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Wish it was different, but this way it might stay more interesting.

These are excerpts from Kersten commentary.

Katherine can be found here at the Star Tribune:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

KK takes on economics ..

The following is an excerpt found here:

"This Labor Day weekend, work is in short supply. Unemployment is almost 10 percent, and higher when you include those who have given up seeking work. The economy grew at a snail-paced 1.6 percent in the second quarter of 2010. Many economists fear that third-quarter growth will actually be negative.

President Obama assures us that he and Congress have been working overtime to get Americans out of this hole. He points to his nearly trillion-dollar stimulus -- which, astonishingly, exceeded the cost of the entire Iraq war, according to the Congressional Budget Office. He points to costly bailouts, to loan guarantees, to "cash for clunkers" and to his $8,000 tax credit for housing. But this avalanche of taxpayer money -- and the staggering national debt it's producing -- weren't enough, it seems. What now? Obama tells us we may need another stimulus.

As the Wall Street Journal put it last week: "Never before has government tried to do so much and achieved so little."

Americans know that the Obama/Pelosi plan to create jobs by expanding government isn't working. In fact, they believe -- increasingly -- that Obama's tactics are actually killing jobs. At the Technology Policy Institute's recent Aspen Forum, Intel CEO Paul Otellini issued a clarion call to face the economic facts that Team Obama is ignoring.

America is at a turning point, Otellini warned. Unless government policies change, he predicted, "the next big thing will not be invented here. Jobs will not be created here. And wealth will not accrue here." Our nation's legal and political environment is now so hostile to business, he said, that we can expect "an inevitable erosion and shift of wealth -- much like we're seeing today in Europe. This is the bitter truth."

America's combined state and federal corporate income tax rate -- at about 38 percent -- is the second highest in the industrial world, said Otellini. (The industrialized-nation average is 18.2 percent.) "It is precisely these high statutory corporate rates that punish the most dynamic and innovative firms and hinder their ability to compete globally," he said. Congress has compounded the problem by repeatedly failing to make an R&D tax credit permanent.

"I can tell you definitively that it costs $1 billion more per factory [out of $4 billion] for me to build, equip and operate a semiconductor manufacturing facility in the United States," Otellini said. "Ninety percent of the cost difference" is the result of tax and incentive policies. "With such policies," he asked, "are we surprised that companies are investing overseas?"

Obama and Co. have ramped up the obstacles American businesses face by piling on onerous new laws and regulations. They've enacted a sprawling 2,400-page health care law and a 2,300-page financial regulation law. Just around the corner? Perhaps union "card check" legislation and crushing new carbon regulations.

No one knows how the blizzard of new --and potential -- laws and regulations will affect the future costs of hiring and doing business. The resulting uncertainty has paralyzed the economy.

Obamacare is already killing jobs, though it does not go into effect fully until 2014. For example, Assurant Health recently laid off 130 workers at its offices in Milwaukee and in the Twin Cities suburb of Plymouth to prepare for the new law's costly mandates. Small-business owners fear adding workers -- in part because of Obamacare's red tape, which includes a requirement to file an IRS 1099 form for every vendor from whom they buy $600 or more in goods. All this before the regulations that spell out Obamacare's details are even written.

The Dodd/Frank financial regulation law is another unknown. It requires "no fewer than 243 new formal rule-makings by 11 different federal agencies," according to the Wall Street Journal. Their content is anyone's guess.

On taxes, confusion reigns. Will the Bush tax cuts be allowed to expire at the end of this year? If so, we will face the largest tax rise in at least 16 years. Will Congress raise the payroll tax? Pass a value-added tax? No one knows.

Obama seems oblivious to the havoc he and his allies in Congress are wreaking. The president has staffed his administration with ideologues who are big on academic theories but woefully short of real-world experience. Few have ever operated a business, or have made a payroll, or have been held accountable for the real-world consequences of their actions.

Increasingly, the American people seem to agree with Mort Zuckerman -- publisher, real-estate mogul and former big-time Obama fan. Obama's administration is "the most hostile to business in decades," Zuckerman said recently. The man who promised "hope" and "change" is presiding over "the most fiscally irresponsible government in America..."


  1. I swear KK is catching the D2 virus .. but when did psychiatric disabilities become contagious?

    I like the quote from the Intel guy ...

    maybe they should consider moving jobs back here?

    KK needs to give references to her claims cuz she's starting to sound Bachmann like.

  2. I'm glad Katherine is around to tell the truth about how Obama and the socialists in power are actually making the economy worse with their radical policies and agenda. You sure won't hear it from anyone else at the Star Democrat Tribune.

  3. "I'm glad Katherine is around to tell the truth"

    PANTS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!

  4. Greg, I'm sure you prefer reading Comrade Nicoli Coleman's communist rant?

  5. I normally don't like Slick Nick ..

    but this weeks is pretty decent.

