Last week's historic election repudiated the grandiose, left-wing governance schemes of President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress. Conservatives are still toasting the victory. But the election, and the two years leading up to it, hold lessons that go well beyond this election cycle. America, it turns out, is a far more resilient nation than we had feared.
When Obama walked through the White House doors in January 2009, several factors suggested that, from a conservative point of view, the world was coming to an end.
Obama had billed himself as postpartisan and pragmatic. But he demonstrated quickly that his "hope and change" program meant not just a tilt to the port side but a hard-left tack. He pushed relentlessly for schemes of unprecedented scope --from a quasi-governmental takeover of health care to potentially economically debilitating cap-and-trade legislation. Conservatives feared that even if such changes prompted grumbling they would eventually embed themselves in voters' expectations.
Obama's allies in his campaign to remake America, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, steered the liberal juggernaut through a Democrat-heavy House and a filibuster-proof Senate. This trio's bare-knuckle, Chicago-style approach seemed almost invincible. They rammed through a deeply unpopular health care bill by using end runs around Senate rules and bald-faced buyoffs, including the infamous "Cornhusker kickback" and "Louisiana Purchase" that finally snared support from Sens. Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu.
Conservatives could also point to larger factors that seemed to signal an ominous long-term trend. After Obama's election, liberal commentators proclaimed that a permanent realignment of single women, young people, blacks and Latinos would soon render conservative politicians extinct. In his 2009 "The Death of Conservatism," Sam Tanenhaus, editor of the New York Times Book Review, announced that the decades-long "Reagan Revolution" was dead and buried and that Big Government was here to stay.
To these prophesies, many conservatives added cultural concerns. They warned of a softening of character and a decline of civil society that threatened to push Americans into government's smothering embrace. They cited the deterioration of the family -- society's most fundamental governmental unit -- and a campaign by elites to redefine marriage itself. And they pointed to an erosion of religion and other cultural guideposts that hold us to a standard higher than "give me mine."
As conservatives looked across the Atlantic, their gloom increased. They feared they saw the end game of Obama's welfare state in chaotic Greece and France, with their ever-expanding public sectors, powerful unions and insatiable sense of entitlement.
But last week's repudiation of Big Government confirmed that we were wrong to be tempted by despair. The election demonstrated that there is something in the American spirit that rejects the siren song of the nanny state.
The gains were sensational -- at least 61 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, the biggest electoral shift since 1948. In the Senate, a pickup of six seats may bring de facto control, as some Democrats there show newfound zeal for working with Republicans. (Divided House and Senate control may be the best scenario for Republicans going into the presidential race of 2012). Republicans now hold at least 30 governorships. The GOP gained more than 680 state legislative seats nationwide -- giving it the greatest number of seats since 1928 -- and now has majorities in both legislative chambers in 26 states.
In Minnesota, Republicans won majorities in the both the House and Senate and saw newcomer Chip Cravaack defeat liberal icon Jim Oberstar in the Eighth Congressional District. The governor's race may be close enough to trigger a recount.
Hopefully liberals will learn a lesson about political hubris and overreach. But the election holds a more important and reassuring lesson for conservatives: Americans can stand up to liberalism's temptations. They can see government "candy" for what it is and have the wherewithal to reject it as undermining the ideas at our nation's core: liberty, free enterprise, opportunity and self-determination.
The grass-roots revolt began with ordinary people standing up, one by one, at town hall forums to proclaim their opposition to Big Government. Legions of activists and candidates -- completely new to politics -- reenergized demoralized conservatives. The Tea Party movement grew spontaneously, as citizens said "no" to replacing America's founding vision of individualism and limited government with a statist model that will restrict freedom in the name of redistributionist "fairness" and encumber future generations with a crushing public debt.
The great lesson of this election is that America may not be on an inexorable slide to soft political tyranny and cultural drift. Our nation is built of sterner stuff than we dared to hope."
"The great lesson of this election is that America may not be on an inexorable slide to soft political tyranny and cultural drift. Our nation is built of sterner stuff than we dared to hope."
ReplyDeleteActually, the lesson is that elections can most certainly be won with the right amount of money and lies.
Furthermore, if KK had an ounce of professional journalism experience, she'd know enough to address the POTUS with his title the first time used in an article ...
perhaps what our country needs to learn is to be respectable.
America rejected Obama's radical socialist agenda. This is very good news for America, no matter how much Liberal Greg lies about it.
