteinterestingly enough, it wasn't the candidate chosen by their ex-governor/vice presidential candidate.
I wonder why?
Prior to the Democrat take over of Congress in 2006 the Dow was at 14,000 and unemployment at record low levels. Looks like Obama's take over of the White House has only made things worse.
ReplyDeleteYou're lying again. In December of 2006, the DOW was at 12,315. Here's the rest ...
ReplyDelete11,722.98 11,727.34 October 3, 2006
11,800 11,850.61 October 4, 2006
11,900 11,947.70 October 12, 2006
12,000 12,011.73 October 19, 2006
12,100 12,116.91 October 23, 2006
12,200 12,218.01 November 14, 2006
12,300 12,305.82 November 16, 2006
12,400 12,416.76 December 14, 2006
12,500 12,510.57 December 27, 2006
12,600 12,621.77 January 24, 2007
12,700 12,741.86 February 14, 2007
12,800 12,803.84 April 18, 2007
12,900 12,961.98 April 20, 2007
13,000 13,089.89 April 25, 2007
13,100 13,105.50 April 26, 2007
13,200 13,211.88 May 2, 2007
13,300 13,312.97 May 7, 2007
13,400 13,487.53 May 16, 2007
13,500 13,556.53 May 18, 2007
13,600 13,633.08 May 30, 2007
13,700 & 13,800 13,861.73 July 12, 2007
13,900 13,907.25 July 13, 2007
14,000 14,000.41 July 19, 2007
14,100 14,164.53 October 9, 2007
Also, the election was in 2006 but the D's didn't take over until Jan 2007.
ReplyDeleteYou can spin things all you want Greg like a typical liberal, but the economy started going down the toilet since you liberals took over the House AND Senate in 2006, and that why your party lost big time.
ReplyDeleteHow many millions are going to be spent chasing absolutely nothing to chase in this governors election. That Sutton guy is a scammer and does nothing but come up with more conspiracies every damn day .. heck, an hour after the results came out he was on a podium screaming about discrepancies before he even knew what happened.
ReplyDeleteGet over it. Emmer lost and it's time to move on. I'm not that impressed with Dayton and even less impressed with Emmer, but we have to get some stability NOW and get moving.
"You can spin things all you want Greg like a typical liberal, but the economy started going down the toilet since you liberals took over the House AND Senate in 2006, and that why your party lost big time. "
ReplyDeleteSpin? I pointed out that you were blatantly LYING AGAIN. That's not 'spin', that's fact. The posts previous were fact also whether you like it or not. Your 'team' is no better than any other that's come in. They're all a bunch of children using our funds to to build their playground(s). If you had ANY real interest in this country you'd realize that people like Bachmann are simply scammers trying to get attention to fill their own bank accounts ..
but you're too damn blind to reality.
We need to reduce the pay those people are getting too. Drop it to about 75 or 80k/yr. ance to work. Then build a big dormitory for them to stay in within walking distance of work. They can fly back home on military transports that are going that way (HOPS). No more subsidising two homes for them and paying for their travel. Lets see how many stick around then ... maybe we'll get real people working for once.
ReplyDelete"How many millions are going to be spent chasing absolutely nothing to chase in this governors election."
ReplyDeleteMoney can't buy love, but it can buy a Governor's race in Dayton's case!
Anyway, we've seen how voter fraud led to socialist Al Franken stealing a Senate seat, especially with Felons, Illegal Aliens, and non-citizen Somali's voting for him, topped off with ACORN goon Mark Ritchie running his flawed "recount" which counted ballots differently (more liberally) in liberal precincts than in conservative ones. Let's not allow voter fraud to steal this one as well, especially with more votes than voters happening again.
This could all be solved by having people show ID's at the polls, but liberals are against it since they benefit and depend on voter fraud to win close elections.
"Money can't buy love, but it can buy a Governor's race in Dayton's case!"
ReplyDeleteWrong. Emmer is a tool and the only reason he got as many votes as he did is because people are too lazy to determine that like Michelle Bachmann, 90% of what comes out of his mouth is lies. The other 10% is only half true.
"Anyway, we've seen how voter fraud led to socialist Al Franken stealing a Senate seat,..."
So in short, you'd rather see the state waste millions to try and prove something that doesn't exist. Slob Sutton is just playing a stupid game like most of that party seems to be doing.....
the country doesn't have time for games.
ReplyDeleteGreg, if we had decent election rules like most other states which make voter fraud more difficult, Al Franken never would have one.
When need to show ID when doing just about anything these days, so why not for something as important as an election?
D2 .. there is absolutely NO proof that ID's prevent any type of voter fraud. Additionally, do you even know that statistics on voter fraud? What has Franken done so terrible? Is it because he's done alot for veterans? I realize you probably didn't find it necessary to do anything for your country, but for those of us who did, he's a welcome member to the senate.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Bachmann who has in fact, tried to cut benefits to veterans including those who have been injured in our most recent wars.
ReplyDelete"Additionally, do you even know that statistics on voter fraud?"
ReplyDeleteAs if liberals in Minnesota will investigate it. The Star Tribune (paper addition) showed a line up of voters in Minneapolis a few days back, and the majority of them appeared to be Muslim Somali women (Muslim garb and all). How do we know that these voters are really American citizens? We actually have no idea, and they can all vote with a voucher or utility bill.
This is how radical leftist Muslim Keith Hakim Ellison got in over more honorable candidates in the DFL primary a few years back.
I guess you don't have any solid facts again. Kind of like that Sutton guy .. no facts, just another excuse. That's pretty much the party slogan now ... an excuse for everything. Hopefully after 2 years of trying to play borrow and spend in our state legislature, people will get it.
ReplyDelete"I guess you don't have any solid facts again."
ReplyDeleteOpen up your eyes Man!
My eyes are open ... it's your eyes and ears that are blinded from having your head so far up the ideological ass of liars and scammers like Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, Palin, etc.
ReplyDelete"Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, Palin"
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to leftists Charlie Rangle, Jessie Jackson, Maxine Waters, etc. All crooks.
There have been more multi millionaire democrats in Congress than Republicans for decades. Look at Algore, John Edwards, and John Kerry for example. Kerry just got into hot water for tax evasion on his yacht. Algore is trying to become even more filthy rich on his carbon credit scheme, and ambulance chaser John Edwards became filthy rich driving up healthcare costs. He also cheated on his cancer stricken wife, but liberals wanted all of these scumbags to become President.
ReplyDelete"As opposed to leftists Charlie Rangle, Jessie Jackson, Maxine Waters, etc. All crooks"
ReplyDeleteJust like Bachmann, Palin, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh .. crooks and liars.
"He also cheated on his cancer stricken wife,.."
ReplyDeleteYou mean like McCain?
And the other ones? I never voted for or supported any of them...
but they didn't lie nearly as much as Bachmann, Palin, Hannity, Beck, ....
D2, it seems the politicians and pundits that lie the most are the ones you're most attracted to. Lying must appeal to you ... makes you feel like you have something in commone with them.
ReplyDeleteYou're lying again Greg.
ReplyDelete"You're lying again Greg."
ReplyDeleteNo, just pointing out the obvious D2. You're an admitted liar who is obviously attracted to other compulsive liars.
There's not one fact you've put in a blog or on your website since you've been posting on blogs ...
not one.