  6. "I normally don't like Slick Nick .."

    But you do like Slick Willy and Slick Barry!

  7. Who or what are you talking about

  8. "Who or what are you talking about"

    Clinton and Obama.

  9. Comrade Obama to Call for Major Infrastructure Spending:

    Obamanomics=“If throwing an anvil to a drowning man doesn't save him, throw him another one.”

    You can't tax and spend your way out of a recession, but it's becoming clear that Obama and the socialists are trying to take our economy down on purpose, because Capitalism is flawed and we need to start from scratch with Communism.

  10. There's an old saying that you need to spend money to make money ..

    I'd suppose you'd approve of your candidates of choice borrow and spend theory?

    You really don't understand economics D2.

  11. "There's an old saying that you need to spend money to make money .."

    What Obama is doing ISN'T making money Greg, just the opposite.

    "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle"
    -Winston Churchill

  12. "The socialist democrats are in complete control of this country and can pass basically anything they want, including gay marriage, but they won't. Homophobic Bigots!"

    Good point Greg.

  13. No, lying extremists are in control of this country ..

    people like Bachmann, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Olberman, Matthews, Pelosi,etc ..

    filling the airwaves with lies.

  14. "lying extremists are in control of this country .."

    Yes, radical socialists like Barack Hussein Obama, Keith Hakim Ellison (DFL), Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

  15. "Yes, radical socialists like Barack Hussein Obama, Keith Hakim Ellison (DFL), Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. "

    Can you show any of their lies D2?

    I can show you some from Palin, Bachmann, Limbaugh and Beck.

  16. "Can you show any of their lies D2?"


    "The economy is heading in the right direction"
    -Socialist Barack Hussein Obama

    "We need to increase spending on government projects to get the economy back on track"
    -Nation of Islam goon Keith Hakim Ellison(DFL)

  17. You call that proof?

    There are good and bad indicators right now D2. And government projects require private business which employ folks.

    So .. how are those things lies?

  18. And D2, you need to post the source of the quotes ..

    you also missed a couple of those you accused.


    Last year, even as he struggled through the worst of the recession, Chris Upham said revenue at his District-based real estate and construction businesses doubled -- allowing him to hire two agents.

    But Upham said he hasn't increased his staff thus far in 2010 and he doesn't expect to for the remainder of the year.
    That's because his taxes rose sevenfold. And he said he anticipates they'll increase again if the Bush tax cuts for people earning $250,000 and above expire at the end of the year.

    As small businesses try to plot their recovery, attention is turning to what many owners consider burdensome policies -- higher taxes, new accounting procedures and health-care mandates. Even as the government tries to help with an array of small-business initiatives, many owners say the intervention is as much a hindrance to hiring as the faltering economy.

    Their perceptions are important because the Obama administration is counting on small-business owners like Upham, whose ranks represent more than half the U.S. workforce, to jump-start the economy, much like they did after downturns in the early 1990s and 2001.

    Learn more at:

  20. "There are good and bad indicators right now D2"

    The only good indicators we have right now is that the democrat socialist party will no longer control Congress after they are voted out in November.

  21. No proof .. imagine that. Just goof ball rhetoric.

  22. "No proof .. imagine that."

    Just watch Greg, the American people are very angry with the democrat party for doing everything wrong in trying to "fix" the economy, and they will vote them out in November.

  23. "Just watch Greg, the American people..."

    You don't even dispute that you and your ideology are spreading lies in order to get power.


  24. More lies from the 6th's congressperson/liar.

  25. So why should I believe this guy?

  26. "More lies from the 6th's congressperson/liar."

    Greg, Taxin' Tarryl WAS in favor of raising taxes on all the things Jim the election guy mention, including raising taxes on beer. The ad should have been given an A-, but a liberal obviously graded it.

  27. "So why should I believe this guy?"

    Greg, Emmer makes a lot more sense than liberal lunatic trust fund baby Mark Dayton who thinks we can tax our way to prosperity.

  28. MB lied again D2 .. she LIED!!!!

    What is it with you right wing fascist extremists and your affection for lying D2?

  29. MB lied again D2 .. she LIED!!!!

    No she didn't.

    The biggest liar out there right now is Obama trying to tell us the economy is getting better and still blaming Bush for problems created by Obama's own idiotic socialist policies. Why don't you attack him Greg?

  30. D2 .. she lies alot ..

    and she's an embarrassment ..

  31. Greg,

    You seem to have a problem with conservative women, but I can assure you her (Taxin' Tarryl) opponent would be a rubber stamp for Obama's failed socialist policies and would be bad for America.

  32. "You seem to have a problem with conservative women.."

    No .. just compulsive liars.

  33. "No .. just compulsive liars."

    Then why are you a liberal democrat Greg? The lib's have been lying to us about everything to get their socialist agenda passed.

  34. "Then why are you a liberal democrat Greg?"