ReplyDeleteSorry America's rejection of radical Obamunism was such a huge disappointment to you Greg!
Show me where I'm lying D2 ..
ReplyDeleteJust like I can show you where you lie by displaying your heroine quoting the exact bullshit you like to spout.
No, D2, you can't show that I'm lying because you know that what I'm saying is the truth.
Now why don't you explain why you consider Obama's strategies 'socialist'? Can you?
Then, explain what the new congress is going to change in the next 2 years and how that will help our country.
"Show me where I'm lying D2 .."
ReplyDeleteYou lie whenever your keystrokes move Greg.
That's what I thought, you can't prove a thing.
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny you try to displace your own shortcomings on someone else ..
Try to prove that Michelle Bachmann has never lied D2.... can you?
D2, you're very sensitive about being called a liar. Perhaps it's because it's a constant not only in the electronic world, but in the 'real' world as well.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing you're caught lying quite often D2 ....
even to yourself.
Here's a few quote from the idiot Winston Churchill:
ReplyDeleteSocialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries
There is no such thing as a good tax
Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried
And my favorite:
We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle
Learn more at:
Okay, so you think churchill is an idiot ..
ReplyDeleteyou still haven't answered a question D2.
"Okay, so you think churchill is an idiot .."
ReplyDeleteNo, but I'm sure you liberals on the extreme left do. I was just being sarcastic Greg.
"No, but I'm sure you liberals on the extreme left do. I was just being sarcastic Greg. "
ReplyDeleteI don't think you know what sarcastic means D2.
Now why can't you answer the questions?
"Try to prove that Michelle Bachmann has never lied D2.... can you?"
ReplyDeleteI've never heard Michele Bachmann lie once Liberal Greg, while I hear your idle comrade Barack Obama lie several times daily. Why don't you ever pick on him?
Obama Lies:
ReplyDeleteExposing The Lies of those Around President Barack Obama
"I've never heard Michele Bachmann lie once ..."
ReplyDeleteD2, you've admitted you're a liar so that pretty much says it all .. as for Bachmann, here's some of hers which you refuse to read because they're true ..
A good friend of mine who is a devote conservative has also agreed that Bachmann is just a bat shit crazy liar looking for attention and a piss poor example for conservatives along with Beck and Hannity. REAL conservatives pay attention to George Will and Buckley ..
the new folks on the block are simply extremists looking for attention and trying to build their own coffers.
I read the first 3 of your Obama lies link. You really are an idiot D2. Whoever writes this is twisting in the wind attempting to prove something. You most likely realize this but aren't willing to admit to it ...
ReplyDeleteyou're even adept at lying to yourself D2.
"A good friend of mine who is a devote conservative"
ReplyDeleteHa! You wish!
"Ha! You wish! "
ReplyDeleteNo, you do. The true conservatives have been smeared by idiots pretending they are. What's worse, is the lies they tell are believed by folks to lazy to learn for themselves the truth. Buckley turns in his grave every time hannity or beck open their mouths, or someone gives airtime to Palin or Bachmann.
If you had any idea what the conservative movement really was D2, you'd go and learn. IF you understood it, then you would quickly see through the bullshit of those claiming to be conservative.
I dare you to learn about him .. here's a start:,_Jr.
When you're through with that try learning more about George Will ... and Peggy Noonan who I believe is coming back to her roots and leaving the insanity she dabbled in.
I may not always agree with any of those I listed, but at the very least they didn't lie and could justify their opinions with VALID stats and references ..
the people you consider conservative are mostly lying and sensationalizing .. in short, they're trying to get attention to make money.
Wake up D2, stop being an idiot and learn about what you claim to be.
I love it! A radical leftist telling everyone what real conservatives are. You're hilarious Liberal Greg!
ReplyDeleteActually, I'm just an American .. a veteran .. a citizen who happened to learn the difference between real politicians and the people just trying to scam you.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, you D2, just buy all the bullshit from the biggest bullshitters claiming to be politicians and/or analysts.
What's really hilarious (although it's somewhat sad as well), is that I have only half a brain and you supposedly have a fully functional one ...
and don't seem to use it.
More liberal crap from Greg.....
ReplyDeleteGoodnight all!
More proof from D2 that he has NO idea what conservative really is....
ReplyDeletebut he knows and practices con real well.
The Movie Test
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty amazing!