    I'm not.

    "The lib's have been lying to us about everything to get their socialist ...."

    Blah, blah, blah ..

    They all lie, but some lie more ..

    you seem to be attracted to the biggest liars.

  35. "It's Bachmanns fault."

    You sound just like your fellow leftist Barack Hussein Obama with his non-stop lie "It's Bush's fault"

  36. "You sound just like your fellow leftist Barack Hussein Obama with his non-stop lie "It's Bush's fault" "

    No, I'm pretty sure it was Cheney ..

    with Bachmann advising.

  37. The Somali-American youths who have disappeared from their Twin Cities homes "are part of a disquieting trend that has emerged in recent years" in the form of homegrown terrorism, according to the report by the Washington-based Bipartisan Policy Center's National Security Preparedness Group.

    According to the report, federal officials failed to realize that Somali-American youths traveling from Minnesota to Mogadishu in 2008 to join extremists were not isolated individuals. Instead, the movement was one among several instances of a broader, more diverse threat that has surfaced across the country.

    The report concludes: "Our long-held belief that homegrown terrorism couldn't happen here (liberal idiots) has thus created a situation where we are today stumbling blindly through the legal, operational and organizational minefield of countering terrorist radicalization and recruitment occurring in the United States."

    Last month, federal officials announced the indictments of 14 people -- including 12 Minnesotans -- for allegedly providing support to Al-Shabab, a Somali group that the U.S. State Department has classified as a terrorist organization. Over the past two years, Minneapolis has been at the center of a sweeping investigation into the recruitment of 20 or so young men to train and fight with Al-Shabab.

    Local FBI officials have acknowledged that those who left Minneapolis have raised fears that some could return to commit violence here.

    And yet liberal multiculturalists are flying Muslim Somali "Refugees" to Minnesota by the thousands from Africa at taxpayers expense to enrole in our welfare system and increase our risk of Islamic terror.


  39. It's really sad that some people use this day to instill even more hatred ...

    they're cowards.

  40. Since when is telling the truth hatred Liberal Greg?

  41. "Since when is telling the truth hatred Liberal Greg? "

    I thought you'd be out burning books or something ...

  42. "I thought you'd be out burning books or something ..."

    I don't think that's a constructive way to expose the flaws of Islam. A better way would be to publically read a few of the many passages from the Koran which instruct followers to kill infidels and Jews, and treat women like animals.

    Enjoy this website if you dare Liberal Greg:

    "Sunni suicide bombers targeting Shia pilgrims in Pakistan during Islam's holiest month helped make this a Ramadan to remember. In all, the Religion of Peace racked up over a thousand dead bodies across twenty-two countries!(The competition combined for only one)

    Looks like Muslims like to kill other Muslims who aren't Muslim enough as well!

  43. "Looks like Muslims like to kill other Muslims who aren't Muslim enough as well! "

    They're called extremists ...

    look in the mirror if you've never seen one.

  44. "They're called extremists ..."

    Exactly! And a high percentage of Muslims are extremists, even in the United States like the Imam who wants to build a Victory Mosque on Ground Zero and won't consider moving to another location. Muslims have a history of and LOVE to build Mosques on top on points of conquest, like Christian cemetaries for example.

    Open up your eyes Liberal Greg for the cryin' out loud!

  45. "And a high percentage of Muslims are extremists.."

    You're lying.

  46. Great informative video for misinformed liberals like Greg:


  47. "You're lying"

    Poll reveals 40 percent of Muslims want sharia law in UK:

    Do you like Muslim Sharia law imposed on society Greg? Is 40% of an immigrant group demanding that distubing to you at all? Do you think immigrants who want to replace existing law which they don't respect with Muslim Sharia law will be good citizens? Why don't you think this nonsense can happen here, especially with our new Somali/Islamic terror in Minnesota.

    Go ahead Greg, just call me a racist for being concerned about our safety and way of life.

  48. "Go ahead Greg, just call me a racist ...."

    You're a racist ..

    and a liar.

  49. The Daily Telegraph has been politically conservative in modern times. The personal links between the paper's editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with the paper's influence over Conservative activists, has resulted in the paper commonly being referred to, especially in Private Eye, as the Torygraph.

    The papers sources are often questioned without any response.

  50. "The Daily Telegraph has been politically conservative in modern times"

    I suppose you prefer liberal newspaper like the Star Democrat Tribune which refused to report that ObamaCare is actually raising the costs of private health insurance instead of lowering it like the democrats who crammed it through against the will of the American people promised?

    Or the fact that they don't give accurate descriptions of dangerous criminal suspects, unless they are white?

    Why do you like it when the liberal media filters out important news in order to be politically correct and help pass their leftist agenda?

  51. Anytime you write 'fact', I know it's a lie D2.

  52. "Gingrich is an idiot hack"

    Where's the link? And don't point to a George Soro's site.


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