I was surprised how this worked. Be honest and don't look at the movie list till you have done the math!
Try this test and find out what movie is your favorite. This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 films you would enjoy the most. Don't ask me how, but it really works!
Pick a number from 1-9.
Multiply by 3.
Add 3.
Multiply by 3 again.
Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below.
Movie List:
1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Beverly Hills Cop
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Defeat of Obama in 2012
10. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story
D2, that list could never work for you since your favorite movie (Brokeback Mountain) isn't on there.
ReplyDeleteThat must have made you feel sad.
"Bachmann has specialized in nothing but campaign flame-throwing and falsehoods, the most recent of which is the ridiculous claim that President Obama spent $200 million a day on his trip to India. Her 40-plus appearances on Fox News since the beginning of the year also raise a logistical question: How would she have time for additional House leadership responsibilities? Her time is spent caucusing with Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.
ReplyDeleteBachmann's own party leaders -- including Pence, House RepublicanWhip Eric Cantor and likely Budget Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin -- are endorsing her opponent for the Conference Chair position -- Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas. They know she's not qualified. That Bachmann thinks she is raises further questions about her judgment."
She's done absolutely nothing for her district and as said, has less than admirable judgement. In short, she shouldn't have been elected but unfortunately people believed her lies and some even helped her spread them. She's the LAST thing the GOP needs to move forward.
"Bachmann has specialized in nothing but...."
ReplyDeleteAs you can see, Liberal Greg LOVES to attack Conservate Women like Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and even Katherine Kersten.
"As you can see, Liberal Greg LOVES to attack Conservate Women like Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and even Katherine Kersten. "
ReplyDeleteI don't attack, I just point out liars .. .
of any gender.
"I don't attack, I just point out liars .. ."
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should look through some of you comments Greg. All you do is attack Conservatives, especially women.
"All you do is attack Conservatives, especially women. "
ReplyDeleteIf you consider exposing the lies of Bachmann an attack, then call it that...
it really doesn't bother me.
Although, I do think it bothers you quite a bit when it's proven that Bachmann is a compulsive liar....
it's probably why she WON'T be considered for ANY type of leadership position in congress ...
ReplyDeleteQ: How can you tell Michele Bachmann is lying?
A: Her lips are moving.
Liberal Greg,
ReplyDeleteLooks like most voters don't agree with you're radical leftist think.
"Looks like most voters don't agree with you're radical leftist think. "
ReplyDeleteBecause they were lied to by people like Bachmann who's own party is now recognizing just how bat shit crazy she is and not allowing her to have a leadership position.
Your hero is now being stuffed in a corner. Maybe she'll talk with the other crazies on the TV or radio, but I can about guarantee she won't accomplish a thing for her district ....
which is the same amount she accomplished during her last terms. NADA, NOTHING, ZERO, NILL, NULL, NOTHING ....
except embarrassment.
You can attack Michele Bachmann all you want Greg, but she's still a far better choice than Terrell Clark who would have been a rubber stamp for Obama's radical socialist agenda.
ReplyDeleteVote Fraud in Democrat Primary using Somali Immgrants:
That's how radical leftist Keith Hakim Mohammed Ellison (DFL) got in as well over more honorable democrat candidates. People should be outraged!
"..Terrell Clark who would have been a rubber stamp for Obama's radical socialist agenda. "
ReplyDeletevs. a rubber stamp for fascist idiocy. Bachmann is a liar and scammer plain and simple.
Vote Fraud in Republican primaries using droids with no ability to think on their own. Here's a primary example ..
"vs. a rubber stamp for fascist idiocy"
ReplyDeleteSo our Constitution is facist idiology Greg? Go figure.
Terrell Clark has more in common with Karl Marx than our Founding Fathers.
"So our Constitution is facist idiology Greg? Go figure"
ReplyDeleteWhen Bachmann, Palin, and yourself interpret it yes it is...
"Terrell Clark has more in common with Karl Marx than our Founding Fathers."
ReplyDeleteWake up Man! The socialists like Barack Husein Obama and Keith Hakim Ellison who have taken over the democrat party despise our Constition and consider our Founding Fathers to be nother more than a bunch of evil white men.
Party for Socialism and Liberalization:
Fundamentals of Marxism (Marxism 101)
Liberal Greg, these guys sound just like you. I now see where you get your talking points from!
D2, these guys behave and act just like you do. I see where you and MB get your lies from:
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